
WORLDMADAM世界夫人 2022-06-01 13:35:42

caroline Gao,从90年代初期来到巴黎,上学和工作,再结婚生子,从事奢侈品行业至今 ,热心公益事业,曾历任法国北京协会副会长,欧洲华人旅游协会副会长,Red Club Paris (红色俱乐部)成员,参加2019年第二届世界生态设计大会(代表法国),世界杰出女性合作发展论坛。Better World Fund (世界更美好基金会)合作伙伴,现任Global CEO Clubs(全球执行总裁俱乐部)法国主席。

Mrs. Caroline Gao, came to Paris in the early 1990s. Ever since then, from studying, working to getting married and having child, she's fully engaged in luxury goods industry and been enthusiastic about charitable and public welfare activities. Mrs. Gao has served as the Vice President of the French Beijing Association and the European Chinese Tourism Association, member of Red Club Paris, participated in the 2nd World Eco-Design Conference in 2019 (representing France) and the World Outstanding Women's Cooperation and Development Forum. Also, she has acted as the Partner of Better World Fund (Better World Foundation) and the French President at Global CEO Clubs (Global Executive President Club).

由于各种机遇,她接触到世界夫人并且予以了解,世界夫人全球系列活动是由 Huang Annie 夫人发起,Lisa Chen夫人担任全球执行主席。是一个全球已婚女性盛会,其理念旨在链接世界各地在政治、经济、科技、文化等领域富有影响力的女性,是彰显已婚女性魅力的平台,通过 “王冠改变人生” 唤醒、鼓励更多的女性在为工作、家庭、下一代辛勤付出的同时,学习如何正确关爱自已,通过传播健康、美丽、爱心,树立更多幸福女性榜样,进而关心和参与社会公益活动,帮助贫困、残障妇女儿童,共同为促进 " 全球家庭共享和谐与幸福”愿景和目标而不懈努力,共同创造更和平,更美好的世界。而这也是她选择世界夫人的初衷。

Thanks to the various opportunities, Mrs. Gao has learnt more about World Madam, a global series event, which was initiated by Mrs. Annie Huang and delegated by Mrs. Lisa Chen, the global executive chairman.As a global event calling for married women to get connected, World Women provides a platform where influential women in all walks of life around the world manifest their charm and power, through "crown changes life", to wake up and encourage more women to learn caring for themselves in the midst of dedicating to work, family, and nurturing the next generation. By promoting health, beauty, and love, World Madam sets up more role models of happy women, who commit to philanthropic undertakings to help the poor and disabled women and children in achieving the vision and goal of "Global Families Share Harmony and Happiness", creating a more peaceful and better world. This is also Mrs. Gao's original intention of choosing Word Madam.

她的格言是 ,用全球执行总裁俱乐部的话: 独立自主是好的,但没必要让自己孤立无援。

Mrs. Gao's motto is, in the words of the Global CEOs Club: good to be independent, while not isolated and helpless.

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