
天翰英语 2024-05-29 02:30:25


英 [brʊk] 美 [brʊk]

n.小河;溪 vt.(常用于否定句或疑问句)容忍;忍受



“Brook” 这个单词源自中古英语的 “broc”,意为"小溪,小河"。


① The cabin was nestled beside a babbling brook, providing a peaceful retreat for the weary travelers.


——The New York Times - 2023年2月

② Children could be seen playing by the brook, skipping stones and laughing joyfully.


——The Guardian - 2023年5月

③ Environmentalists are concerned about pollution in the brook caused by industrial runoff.


——BBC News - 2023年8月

◉Usage Examples

(1) He jumped his pony across the brook.

(2) Before we drink much at a brook,it is well to know its source.

(3) By the brook, the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies.

(4) He will not brook any interference.

(5) Top students brook no intrusions on study time.

(1) 他使小马驹跳过了小河。

(2) 溪畔畅饮前,最好知其源。

(3) 在溪边,厨子在做钩形饼干之前查阅了一本食谱。

(4) 他不会容忍他人的任何干涉。

(5) 尖子学生不能容忍学习时间受到侵占。

◉Usage note

A brook is a small stream, as in "burbling brook." It also a stuffy way of saying "put up with." The lord of the manor might say, "I will brook no trespassing on my land."

Brook is tailor-made for talking about what you won't stand for—it's always "brook no..." If you brook no criticism of your friend, it means you won't let people speak ill of her. If you brook no brooks, it means you've developed a bizarre stream-hating fetish and will spend the rest of your days trying to stop their flow.


1. [N-COUNT 可数名词]小溪;小河 A brook is a small stream.

2. [VERB 动词]容许,忍受(他人的干预或反对) If someone in a position of authority will brook no interference or opposition, they will not accept any interference or opposition from others. [V n]

① From childhood on, she'd had a plan of action, one that would brook no interference...


② The army will brook no weakening of its power.


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