
天翰英语 2024-05-26 03:09:49


英 [ˌʌn'dɔːntɪd] 美 [ˌʌn'dɔːntɪd]



“Undaunted” 这个词源自古英语中的 “undaunta”,由 “un-” 表示 “不”,加上 “daunt”,意为 “使畏缩,使气馁”。“Daunt” 这个词来自古法语中的 “danter”,意为 “to vanquish”,源自拉丁语中的 “domitare”,意为 “to tame”。因此,“undaunted” 的字面意思是 “不被使畏缩的”,表示勇敢无畏、毫不退缩的意志。



① Faced with immense challenges, he showed undaunted courage, marching forward with determination.


——《卫报》 - 2023年4月

② Despite a series of setbacks, she maintained an undaunted faith, continuing to pursue her dreams.


——《纽约时报》 - 2023年7月

③ They carried out their mission in the stormy mountains, demonstrating undaunted spirit and resilience.


——CNN - 2023年10月

◉Usage Examples

(1) We should learn from her undaunted spirits.

(2) He continued the climb, undaunted by his fall.

(3) It was undaunted of him to go there alone.

(1) 我们应该学习她那种不屈不挠的精神。

(2) 他跌下来也并未气馁,继续攀登。

(3) 他一个人去,真是勇敢。

◉Usage note

If you're undaunted, you're not afraid or intimidated. As a great surfer, you remain undaunted as you seek out dangerous waters to ride the biggest waves.

The adjective undaunted was first used in the mid-15th century to describe horses that were "untamed, not broken in." These horses must have seemed wildly fearless and intrepid even in the most difficult situations. Similarly, an undaunted person remains courageous and bold when facing fear, difficulty, and danger. Paramedics and firemen are undaunted when faced with a burning building. You must remain undaunted when facing your terrifying calculus homework.


1. [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]无畏的;勇敢的;不气馁的 If you are undaunted, you are not at all afraid or worried about dealing with something, especially something that would frighten or worry most people. [usu v-link ADJ]

Undaunted by the scale of the job, Lesley set about planning how each room should look.


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