
阿特网 2024-01-05 09:32:57

1963 出生于浙江温州,毕业于中央美术学院,现任中央美术学院艺术管理与教育学院教授、博士生导师。

陈淑霞是中国当代重要的女性艺术家。她的视觉图像所表达的是扑面而来的直白,一种岁月恬淡以及细致入微地个性化的经验体察。凸显出个人生活感悟之中的衍变和延展,质朴而简单。从九十年代的“原色”出发,到“虚实两境”、“山水间”,再到“此在”、“边际”,以及近期的“凸然”,多个不同时期的创作阶段,陈淑霞通过对照过往的现实,将自我精神投射到绘画创作之中,呈现出特有的自我思想内核与视觉图像。在“此在”和“边际”主题意象作品中,山石、云水、树木元素或隐或现地贯穿于陈淑霞创作中,而画布上的那些“空无”,则流淌着陈淑霞对传统中国绘画气韵充盈、虚实相生的见解与境界。长期不懈地创作所获得的艺术修养,以及内心丰沛的精神力量成就了一位女性艺术家对巨大尺幅画布的驾驭和掌控能力。无论创作形式语言、主题或是生活记忆,陈淑霞都在不断地追寻探索着艺术风格的演进与变异。1963 Born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and currently serves as a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Art Management and Education of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Chen Shuxia is an important contemporary female artist in China. Her visual images convey a straightforward and nuanced sense of experience, a sense of time and tranquility. Highlighting the evolution and extension of personal life perception, plain and simple.   Starting from the "Primary Colors" in the 1990s, to the "Virtual and Real Realms", "Between Mountains and Rivers", and then to the "Being There" and "The Edge", as well as the recent "Protruding Nature", Chen Shuxia has projected her own spirit into her painting creations by comparing past reality, presenting a unique self thinking core and visual image. In her works on the themes of "Being There" and "The Edge", elements of mountains, rocks, clouds, water, and trees are either hidden or present throughout Chen Shuxia's creations, while the "emptiness" on the canvas conveys Chen Shuxia's insights and realm of traditional Chinese painting, which is full of charm and complements reality and emptiness. The artistic cultivation gained through long-term and unremitting creation, as well as the abundant spiritual power within, have enabled a female artist to master and control the vast canvas. Whether in terms of creative form, language, themes, or life memories, Chen Shuxia is constantly pursuing and exploring the evolution and variation of artistic style.

动容  布面油画  2021 Moving Oil on Canvas 56×36cm×6

A 好牌-2  布面油画  2021Winning Cards - The Two 58x38cmx4

极光  布面油画  2022AuroraOil on Canvas45x124cm

道听  布面油画  2022HearsayOil on Canvas124x274cm

东渐  布面油画  2022EastwardOil on Canvas183x308cm

天际  布面油画  2022 Skyrim Oil on Canvas183x308cm

天象  布面油画  2022Astronomical Phenomena 183x308cm

心象  布面油画  2022Mental ImageOil on Canvas183x308cm

成橙  布面油画、玻璃钢  2021OrangeOil on Canvas, Fiberglass42x45cm

苔  布面油画、玻璃钢  2021MossOil on Canvas, Fiberglass42x43cm

形迹  布面油画  2021TraceOil on Canvas360x210cm

绿踪  布面油画  2021Trail in the GreenOil on Canvas360x210cm


2022 心象——陈淑霞作品展,亚洲艺术中心,北京,中国

2021 @武汉·2021 陈淑霞,湖北美术馆,武汉,中国

2020 好牌——陈淑霞作品展,亚洲艺术中心,北京,中国

2019 边·际——陈淑霞个展,美仑美术馆,长沙,中国

2015 此在——陈淑霞作品展,香港大学美术博物馆,香港,中国

2009 相隔有多远——陈淑霞作品展,何香凝美术馆,深圳,中国

2006 虚实两境—陈淑霞作品展,中国美术馆,北京;上海美术馆,上海,中国

1995 陈淑霞作品展,深圳美术馆,深圳,中国


2023 成都双年展,成都市美术馆,成都,中国2022 武汉双年展,武汉美术馆,武汉,中国

2020 济南国际双年展,山东美术馆,济南,中国

2019 库里蒂巴国际当代艺术双年展  库里蒂巴奥斯卡 ·尼迈耶博物馆,库里蒂巴,巴西

2010 韩国釜山国际双年展,釜山,韩国

2006 展开的现实主义——1978年以来中国大陆油画,台北市立美术馆,台北,中国

2000 二十世纪中国油画展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

1991 新生代艺术展,中国国家博物馆,北京,中国

1988 阿尔勒国际艺术节,阿尔勒,法国

Selected Solo Exhibitions2022 Mental Image — Exhibition of Chen Shuxia's Works, Asian Art Center, Beijing, China2021 @ Wuhan · 2021 Chen Shuxia, Hubei Art Museum, Wuhan, China2020 Winning Cards — Exhibition of Chen Shuxia's Works, Asian Art Center, Beijing, China2019 The Edge — Chen Shuxia Solo Exhibition, Meilun Art Museum, Changsha, China2015 Being There — Exhibition of Chen Shuxia's Works, University of Hong Kong Museum of Fine Arts, Hong Kong, China2009 How far is apart — Exhibition of Chen Shuxia's Works, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China2006 Virtual and Real Realms — Exhibition of Chen Shuxia's Works, National Art Museum of China, Beijing; Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China1995 Chen Shuxia Works Exhibition, Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, ChinaSelected Jiont Exhibitions2023 Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu Art Museum, Chengdu, China2022 Wuhan Biennale, Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan, China2020 Jinan International Biennale, Shandong Art Museum, Jinan, China2019 Curitiba International Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Curitiba Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Curitiba, Brazil2010 Busan International Biennale, Busan, South Korea2006 The Realism That Unfolds — Oil painting in Chinese Mainland since 1978, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, China2000 20th Century Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China1991 Cenozoic Art Exhibition, National Museum of China, Beijing, China1988 Arles International Art Festival, Arles, France

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