
阿特网 2023-12-06 09:49:33




哈姆雷特注脚, 行为摄影,2016,丹麦哈姆雷特城堡

I have known Yimei since 2010. I have been very well acquainted with her photographic work since that time and have witnessed her at work in London, Berlin and Shanghai.

Yimei is an exceptional talent. She is completely fearless in composing her photographs with herself at center stage no matter who or what is around. Both defiant and vulnerable, her poses highlight human fragility and isolation in the everyday world. She connects emotionally with the world through the lens of a mobile phone, a tool of the mass mediums, which all too often is used for inane selfies. By contrast, in Yimei’s hands the mobile phone is a rapier of truth which highlights the human condition.

Her passion for art and cultural experience in all its genres is captivating and she brings a sense of adventure and passion to everyone she comes in contact with.

Francis Pike

Francis Pike (UK) studied history at Cambridge, adviser to Photo London, critic and art collector, author of monumental Empires at War and Hirohito's War.

翻墙,行为摄影,2019Over the Wall,performance photograph,2019


头发与世界的关系系列之一Link the World with Her Hair Series

一个人的开幕式,2019,北京上苑One Person’s Opening Ceremony, 2019



打包我,行为摄影,2021,上海一枚工作室Pack Me,2021




一枚,本名王轶梅,艺术家、诗人,上海对外经贸大学副教授,两届英国中兰开夏大学访问学者。居于上海。多年囿于校园讲学跨文化和语言文学课的一枚,终于在2012年夏天的某个时刻毅然决意地转向艺术领域,从而开启了艺术和诗歌的自由灵性之旅。这一转身一发不可收拾,借助自媒体,以她富有挑战和惊艳的姿态,连同她主持的艺术沙龙迅速走入公共视野。她把镜头对准自己,以发丝和身体为媒介,切入当下语境,将实景现实和超实景现实互构在同一时空中,以此来展现和表达个体与社会、文化和自然之间的多维度和多元化的关系。主要个展和群展有《头发与世界的关系》(上海,2016),《一枚》(北京,2019),Art Centro双个展(纽约,2017),《一枚躺》(深圳,2021),《土耳其-中国:2021艺术互动的爱、宽容与和平在线展览》,《共享的危机》国际网络展 (2020),《爱要发电》当代女艺术家群展 (上海,2021),《奥拉•她视界》国际女性艺术家群展(杭州,2022), 2018年获红门国际艺术驻留“中国新锐艺术家奖”。

Yi Mei, WANG Yimei as real name, artist and poet. Associate professor of Shanghai University of Int’l Business & Economics, Visiting scholar twice at University of Central Lancashire in UK.Lives in Shanghai.Confined on campus for years, teaching Intercultural & language courses, she finally, on a moment in summer of 2012, made a resolute determination to turn to art field, thus embarking on her journey of freedom and spirituality.That moment of her life is overwhelming.Via self media, she was swiftly drawn into public attention with her defiant and stunning poses as well as her art salon.She focuses lens upon herself,with hair and body as media. By cutting into current context,she places realistic and surrealistic scenarios in the same time and space, or they are mutually constructive, so as to display and convey the multi-dimensional and multi-cultural correlations between the individual and the society, culture and nature.Her major solo and group exhibitions include:Link the Word with Her Hair (Shanghai,2016),YI MEI (Beijing, 2019), Art Centro Double Show (NY,2017), BETWEEN (Shen Zhen,2021), Turkey-China:2021 online Art Exhibition of Interactive Love, Tolerance and Peace, Sharing Crisis int’l Online Exhibition (2020),Love Generates Power Contemporary Women Artists Exhibition (2021), HOLARTE•SHE Int’l Feminist Artists Exhibition (Hang Zhou, 2022);2018 received Emerging Chinese Artists Award by Red Gate Int’l Residency Program.

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