
幻树艺术空间 2023-10-27 11:49:43



The Year of Color: The First AAIPA International Abstract Art Exhibition (Online)



Abstract Artists IP Alliance



Yi Ting

总统筹Presidential candidate


Sun Hairong

艺术顾问Art consultants

徐适/Diana Roman(罗马尼亚)/Milan Pantelic(塞尔维亚)/邓捷(法国)/Helen Lowe(加拿大)/巴特/肖志坚

Xu Shi/ Diana Roman(Romania)/ Milan Pantelic(Serbia)/Deng Jie(France)/ Helen Lowe (Canada)/ Bart/ Xiao Zhijian

文化顾问Cultural Advisor


Dong Dafeng



Hebei Fantasy Tree Culture Media Co., Ltd.


Fantasy Tree Contemporary Art Museum


PART.1 怀念Miss

章有良 巴特 吉人 吴琼媛 罗力 张红艳

Laure de Juge Montespieu(France)

高泉强 许玉华 苏晓彬 范洁(Hungary)

严泽明 董向阳 黄纯 董达峰

PART.2 见证Witness

郝桂兰 万兆庆 田霞(Canada)倪泽玄

刘庸之 盛海鹰 梁蓝波 瀛瀛 姚丽双

Peggy LePoulen(France)方雨晴

王灏 罗若娜(USA)林宇新 贺宁 易婷

PART.3 期许Expectation

李永强 徐适 刘武 李明哲 揭衍扬 刘田慧

郑淋 韦安 Helen Lowe(Canada)

苏醒 黄玲 李治(USA)王乐松 吴文越

Alevtina Kovalenko(Russia)杨娟










Art is used to feel, and abstract art is even more so. The seemingly illogical and disorganized patterns and color variations always give people infinite imagination. More often than not, people focus not on its techniques or academics, but on the emotions conveyed and reflections on human nature and life contained in the blending and rendering of colors. Of course, only when people are willing to actively feel, can they truly experience the situation in the picture, the story behind the picture, and everything conveyed by the picture from their own perspective and state.

In this sense, the perfect presentation of an abstract work is also a co creator for the viewer. For example, each artwork in this exhibition will have different feelings when interpreted from different perspectives by different people. For the same individual, each painting may tell a story, a scene, or an emotion. However, when countless paintings are presented in front of them at the same time, it is like a movie, a period of time, or a kind of life, making people feel and have thoughts. Isn't this the charm of abstract art? The rendering of colors, the invisibility of images, and the unscrupulous interpretation make people more focused on their inner perception and spiritual collision.

The theme of this exhibition is "The Year of Color". I believe the organizer's real idea is to preset a certain context to guide people to appreciate abstract art, and the perception of life is a good starting point for understanding any form of art, and also the most resonating point. With such a situation, we come to appreciate these works seriously and immersively, believing that the feeling is very wonderful. Aren't these paintings with vastly different styles and rich colors depicting and expressing the fleeting years of our environment and life experiences? Just like the three small themes presented in the exhibition - nostalgia, witnessing, and expectations.

Appreciating abstract art, understanding and not understanding are relative. And the cultural and artistic cultivation of a person determines their aesthetic ability, which is absolute. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every abstract artist or platform to strive to make abstract art visible to more people and gradually accept it.

Please give me a thumbs up on the thoughtful efforts of the main organizer, Abstract Artists IP Alliance!

Leng Ru (media person, art critic)

October 25, 2023



PART.1 色彩光年•怀念Miss


Zhang Youliang


Zhang Youliang, born in 1963 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, is an international contemporary artist. Engaged in calligraphy and painting art for over 20 years, passionate about abstract art. Calligraphy and painting works have been exhibited multiple times at home and abroad and collected by the Xinhua News Agency Museum. In 2018, he won the special prize in the 10th Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Competition.

《无题-2023》铝板-丙烯 50cmX50cm 2023

《日暮乡关》水彩丙烯 60cmX60cm 2023

巴 特



Bat, born in 1964 in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, is a Mongolian ethnic group. He graduated from the first Advanced Training Course on Expressive and Abstract Art at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Currently, he is the Vice Chairman of the Calligraphy and Painting Working Committee of the China Cultural Management Association and the Deputy Director of the Curatorial Art Committee of the Shandong Artists Association. I currently work and reside in Beijing and Weihai, Shandong.

《剪不去的窗花系列之五》布面丙烯 160cmX160cm 2023

《剪不去的窗花系列之七》布面丙烯 110cmX110cm 2023

吉 人

Ji Ren


Ji Ren, a researcher at the Xu Beihong Painting Academy in China, is a national level artist. His paintings have won numerous awards in international art competitions. Multiple works have been collected and displayed at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing and Zhongnanhai.

《敦煌之一》卡纸 33.5cmX33.5cm 2023

《敦煌之二》卡纸 33.5cmX33.5cm 2023




Camille Gami (French name) is the secretary of the Taoyuan Art Association, a member of the Taiwan Women's Art Association, an art committee member of the Abstract Artists IP Alliance, an invited resident artist of the Taitung White Cold Society, an art broker for mainland artists, and a curator. The painting has been included in the "2018 Master of Contemporary Art" published by Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House. It is a special children's art teacher at Edgemill International School in Texas, a Taiwanese after-school children's art teacher, a junior high school art and music teacher, and an art teacher in the vocational education department.

《触动》水彩 26cmX38cm 2018

《暖暖》综合媒材 26cmX38cm 2019

罗 力

Luo Li


Luo Li is a professor at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, a master's supervisor, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a director of the Chinese Library and Ticket Society, a member of the World Chinese Art Education Society, and the deputy director of the Chongqing Artists Association Comprehensive Material Painting Art Committee. Former Director of the Department of Fine Arts Education at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts. His works have participated in national and national art exhibitions multiple times and have won awards. His works have been exhibited in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Czech Republic, Petersburg, Singapore, and other places. His works have been collected by art galleries, art institutions, and private individuals.

《时日系列之一》综合材料 160cmX100cm 2022

《时日系列之二》综合材料 160cmX100cm 2022


Zhang Hongyan


Zhang Hongyan, an associate professor, mainly engages in art creation through printmaking and currently resides in Nanchang, Jiangxi.

《宅兹中国一》独副版 45cmX60cm 2023

《宅兹中国三》独副版 45cmX60cm 2023

Laure de Juge Montespieu(France)


Laure de Juge Montespieu is an award winning French artist. she shares her time lecturing between France, New Zealand and China.


"Quantum 1" acrylic on wood 170cmx90cm 2023

“quantum 3”college on canvas 70cmx90cm 2023


Gao Quanqiang

高泉强,生于中国杭州,是活跃于国际当代水墨艺术界的知名艺术家、教授。毕业于中国美术学院,后又在该院任教从事专业绘画的教学。多年来,积极投入现代艺术的探索与实践并对此秉承着实验性和开放性的态度,使绘画更具国际性、现代性语境。现为美国Art Beverly高级合伙人、顾问,ACCA Gallery签约艺术家。

Gao Quanqiang, born in Hangzhou, China, is a renowned artist and professor active in the international contemporary ink and wash art industry. Graduated from the China Academy of Fine Arts and later taught professional painting at the institution. Over the years, we have actively invested in the exploration and practice of modern art, adhering to an experimental and open attitude, making painting more international and modern in context. I am currently a senior partner and consultant at Art Beverly in the United States, and a contracted artist at ACCA Gallery.

《无极之一》水墨 68cmx68cm 2023

《无极之三》水墨 68cmx68cm 2023


Xu Yuhua


Xu Yuhua, known as "Yishi", is currently a top-level artist (enjoying special government subsidies), a distinguished professor at Yunnan University, a distinguished professor at Jingdezhen College, a member of the China Arts Education Commission, Vice Chairman of Sketching China, Chairman of Sketching China Jingdezhen Branch, a distinguished painter at Jingdezhen Art Museum, and a high-level provincial-level talent in the "3+1+X" industry in Jingdezhen City.

《无题》油画 80cmx60cm 2022

《月色》油画 80cmx40cm 2021


Su Xiaobin


Su Xiaobin, a senior designer, graduated from Shantou University and engaged in packaging design.

《山花烂漫之一》纸本 69cmx128cm 2000

《山花烂漫之二》纸本 69cmx128cm 2000


Fan Jie(Hungary)


Fan Jie, residing in Hungary, is a creative painter at the Hanqing Academy of Contemporary Visual Arts in Europe.

《分崩离析》丙烯、综合材料 30cmx40cm 2023

《刚毅木讷》丙烯、综合材料 30cmx40cm 2023


Yan Zeming


Yan Zeming, an independent artist born in the 1980s and born in Yangchun, Guangdong, is currently studying at the Chinese National Academy of Painting.

《起风了1》布面油画 60cmx80cm 2023

《起风了2》布面油画 60cmx80cm 2023


Dong Xiangyang


Dong Xiangyang is an oil painter and Chinese painter (traditional Chinese painting and modern ink painting). Oil painting includes imagery oil painting, abstract oil painting, creative oil painting, and realistic works, mainly derived from life experiences and subconscious thinking. Traditional Chinese painting introduces the concept of Western modern art into Chinese painting, completely breaking through the barriers of traditional Chinese painting and striving to express contemporary artistic trends.

《气贯长虹》现代水墨 138cmx68cm 2020

《色彩缤纷》现代水墨 57cmx48.5cm 2019

黄 纯

Huang Chun


Huang Chun was born in Wenzhou in 1995 and currently resides in Hangzhou. Young artist, member of the Artists Association of Ouhai District, Wenzhou City, member of the Calligraphers Association of Ouhai District, member of the Poetry Couplet Society of Ouhai District, Wenzhou City, and member of the Crazy Communication Art Society.

《PHOENIX I》布面丙烯 20cmx20cm 2023

《PHOENIX II》布面油画 20cmx20cm 2023


Dong Dafeng


Dong Dafeng, whose ancestral home is Licheng, Shandong, resides in Nankai, Tianjin, and is from Julu, Hebei Province. Non well-known scholar, cross-border artist, museum researcher.His main works include "I am not a painter", "Mojiluo", "Shuangjiyang", "Mother", "Girl Borrowing a Mobile Phone", "Mo Wuyan", "Source", "Five Old Grannies", "Earth Desire Soul", "Don't Need to Speak Out", and so on.

《红叶赛似二月花》水墨 45cmx60cm 2023

《蓝色多瑙河》水墨 45cmx60cm 2023



PART.2 色彩光年•见证Witness


Hao Guilan


Hao Guilan, a member of the International Federation of Calligraphy and Painting Artists, is a professional painter and designer. Member of Inner Mongolia Artists Association, Director of Bayannur City Artists Association, Vice Chairman of Wuqian Banner Artists Association.

《大漠苍狼》油画 107cmx80cm 2023

《青蓝秘境》油画 107cmx80cm 2023


Wan Zhaoqing


Wan Zhaoqing, an independent Chinese artist. Graduated from the Chinese Department of Heilongjiang University in 1983. I currently reside in Weihai, Shandong. His works have won multiple awards and have been collected by the museum. He is a painting artist with a unique style, distinct personality, strong work recognition, and active creativity in contemporary Chinese art.

《喜笑颜开》布面丙烯 80cmx80cm 2023

《静观者》布面丙烯 80cmx80cm 2023


Tina Tian(Canada)

田霞(Tina Tian),1959年出生于中国,现生活居住在加拿大,加拿大华裔艺术家,收藏家,加拿大艺术家联盟会成员。

Tina Tian,born in 1959 in China,lives and works in Canada,Chinese Canadian artist and collector,member of the Canadian Artists' Union.

《透视系列之一》布面丙烯 2023

《透视系列之二》布面丙烯 2023


Ni Zexuan


Ni Zexuan, a freelance painter, was born in Balikun County, Xinjiang in 1967. He was admitted to the Department of Fine Arts at Xinjiang Normal University in 1988. In 1995, he founded the Haikou Shengyi Art Center, and in 2002, he founded the Jincheng Sculpture Center in Urumqi. In 2004, he won the gold award at the National Invitational Exhibition of Urban Sculpture. In 2010, he published four sets of historical comic books in Xinjiang, and in 2015, he published the album "Ni Zexuan's Oil Painting".

《原野》布面油画 80cmx60cm 2023

《金秋》布面油画 80cmx60cm 2023


Liu Yongzhi


Liu Yongzhi is a member of Chongqing Artists Association, Sichuan Artists Association, Honorary President of China Art Global Abstract Art Society, and Art Advisor of China Art International Contemporary Art Committee. He has traveled briefly to the United States six times and visited art museums such as New York and San Francisco to observe, verify, and research original works.

《蓝灰色的市井》布面油画 114cmx146cm 2022

《火柴》布面丙烯 59.8cmx80cm 2023


Sheng Haiying


Sheng Haiying, a contemporary artist. Director of the International Association of Abstract Artists, member of the Presidium and Executive Secretary of the China Art • International Contemporary Art Committee, member of the Abstract Artists IP Alliance Art Committee, member of the International Society of Female Artists, member of the Calligraphy and Painting Working Committee of the China Cultural Management Association, member of the China Art Platform, member of the Global Abstract Art Society, and member of New Knights International Art Union.

《2023黄色系列之一》布面丙烯 100cmx100cm 2023

《2023蓝色系列之一》布面丙烯 100cmx100cm 2023


Lampo Leong


Lampo Leong, PhD, Central Academy of Fine Arts, is currently a Distinguished Professor, Doctoral Advisor, Director of Center for Arts and Design at the University of Macau. Leong is also a Tenured Professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia in the USA and Visiting Professor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. He has served as curator and judge for over 60 art exhibitions and competitions. Leong’s work has been featured in Christie’s and in museums and galleries worldwide through more than 70 solo and over 415 juried and curated national and international group exhibitions, and has received over 100 awards, including a Gold Medal Award at the Creative Quarterly international art competition in New York, A’ Design Award in Italy, and China National Arts Fund. Leong’s works can be found in more than ten museum collections, such as the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and the Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University. Leong’s achievements have been documented in over 1000 reviews and publications internationally, including the front cover of the New Art International in New York and the Creative Genius: 100 Contemporary Artists in London.

《冰•火》3 數字水墨生成影像裝置 310cmx549cmx410cm 2023

《冰•火》8 數字水墨生成影像裝置 310cmx549cmx410cm 2023

瀛 瀛

Ying Ying

瀛瀛(法文名:Chloe),青年艺术家,2014年毕业于法国加莱美术学院 艺术系 ,硕士,先后在法国里尔、香港等地举办个展,曾荣获盛唐系列第四届《华夏杯中国书画大赛》一等奖。

Ying Ying (French name: Chloe), a young artist, graduated from the Art Department of the Calais Academy of Fine Arts in France in 2014 with a master's degree. She has held solo exhibitions in Lille, France, Hong Kong, and other places, and has won the first prize of the fourth "Huaxia Cup Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Competition" of Shengtang series.

《电子美丽》布面丙烯 160cmx200cm 2016

《幻影系列2》数字图像 2022

Peggy LePoulen(France)


Peggy worked in France as a textile designer in carpet furnishing. She discovered her enthusiasm and passion for artistic creation through ceramics and sculpture, the installation/situation of her works in exhibition spaces.

Arrived in Shanghai in 2006. She moved into painting and experimented with a wide range of techniques and materials adding more diverse media. His style is eclectic and varied, and has evolved and changed over the years.



calligraphy superimposed elements acrylic on canvas,100cmx100cmx3cm,2021

Graphic Elements 5 acrylic on canvas,40cmx40cmx3cm,2020


Yao Lishuang


Yao Lishuang, of the Mulao ethnic group, currently resides in Beijing. Graduated from Guangxi Academy of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, National First Class Artist, University Teacher, Artist, Curator. Member of the China Abstract Art Alliance, Member of the China Contemporary Women's Painting Association, Executive Vice Chairman of the International Abstract Artists Alliance, Vice President of the International Association of Female Artists, Member of the Japan International Art Research Institute, Member of the New York Contemporary Art Center, and Member of the Guangxi Artists Association. Published the "Yao Li's Double Oil Painting Works Collection". The works have been selected for art literature such as "World Art Collection", "World Art Genealogy", "Chinese Women's Art", and "Chinese New Contemporary Art Picture". The work has been selected for international art exhibitions multiple times and has been collected by collectors and art institutions both domestically and internationally.

《印迹 20220923》 布面油画 70cmx60cm 2022

《印迹 20220927》 布面油画 70cmx60cm 2022


Fang Yuqing


Fang Yuqing, a native of Yueyang, Hunan, enjoys daydreaming and doodling, and many of her works have been loved by collectors.

《断奶第一夜》 宣纸马克笔 35cmx35cm 2023

《信息茧房》 宣纸马克笔 35cmx35cm 2023

王 灏

Wang Hao


Wang Hao, a national first-class artist, is one of the representatives of contemporary Chinese ink painters, a member of the French International Federation of Artists and Designs, and the Deputy Secretary General of the Hebei Chinese Painting Research Association.

《山水之间》 彩墨 68cmx136cm 2023

《山之魂》 彩墨 68cmx136cm 2023


Luo Ruona(USA)


Luo Ruona (Luo Lie) is a professional painter and curator in New York and Beijing. I pursued my studies as a graduate student in contemporary oil painting creation at Tsinghua University of Fine Arts in 2011, a national first-class artist, a researcher at the Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute of the World Art Research Institute in New York, a member of the Overseas Chinese Artists Association, and the overseas chairman of the China Abstract Art Alliance.

《无题二》油画 80cmx60cm 2021

《无题三》油画 100cmx100cm 2017


Lin Yuxin


Lin Yuxin, born in 1968 in Baoding, Hebei Province, graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at Hebei Normal University in 1990. He is an associate professor and master's director at the School of Art at Hebei Agricultural University, and the vice president of the Hebei Academy of Fine Arts Education. He has been engaged in painting creation and local art research for over 30 years and has participated in multiple domestic art exhibitions.

《黑×白》纸本综合 83cmx57cm 2021

《新娘》纸、纤维综合 83cmx57cm 2020

贺 宁

He Ning


He Ning is an artist, teacher, member of the International Society of Female Artists, member of the International Federation of Abstract Artists, member of the International Photography Association, member of the NCIAA New Knights International Art Alliance, and member of the Abstract Artists IP Alliance. Currently, he lives and works in Shanghai, China.

《光芒之境》油画 120cmx160cm 2023

《玄》油画 100cmx100cm 2023

易 婷

Yi Ting

易婷,当代艺术家、策展人,幻树艺术空间创始人,抽象艺术家IP联盟艺术总监,新骑士国际艺术联盟秘书长,意大利Glamour Vision Milian杂志推荐艺术家。

Yi Ting is a contemporary artist, curator, founder of Fantasy Tree Art Space, artistic director of Abstract Artists IP Alliance, secretary general of New Knights International Art Alliance, and recommended artist by Glamour Vision Milian magazine in Italy.

《肆意》布面油画 60cmx90cm 2023

《浮生壁影》布面油画 50cmx60cm 2023



PART.3 色彩光年•期许Expectation


Li Yongqiang


Li Yongqiang is a painter at the China Art Platform Oil Painting Academy, a member of the China Art Platform, a member of the Hong Kong Artists Association, a member of the Shanxi Oil Painting Society, a member of the Contemporary Art Alliance, and a member of the Abstract Artists IP Alliance.

《城市系列-疫5》油画 120cmx160cm 2023

《咏叹涂川》油画 100cmx165cm 2023

徐 适

Xu Shi


Xu Shi, a famous artist, academic host, and curator, was born in Beijing and further studied in the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is the Chairman of the China International Abstract Art Alliance, Vice President of the China New Image Oil Painting Society, Vice Chairman of the French Artists Association, Director of the French Artists Association, Vice President of the Contemporary Art Research Institute of Li Keran Academy, Supervisor of the Oil Painting High Research Class of the School of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, Researcher of the National Rhyme Wenhua Calligraphy and Painting Institute of the Ministry of Culture, Artists Association Member of the Oil Painting Society, consultant of the Chinese Art Media Platform, and art consultant of the Abstract Artists IP Alliance.

《自然.音乐NO.145》布面综合 180cmx80cm 2023

《自然.音乐NO.159》布面丙烯 180cmx70cm 2023

刘 武

Liu Wu


Liu Wu, born in Xi'an, Shaanxi, is a freelance artist and a member of the Kunming Yuhua Art Salon. He is a member of the Sino French Art Exchange Association, a member of the China Art Platform, and a member of the Abstract Artists IP Alliance. He currently resides in Kunming, Yunnan.

《碧》纸本丙烯 47cmx51cm 2021

《孤影》布面丙烯 49cmx59cm 2022


Li Mingzhe


Li Mingzhe, a young artist, was born in Jilin City, Jilin Province in 2000 and graduated from Changchun Institute of Engineering in 2021.

《无题1》布面丙烯 170cmx200cm 2023

《无题2》布面丙烯 147cmx164cm 2023


Jie Yanyang


Jie Yanyang, a post-90s crossover artist, was born in Longyan, Fujian and currently resides in Xiamen. Creator of Shaanxi Contemporary Watercolor Powder Painting Research Institute, member of Xi'an Artists Association, member of Xiamen Huli District Artists Association, member of Xi'an Artists Association Watercolor Art Committee, and member of Abstract Artists IP Alliance. The work has been selected for over a hundred professional exhibitions online, offline, international, provincial and municipal levels, and has won awards.

《出水芙蓉1》纸本综合 109cmx78cm 2023

《出水芙蓉2》纸本综合 109cmx78cm 2023


Liu Tianhui


Liu Tianhui, a young artist, was born in Shanxi in 1996 and graduated with a master's degree from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts.

《情绪内耗-3》综合材料 130cmx140cm 2022

《情绪内耗-4》综合材料 120cmx120cm 2022

郑 淋

Zheng Lin


Zheng Lin graduated with a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. She is currently a graduate student at Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts. This series of works is an attempt to explore ink material experiments based on the proposition of the universe.

《碧宙》纸本设色 30cmx30cm 2021

《萤惑》纸本设色 30cmx30cm 2021

韦 安

Wei An


Wei An, an architect and painter, currently resides in Beijing. Member of the China Abstract Art Alliance, Executive Director of the International Abstract Artists Alliance, Academic Member and Deputy Secretary General of the Global Abstract Art Society, and Member of the Japan International Art Research Institute.

《空间2023.05.10》布面丙烯 100cmx80cm 2023

《空间2023.06.28》布面丙烯 230cmx230cm 2023

Helen Lowe(Canada)



Studied under huo Ran and Geng Xu of Central Academy of Fine Arts; wAmanda Tutor, Concordia University, Canada; Tutor Xu Shi, international master of abstract art. Currently living in Canada, her works have been invited to several Canadian Art exhibitions in Edmonton and Concordia University, Canada, and obtained certificates. In 2021, during the centennial celebration of Concordia University, her oil painting "Rebound Pipa" was permanently collected by the university and obtained the collection certificate. Currently, she is secretary general of ICPAA International Federation of Painting and Calligraphy Artists - Canadian Branch and Abstract Artist IP Alliance Art Consultant.

《搏》丙烯 40.6cmx50.8cm 2020

《玛丽》丙烯 40.6cmx50.8cm 2020

苏 醒

Su Xing


Su Xing, born in 1979 in Guangxi, currently residing in Shanghai. Professional art creator, designer, independent musician. Graduated from the School of Art, Guilin University of Technology.

《风过的时候肆意生长》丙烯 100cmx120cm 2023

《路的尽头都是方向》丙烯 60cmx80cm 2023

黄 玲

Huang Ling


Huang Ling, founder of Tai Chi imagery painting, executive director of the International Association of Abstract Artists, vice president of the International Society of Female Artists, member of the Presidium and Deputy Secretary General of the Global Association of Abstract Arts, Jiangxi Craftsman, and member of the Abstract Artists IP Alliance.

《溪边的欢乐》纸本水彩 66cmx67cm 2023

《知乎6.10.2023》纸本水彩 66cmx67cm 2023


Li Zhi(USA)


Li Zhi, a post-90s American painter, is a research fellow in oil painting and sculpture at the World Art Institute in New York. In 2018, a solo exhibition was held at the New York Museum of Art. The work was exhibited at the BAF Art Center in Manhattan, New York in 2023.

《无题二》油画 80cmx60cm 2018

《无题三》油画 18inchx24inch 2023


Wang Lesong


Wang Lesong, a freelance artist.

《不懂我,请别靠近我》数码 尺寸可变 2023

《无相生》数码 尺寸可变 2023


Wu Wenyue


Wu Wenyue, born in Shanghai, is an associate professor and designer. Graduated from the School of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University, studied graphic design in Denmark, and later obtained a doctoral degree in aesthetics from the School of Philosophy at Renmin University of China. I am currently a teacher at the Design Department of the School of Art, Renmin University of China. She has over 20 years of experience in education and design, including corporate image design, book design, poster design, and digital printing. She has won awards in professional competitions and exhibitions both domestically and internationally.

《开花》数码 20cmx20cm 2023

《平行世界的艺术》数码 21cmx21cm 2022

Alevtina Kovalenko(Russia)

Alevtina Kovalenko(俄罗斯)

Alevtina Kovalenko is a self-studied artist born in 1986 in Russia. She graduated from the State Academy of Economics and Law in Khabarovsk in2009 with a B.A. in advertising.

Alevtina is the founder of Shenzhen Sifu Art & Cutlrure co.,Ltd. The company is focused on creating artworks in the form ofpaintings on canvas and wood, design for clothes and shoes,handmade design on glass and other products.

Alevtina Kovalenko is a member of Baoan Art Association since 2019.

In 2020 Alevtina Kovalenko was chosen by local government to be one of the 40 foreigners living and working in Shenzhen to represent the city during its Anniversary.

Alevtina Kovalenko是一位自学成才的艺术家,1986年出生于俄罗斯。她于2009年毕业于哈巴罗夫斯克国家经济与法律学院,获得广告学学士学位。


Alevtina Kovalenko自2019年起成为宝安艺术协会会员。

2020年,Alevtina Kovalenko被当地政府选为40名在深圳生活和工作的外国人代表之一,庆祝深圳特区成立40周年。

"Energy field" acrylic on canvas 100cm×100cm 2018-2023

"Nature in mind" acrylic on canvas 60cm×70cm 2023

杨 娟

Yang Juan


Yang Juan, master of literature (Fine Arts), is a member of Hebei Artists Association. She teaches in the Fine Arts Department of Hebei Institute of Arts and crafts. Her main academic interests are oil painting and comprehensive materials.

《空》水彩 27cm×37cm 2023

《寻》水彩 27cm×37cm 2023
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