
天翰英语 2024-08-09 15:46:39


英 [daɪs] 美 [daɪs]

n.骰子;掷骰游戏;小方块 vt.将…切成丁 vi.掷骰子




古法语:单词:dé(复数形式为 dés)意义:古法语中的 dé 意为“骰子”,而 dés 是它的复数形式。这个词是从拉丁语借来的。拉丁语:词根:datum意义:在拉丁语中,“datum”的原意是“给予”的意思,源自动词“dare”(给予)。虽然“datum”本身并不直接指骰子,但它的衍生词 datus(给予的)逐渐演变为古法语中的 dé,用于指代骰子,因为骰子的点数被视为“给予”的结果。中世纪英语:单词:dice意义:在中世纪英语中,dice 是复数形式,指代多个骰子。单数形式 die 也在使用中,但在现代英语中,dice 通常用于指代单个或多个骰子,而 die 则较少使用。


The New York Times (2023)"The new board game combines strategy with the element of dice rolls, adding an unexpected twist to every move."这款新棋盘游戏结合了策略和掷骰子的元素,为每一步增加了意想不到的转折。The Guardian (2022)"The gambler relied on a combination of skill and the roll of the dice to win big."赌徒依靠技巧和掷骰子的结合赢得了大奖。The Economist (2021)"The success of the startup was as unpredictable as the roll of dice."这家初创公司的成功就像掷骰子一样不可预测。



威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的《亨利四世》(Henry IV, Part 2)英文:“Let the dice fly high, and let fortune favor the bold.”中文:“让骰子高飞,愿好运眷顾勇者。”

◉Usage Examples

(1) It's your turn to throw the dice.

(2) One of the dice has rolled under the table.

(3) It's foolish to risk money on a throw of the dice.

(4) Help me to cut potatoes into dice.

(5) It's your turn to throw the dice.

(6) The order of play is decided by the roll of a dice.

(1) 轮到你掷骰子了。

(2) 有一粒骰子滚到桌子下面去了。

(3) 掷骰子赌博,是很愚蠢的。

(4) 帮我把马铃薯切成小片。

(5) 轮到你掷骰子了。

(6) 比赛顺序是通过掷骰子决定的。

◉Usage Notes

Dice are what you roll when you're playing Yahtzee or Monopoly; they are two cubes marked with dots on each side that represent the numbers one through six.

The noun dice is the plural form of the singular die. Although many people use the word dice when they're talking about a single die, it's actually only correct to call two or more of the dotted cubes dice. You can also use the word as a verb to mean "chop into tiny pieces or cubes." You might, for example, read a recipe instruction that says: "Dice three tomatoes."


1. [N-COUNT 可数名词]骰子;色子 A dice is a small cube which has between one and six spots or numbers on its sides, and which is used in games to provide random numbers. In old-fashioned English, 'dice' was used only as a plural form, and the singular was die, but now 'dice' is used as both the singular and the plural form.

2. [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]掷骰子游戏 Dice is a game which is played using dice.

3. [VERB 动词]把(食物)切成小块;将…切丁 If you dice food, you cut it into small cubes. [V n] [V-ed]

Dice the onion...


Add the crushed garlic and remaining diced vegetables.


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