
天翰英语 2024-07-15 09:54:44


英 ['ɪntəluːd] 美 ['ɪntərluːd]




“Interlude” 这个单词的词源可以追溯到拉丁语的 “interludium”,由 “inter”(表示 “在…之间”)和 “ludus”(表示 “游戏、表演”)构成。最初的意思是指两个戏剧场之间的短暂表演或休息时间。在英语中,“interlude” 的主要含义是 “插曲、间歇、过渡段落”,通常指在某个活动或事件中的暂时休息或变化。


① “The concert featured a soothing interlude in the middle of the intense performance, providing the audience a moment of calm.” 《纽约时报》 - 2023年7月


② “The film’s interlude, a short but impactful scene, offered a necessary break from the intense narrative.” 《卫报》 - 2023年9月


③ “The economic report included an interlude discussing recent trends in international trade before delving into the main analysis.” 《经济学人》 - 2023年10月


◉Usage Examples

(1) There will now be a 15-minute interlude.

(2) Apart from a brief interlude of peace, the war lasted nine years.

(3) Her time in Paris was a happy interlude in a difficult career.

(1) 现在有15分钟的中间休息。

(2) 除了一段短暂的和平,那场战争持续了九年。

(3) 她在巴黎期间是她艰辛的事业中一段愉快的插曲。

◉Usage Notes

An interlude is a brief period of time that comes in the middle of something. You might enjoy a relaxing lemonade interlude in the middle of a tough day at your road-paving job.

Any block of time that comes as a break or a respite from an activity can be called an interlude, so you could talk about a quiet interlude after a noisy birthday party, or an interlude of peace after years of war. Interlude is often used to describe the pauses between acts of a play or during an intermission. In fact, the original meaning came from the Latin interludium, which means "between a play".


1[N-COUNT 可数名词]插曲;间歇;幕间表演 An interlude is a short period of time when an activity or situation stops and something else happens.

It was a happy interlude in the Kents' life...


Superb musical interludes were provided by Sinclair.


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