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1956 出生于山东1983 毕业于山东艺术学院现居北京,中国人民大学教授、研究生导师,中国美术家协会副主席中国油画家学会理事,中国美协油画艺委会委员,中国美术馆学术委员会委员1956 Born in Shandong1983 Graduated from Shandong University of ArtsCurrently lives in Beijing, Professor and Graduate Supervisor at Renmin University of China, Vice Chairman of the China Artists Association, Director of the Chinese Oil Painters Association, member of the Oil Painting Art Committee of the China Artists Association, and member of the Academic Committee of the National Art Museum of China

胶东湾  布面油画  2023Jiaodong BayOil on canvas180×200cm

天上的鸟,海里的鱼  布面油画  2023 180x200cm



新生的芬芳  布面油画  2018 160×200cm

走, 我们到哪里去  布面油画  2018 180x200cm

The Heart Has A Flying Bird

The freehand or imagery of oil painting is the most distinctive and challenging localization feature of oil painting transplantation in China. The generation of this characteristic is both conscious and unconscious. Consciousness refers to the fact that Chinese oil painters always try to creatively transform the brushwork and ink interest of Chinese painting into the form and color expression of oil painting; Unconsciously refers to the collective subconscious of this transformation with national cultural aesthetic psychology. Regardless of self-awareness or strength, the aesthetic psychology of national culture plays a role in the form and color of Chinese oil paintings. Because freehand brushwork is not just about brushwork, but also about the poetic quality of freehand brushwork, which is a natural reflection of the literary mind. However, transplanting and grafting this foreign language to give it a poetic and freehand style is not an easy task, which makes the oil painters who truly shine with freehand brushwork more and more brilliant in the history of Chinese oil painting.

山盟海誓  布面油画  2018Solemn Pledge of LoveOil on canvas50x60cm

起飞  布面油画  2018Take OffOil on canvas180×200cm


去远方  布面油画  2017~2018Go Far awayOil on canvas180×200cm

小花旦  布面油画  2018Little HuadanOil on canvas60x50cm

Yan Ping is undoubtedly a representative painter of contemporary freehand oil painting, and a master of freehand oil painting who, following Pan Yuliang, Guan Zilan, Li Qingping, and others, expresses the meaning of women's lives with grand and heroic emotions. The reason why Yan Ping's oil paintings stand out among her contemporaries is because her paintings have a grand layout and a magnificent atmosphere. She never gets entangled in those trivial descriptions, but always manages to grasp the overall picture with a majestic momentum that dominates the world, as Su Shi, the pioneer of literati painting, said, "The breath has been swallowed before the pen reaches it." Of course, her outstanding performance is also due to her free and personalized control of oil painting forms and colors. Her lack of emphasis on form does not mean that she does not follow the structural rules of form. On the contrary, the enduring images in her paintings are intentionally exaggerated after strengthening the structural design, and are a reconstruction of the lines expressing her inner thoughts; Similarly, she is not limited to the reproduction of conditional light and color, but this does not mean that her paintings lack the tonality of colors. On the contrary, the beautiful colors in her paintings always form a new tonal relationship between the variations or comparisons of cold and warm colors, and her creations are always reflected in her extraordinary and romantic transcendence of real colors, thus forming a dreamlike journey of stunning hues and tones.

我不是美人鱼  布面油画  2016I'm Not A MermaidOil on canvas180x200cm

吸引  布面油画  2014Appeal ToOil on canvas200x180cmx2

柔软的心  布面油画  2013Soft HeartOil on canvas140x240cm


文/尚辉(中国美协理论委员会主任)2016年6月16日  于北京

相亲相爱不孤单不孤单  布面油画  2013 160×200cm

孤独如昔  布面油画  2012Lonely As EverOil on canvas180×200cm

Obviously, Yan Ping's exploration of the freehand brushwork of oil painting is a language transformation of the freehand spirit of Chinese painting, based on fully utilizing the form and color of oil painting. It is a re creation of the subjective expression of form and color in Chinese poetic culture by European post impressionists. The lines in her paintings are both decisive, robust, and flexible, full of elasticity. The colors in her paintings are both subtle and expressive, especially how to use virtual realism and black to dominate other ever-changing color blocks, all of which reflect her profound understanding of Chinese ink painting art. "The Heart Has A Flying Bird" not only expresses the painter's yearning for the free and simple Eden, but also reveals the painter's creative method of not being limited to reproduction and daring to transcend reality and explore spirit.

Text/Shang HuiDirector of the Theoretical Committee of the China Artists Association June 16, 2016, Beijing

你是我的潘安貌  布面油画  2008 180×200cm

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