
火斯探球 2024-01-09 11:27:05

截止到1月9日,太阳、湖人、勇士分居西部9-11位,曾经联盟公认的顶流巨星詹姆斯、库里、杜兰特各自所在球队在附加赛边缘徘徊。今天凌晨,美媒NBA on ESPN晒杜库詹(从左至右)合照并发文:湖人勇士太阳争夺附加赛席位。引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

Suns top three haven't barely been on the floor all year. Golden State is as dysfunctional as every. And LeBron load managest every game barely playing defense to save energy for offensive stats, then goes one-on-one and jacks up shots that kill the teams flow and momentum.


They're all HOF's for sure but it's time to develop the young guns instead of putting them in the spotlight every single night.


way too early to worry about that. We are not even half way in the games schedule


Makes sense that these teams being led by the older veteran superstar players are struggling to get wins and stay relevant while the teams with younger stars continue to dominate the NBA standings. This season is signaling a changing of the guard and we’re not gonna see these older players like KD, Bron, or Steph winning championships anymore. Their time has come and gone, while the younger players are now front and center leading the league.

当拥有年轻球星的球队继续统治 NBA 榜单时,这些由年长的超级巨星老将领衔的球队却在为赢球和保持有竞争力而挣扎,这也是合情合理的。本赛季预示着卫冕冠军的更迭,我们不会再看到像 KD、詹姆斯或库里这样的老球员赢得总冠军了。他们的时代已经一去不复返了,而年轻球员现在则是联盟的领军人物。

The 9th to 11th seed are more exciting than the 8 above them


they have nothing to prove..already won multiple championships so ..its just right for the young guys to step up and show what theyve got..ill be surprise if these your so called old players will emerge on top of those young guns...lets wait..


We aren’t even at the half way mark far from a battle one of these teams win 4 in a row and they are 4th seeds lol


Lebron KD and Steph should team up for one final run put an epic close to this generation of players!!

詹姆斯、KD 和斯蒂芬应该联手进行最后的冲刺,为这一代球员画上一个史诗般的句号!

GSW is a champ couple of years ago, just need some roster movements and they are still good

Lakers is still a threat come playoffs time they are lower seed last season and bow out on WCF against the current champs



Who would of thought this midway through the season. Suns finally got their 3 stars together and should be able string wins together soon as chemistry builds. Warriors and Lakers need trades because their current teams are playing trash


It is a matter of how Draymond Green behaves once he starts to play again. Without him, the Warriors would not advance to the playoffs whatsoever. As for the Lakers, everything will depends on AD’s health. Should he gets injured, the Lakers would not beat even the Pistons. The Suns at this time has better chance than the other two. Still clinging on Durant’s health.


Suns shouldn't even be in this position lol no question this is what they get for trading away the young players for a win now move


They r tired of regular season but only trying hard to make the playoff maybe… and they basically won everything


I think the Suns and Lakers will turn it around and either be top six or play-in. I’m worried about the Warriors though and was concerned before the season. They are older, Klay is not the same player, Steph can only do so much, the supporting cast isn’t as good and Draymond just been a mess. Chris Paul doesn’t really add much either to a team that needed to get younger and add more athleticism after being exposed by the lakers last postseason.


Who cares about this play in. IST 3peat is the goal! The first ever IST 3peat! Let's go Lakers!


I'm ok with all of them missing the playoffs. They have had their runs. Bring on the new blood.


Yeah y’all wilding talking about play-in lmao Just post the west standings, this in no significant way is something to be discussed rn, 2 weeks from now it could change drastically


Season is no where near over , I get yall need something to post but Post this Around March then We can talk


The 3 best players in the league for the last decade and all of their teams are going nowhere. The end of an era. Pretty sure none of those guys are winning another title again. Except Lebron if he hops teams again.


New era has taken over tbh. Bron and Curry aren’t getting their 5th ring and KD isn’t getting his 3rd. The teams around the league are younger/better.

新时代已经到来,勒布朗和库里没有拿到他们的第5枚戒指,KD 也没有拿到他的第 3 枚戒指。联盟中的球队都更年轻/更出色。

How is it a battle to make the play in when the season isn't even halfway done and the trade deadline hasn't happened. Yall be sayin anything. Keep talmbout DrayNon cryin tho




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