
阿特网 2023-12-15 09:37:28


花朝绽放的自由香气The Free Fragrance of Blooming During Birthday of Flowers

‘食色性也’的真谛在近世科学的透视镜下掀开了新页。味蕾的普世魅力背后还隐藏一个秘密,就是味觉享受其实源自于嗅觉。实验室声称:口腔的味道,九成以上来自嗅觉。所以 ‘香气袭人’才是‘性也’之本。难怪历代雅士偏爱时花

The true meaning of "The desire for food and sex is nature" has opened a new page in the perspective of modern science. Behind the charm of taste buds lies a secret, which is that the enjoyment of taste actually comes from the sense of smell. Experiments have shown that over 90% of the taste in the oral cavity comes from the sense of smell. So, the essence of "sex is nature" is smell good. No wonder scholars throughout history have favored flowers.

2018“阆苑仙葩”前波画廊2018"Flowers and Plants In the Immortal Realm"Chambers Fine Art


2018"Flowers and Plants In the Immortal Realm"Chambers Fine Art


The true meaning of "The desire for food and sex is nature" has opened a new page in the perspective of modern science. Behind the charm of taste buds lies a secret, which is that the enjoyment of taste actually comes from the sense of smell. Experiments have shown that over 90% of the taste in the oral cavity comes from the sense of smell. So, the essence of "sex is nature" is smell good. No wonder scholars throughout history have favored flowers.


2018"Flowers and Plants In the Immortal Realm"Chambers Fine Art

世外桃源之二  油画、鞋、蜡、亚克力板   2018Arcadia No.2Oil painting, shoes, candle, acrylic sheet33x46x33cm


In today's changing times and consumer society, the dominance of diverse ideologies over thoughts and senses has emerged as a strange tactic. How to maintain human authenticity is truly the primary concern for artists. China began to fully accept the impact of consumer culture in the 1990s, and the artistic trend faced a new challenge after the "Eighth Five Year Plan". The nerves of most artists were immediately stirred by the new cultural significance, and the focus of their creations was adjusted accordingly. Cai Jin, who was still a newcomer at the time, was also among them. The difference is that the new trend that Cai Jin feels is not about the drastic changes in ideological trends, but about the sensory space and emotional charm that the economy of the new era is competing for.

世外桃源之三  油画、鞋、蜡、亚克力板   2018Arcadia No.2Oil painting, shoes, candle, acrylic sheet33x46x33cm

世外桃源之四  油画、鞋、蜡、亚克力板   2018Arcadia No.4Oil painting, shoes, candle, acrylic sheet33x46x33cm

世外桃源之五  油画、鞋、蜡、亚克力板   2018Arcadia No.5Oil painting, shoes, candle, acrylic sheet33x46x33cm

她在这里嗅到了一丝自由的空气。那不是新自由商业的空气,也不是对旧生活的反抗,而是来自彻底摆脱一切抽象思潮的人性空间。路边腐朽的美人蕉叶在不经意之间惊动了肉体的欲望, 使蔡锦不顾一切地投入她对这个感觉的描述,企图在重复的画题下陈述一个人性的真谛。肉体的感性欲望突然把人与天地的生命結合一起,神奇地解脫了所有的社会束缚。她在乡村路边嗅到了花神的召唤。

She smelled a hint of free air here. That is not the air of new free commerce, nor a rebellion against old life, but a human space that completely breaks free from all abstract ideas. The decaying beauty banana leaves on the roadside inadvertently aroused the desire of the body, causing Cai Jin to recklessly immerse herself in her description of this feeling, attempting to state the true essence of human nature under repeated painting titles. The sensory desire of the body suddenly combines human life with that of heaven and earth, miraculously freeing us from all social constraints. She smelled the call of the Flower God on the rural roadside.

天台上的浴缸  2020  元典美术馆武清分馆Bathtub On The RoofYuan Art Museum In Wuqing

黄色花枝  布面油画Yellow Flower BranchOil on canvas

花朝节在每年二月中旬,订于华夏情人节的元宵之后一个月,当天举国为百花庆祝生日。花朝节传统的深意,或许正是为了食色之性的人性庆祝生日。在声色和口腹之欲的背后,在花貌与风月的情景的掩护之下,花气不动声色地开启了人性的感性如来,动员了被神教和政教所压抑的天地之心,由是打开了超越社会制度与任何宗教信仰的自由天地。十二花神的秘笈看来竟是季节的花香, 袭人的香气才是欲望的钥匙。人性本来的情欲,不由得意识型态支配,那是与生俱来的自由。



The Northern Huachao Festival is held in the middle of February every year, one month after Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival), the Chinese Valentine's Day. On that day, the whole country celebrates the birthday of all flowers. The traditional significance of the Flower Festival may be to celebrate birthdays for the human nature of food and sex. Behind the scenes of sound, color, and desire for food, and under the cover of the beauty of flowers and the beauty of the moon, flower quietly opens up human emotions, shaking the suppressed heart of heaven and earth, and thus opening up a free world beyond social systems and any religious beliefs. The secret of the Twelve Flower Gods seems to be the fragrance of flowers in the season, and the lingering fragrance is the key to desire. The inherent desire of human nature is innate freedom.

No wonder Cai Jin is so obsessed with various flower immortals and gods.

Text/Zhang Songren

October 1, 2017

1965 生于安徽屯溪1986 毕业于安徽师范大学艺术系现居北京,职业艺术家1965 Born in Tunxi, Anhui Province1986 Graduated from the Art Department of Anhui Normal UniversityCurrently lives in Beijing, professional artist

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