
天翰英语 2024-10-22 10:35:04


英 ['verɪtəbl] 美 ['verɪtəbl]



“Veritable” 这个词源自拉丁语 “verum”,意为“真实的”或“真正的”。它是一个形容词,通常用来强调某物的真实性或确实性,特别是在描述具有显著特征或属性的事物时。随着时间的推移,“veritable” 逐渐成为现代英语中一个常用的词汇,用来增强陈述的真实性或准确性。


① 《纽约客》 (The New Yorker), 2023年7月12日

The restaurant served a veritable feast, with dishes ranging from delicate seafood to hearty meats.


② 《国家地理》 (National Geographic), 2023年5月20日

The expedition uncovered a veritable treasure trove of ancient artifacts, providing invaluable insights into the lost civilization.



在玛格丽特·米切尔的小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)中,描述战争后的场景时可能会用到 “veritable”:

In the aftermath of the war, Atlanta became a veritable ghost town, with many buildings reduced to ruins and the streets deserted.


◉Usage Examples

(1) This campaign took on the proportions of a veritable war against the peasantry .

(2) The show is a veritable reservoir of new talent.

(3) We found ourselves in the midst of a veritable fairyland.

(4) The public gave her a veritable ovation.

(5) This book is a veritable feast for the mind.

(1) 这次运动很大部份是反农民的真实的战争。

(2) 这个演出真是新秀集萃。

(3) 我们发现我们在名副其实的仙境中。

(4) 观众给了她一个真正的哄堂喝彩。

(5) 这是本给心灵带来真正快乐的书。

◉Usage Notes

When something is veritable it is true, or at least feels that way. "The trees and lights turned the campus into a veritable wonderland" means that the campus seemed to be transformed into a true wonderland (if there is such a thing).

Veritable comes from the Latin veritas which means true. But unlike true, it does not describe things like statements. It is often used to enhance the word that follows it. "A veritable cornucopia of food" is a lot of food of different varieties. If someone calls you "a veritable force of nature," they don't mean that you are actually a hurricane; they just mean that you have the unstoppable quality of a big old storm.


1. [ADJ 形容词]真正的,十足的,不折不扣的(用于强调大小、数量或性质等) You can use veritable to emphasize the size, amount, or nature of something. [usu a ADJ n] [emphasis]

...a veritable feast of pre-match entertainment.


...a veritable army of security guards.


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