
天翰英语 2024-10-14 17:21:25


英 ['bænə(r)] 美 ['bænər]

n.横幅;旗帜;大标题 adj.杰出的;特别好的 vt.用横幅装饰;以大标题报道


“Banner” 起源于古法语 “banniere”,意为“旗帜、横幅”。这个词在13世纪进入英语,最初指的是军队使用的旗帜,用于标识和激励士兵。随着时间的推移,“banner” 的含义扩展到任何形式的标志性横幅,包括广告、标语等。


① 《纽约时报》 (The New York Times), 2023年4月12日

“The digital banner ad on the website featured a call to action, encouraging users to subscribe to the newsletter.”


② 《卫报》 (The Guardian), 2023年7月29日

“The rally saw the waving of many banners, each with a different slogan reflecting the diverse causes supported by the attendees.”



在威廉·莎士比亚的戏剧《亨利五世》(Henry V)中,描述军队士气时可能会用到 “banner”:

“Under the banner of St. George, our brave soldiers marched towards the battlefield, each man ready to die for his king.”


◉Usage Examples

(1) Can you read that banner from this distance?

(2) Do not use excessive banner advertisements.

(3) The banner lent color to the streets.

(4) The patriots fought under the banner of freedom.

(5) They headed my report with a banner.

(6) This year is a banner year for crops.

(7) The report was bannered by the People's Daily.

(1) 从这里你能看清那个横幅标语吗?

(2) 不要使用过多的横幅广告。

(3) 旗帜给街道增添了色彩。

(4) 爱国者在自由的旗帜下战斗。

(5) 他们把我的报道加了个通栏大标题。

(6) 今年是个丰年。

(7) 《人民日报》用横贯全页的大标题形式进行了报道。

◉Usage Notes

As you listen to your guests sing to you on your birthday, you may see a long banner, or sign, hanging from the ceiling and announcing in sparkly letters, "Happy Birthday to You!"

The noun banner often refers to a long sign that is announcing or advertising something. A banner might declare "Congratulations!" "Free Hot Dogs Here!" or, at a protest, "We're Not Going to Take It Anymore!" Banners have also gone virtual; it's hard to avoid seeing at least one annoying advertising banner across the top of any highly-trafficked website. A banner can also be a flag, as in "The Star Spangled Banner," or a championship banner hanging in a school gym.


1. [N-COUNT 可数名词](通常指在抗议或集会中用两根竿子撑开的)横幅,标语 A banner is a long strip of cloth with something written on it. Banners are usually attached to two poles and carried during a protest or rally.

...a large crowd of students carrying banners denouncing the government...


A big banner was draped across one of the streets saying, 'Idaho Falls Says NO to Drugs.'


2. [PHRASE 短语]在…的旗帜下;为了…的事业(或信仰) If someone does something under the banner of a particular cause, idea, or belief, they do it saying that they support that cause, idea, or belief. [PHR n]

All countries march as one nation under the banner of friendship.


Under the banner of education, we herd our children from ballet to basketball and back again.


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