
天翰英语 2024-07-08 13:54:41


英 [ˌmɪsə'leɪniəs] 美 [ˌmɪsə'leɪniəs]

adj.多方面的;各种的;性质混杂的 [计算机] 杂的. n.杂货;杂项 [合同法律用语]其他约定.



“Miscellaneous” 这个单词的词源可以追溯到拉丁语的 “miscellāneus”,意为 “混杂的、各种各样的”,由 “miscere”(混合)和 “-āneus”(表形容词后缀)构成。在英语中,“miscellaneous” 的含义是指各种各样的、混杂的,通常用来描述包含多种不同元素或类型的事物。


① The bookstore’s miscellaneous section displays a variety of books ranging from novels to non-fiction. 《卫报》 - 2023年5月


② The exhibition features artists’ miscellaneous works, including paintings, sculptures, and photographs. 《纽约时报》 - 2023年8月


③ The grocery store offers miscellaneous everyday items, from food to cleaning supplies. CNN - 2023年10月


◉Usage Examples

(1) He likes to have miscellaneous collection.

(2) The miscellaneous expenses of import are so much!

(3) All miscellaneous consumer-goods are home-produced.

(4) A small boy's pockets are likely to contain a miscellaneous collection of objects.

(5) Everything can be filed under miscellaneous.

(1) 他喜欢多种多样的收集。

(2) 进口货物的杂费太多了!

(3) 各种各样的消费品都是家庭自己生产的。

(4) 小男孩的口袋里往往藏有杂七杂八的东西。

(5) 每件东西都可归入杂项。

◉Usage Notes

Something miscellaneous is made up of an odd bunch of things — things you might not expect to go together. A breakfast bar, a DVD, and a credit card bill are miscellaneous items that may be in your backpack.

The word miscellaneous comes from the Latin word miscere, meaning “to mix.” You might have heard the expression “a mixed bag,” which applies when you don’t quite know what you’re going to get. That’s true of a bag of miscellaneous objects, too. You might pull out socks and a stick of butter — two things that don’t seem to go together. Similarly, miscellaneous can describe something with many variations, like a person who expresses herself in many different ways.


1[ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]混杂的;五花八门的;各式各样的 A miscellaneous group consists of many different kinds of things or people that are difficult to put into a particular category. [ADJ n]

...a hoard of miscellaneous junk...


They eat a lot of meats and dairy foods, along with a lot of miscellaneous items that don't fall into any group.


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