
天翰英语 2024-08-02 09:56:54


英 [rɪ'pəʊz] 美 [rɪ'poʊz]

n.休息或睡眠;安宁 v.休息;将(信赖等)寄托于





The Guardian (2023)"The city's parks offer a much-needed repose from the relentless pace of urban life."这个城市的公园为人们提供了从城市生活无情节奏中急需的休息。The New Yorker (2022)"In the midst of chaos, she found a moment of repose, a brief respite from the turmoil."在混乱之中,她找到了片刻的安宁,从动荡中短暂休息。The Atlantic (2021)"The art of repose is a lost skill in our hyper-connected world, where constant activity is prized."在我们这个高度连接的世界中,休息的艺术已成为一种失落的技能,这里不断活动被高度重视。


"Walden" by Henry David Thoreau (1854) 瓦尔登湖"A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is Earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature."湖泊是风景中最美丽、最有表现力的特征。它是地球的眼睛;凝视它,观者可以衡量他自己本性深处。

◉Usage Examples

(1) The delightful sofa invites repose.

(2) Her mouth seem always to is smiling,even in repose.

(3) The owl hunts while you repose in bed.

(4) We could repose confidence in his honesty.

(5) I don't repose much hope in getting a pay raise soon.

(1) 这么舒适的沙发不由得让人想躺下休息。

(2) 她的嘴角似乎总是挂著微笑,即使在睡眠时也是这样。

(3) 你躺在床上安然入睡时,猫头鹰却要去觅食。

(4) 我们可以信赖他的诚实。

(5) 我对不久能加薪不抱多大希望。

◉Usage Notes

Repose is a formal or literary term used to mean the act of resting, or the state of being at rest. Repose is also a state of mind: freedom from worry.

As a verb, repose means to rest or relax, or to rest on something for support: There she was, reposing on the front porch. The verb is from Middle English, from Old French reposer, from Late Latin repausāre "to cause to rest," from the Latin prefix re- "again" plus pausāre "to rest."


1. [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]休息;休憩;闲适 Repose is a state in which you are resting and feeling calm. [LITERARY 文]

He had a still, almost blank face in repose...


Its atmosphere is one of repose rather than excitement.


2. [VERB 动词]位于;安置于;坐落于 If something reposes somewhere, it is there. [V prep/adv] [FORMAL 正式]

Exquisite china soup dishes reposed on silver plates.


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