译者按:据以色列媒体《最新新闻报》(the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper)11月5日报道,以色列将开出有史以来最高解救人质奖赏——劫持者(看管者,也包括普通加沙人)每释放(解救)一名被哈马斯扣押的以色列人质,就可获得500万美元奖金,以色列还负责安排劫持者去第三国定居的安全通道!
Israel offers $5 million and safe passage for release of Hamas hostages, sources say
Netanyahu meets with hostage families and sets price for each released captive, offering safe passage for captors to third country as part of deal; sources say communication with mediators ongoing, hoping to reach deal while Biden still in office
Israel has offered $5 million for
the release of each hostage held by Hamas, along with safe passage for the
captors to a third country, in a bid to secure their freedom, sources familiar
with the matter said Tuesday.熟悉内情的消息人士周二(11月4日)称,以色列已提出:(如果劫持者释放被哈马斯扣押的人质)每释放一名人质,以色列将支付500万美元酬金,并为劫持者(看守者)提供前往第三国的安全通道。 Officials are working to publicize the offer through various channels, hoping to incentivize those holding the hostages.以色列官员正努力通过各种渠道宣传这一提议,希望以此激励那些扣押人质的人。
Israeli officials also believe that a "renewed momentum" for advancing a deal could emerge after the U.S. elections. The sources said that communication with mediators is ongoing,primarily to explore whether Hamas can be persuaded to soften its demands,
which currently include ending the war and a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.以色列官员还认为,在美国大选之后,可能会出现推动达成协议的“新势头”。消息人士称,与中间人的沟通正在进行中,主要是探讨能否说服哈马斯软化其要求。哈马斯目前的要求包括停战和以色列从加沙全面撤军。 Several options are reportedly on the table, including a limited initial deal (similar to Egypt's proposal), a phased agreement or a single comprehensive deal. However, all options face significant challenges.
据了解,有几种方案正在讨论中,包括有限的初步协议(类似于埃及的提议)、分阶段协议、或一项全面协议。然而,所有方案都面临重大挑战。 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
held an extended assessment on the hostage situation Sunday night, with more
talks expected in the coming days. Netanyahu also met with families of the
hostages Monday evening.周日(11月3日)晚上,内塔尼亚胡总理就人质事件进行了长时间的评估,预计未来几天还将举行更多会谈。周一(11月4日)晚上,内塔尼亚胡还会见了人质的家属。 Officials anticipate that the
U.S. election results will greatly impact negotiations, with President Joe
Biden reportedly determined to finalize a deal before his term ends in January.
The election outcome could influence mediators—Egypt and Qatar—as well as
Hamas, as all parties seek to demonstrate their willingness to reach an
agreement and end the war.以色列官员们预计,美国大选结果将对谈判产生重大影响,据报道,拜登总统决心在一月份任期结束前敲定协议。大选结果可能会影响中间人(如埃及和卡塔尔)和哈马斯,因为各方都在努力表明,他们愿意达成协议并结束战争。