
火斯探球 2024-01-12 12:51:02

北京时间1月12日凌晨,甜瓜安东尼在《7PM in Brooklyn》播客中谈到了掘金给约基奇15号球衣一事。他说“这是掘金的一个小动作,这并不是说‘来,从这些号码选一个吧’,而是‘来,你穿15号’,我相信,他们给约基奇穿15号球衣是在试图抹杀我的一切成就......现在当你说起掘金的15号,对这一代人,你只会想到约基奇”。引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

Lol the Nuggets didn't give #15 to Anthony Randolph and then a fat 2nd rounder hoping to erase Melo's legacy. No one saw Jokic coming. Also Melo spent only 7 years in Denver and lost in the 1st round in all but one year before his exit. Did he expect no one to wear #15 again?


And Jokic wore 15 in Europe, it's not like it was random, that was his number.


Yes, because the Nuggets surely knew a 2nd round pick out of Serbia would evolve into the greatest player in franchise history.

Let's be real



Melo… let’s be real… you were 16-29 in the playoffs with the Nuggets. You didn’t achieve anything in Denver. Denver fans know who’s #15.


I used to love Melo in Denver. But number 15 in Denver belongs to Jokic. No one else will ever wear that number in Nuggets history again.


Cool story


Melo shows no love to Denver. We would have thought at least he’d be there courtside watching them win their first of many. Nope.

Bro shows love to NY publicly way more often yet expects to be treated like Jokic,



You sound like a teen girl. “Adore me but I want nothing to do with you.”


Bro, Melo is becoming a conspiracy theorist now. No one expected Jokic to be an all time great. He wasn’t a high draft pick. Was never painted as his successor. Melo left us in 2011 & Jokic was drafted in 2015. If the Nuggets wanted to be petty, they wouldn’t wait that long

兄弟,甜瓜现在成了阴谋论者,没人指望约基奇成为历史最佳,他的选秀顺位并不高。从来没有人把他描绘成甜瓜的接班人,甜瓜是在2011年离开我们的,而约基奇是在 2015 年被选中的,如果掘金队想小题大做,他们不会等那么久。

Melo needs to quiet down. All he's doing is proving how petty he is.

All those stories about being jealous of Lin and demanding stats? Even more believable now.



Carmelo Anthony believes Nikola Jokic won a title with the Denver Nuggets to "erase his accomplishments".

卡梅隆-安东尼认为,尼古拉-约基奇在丹佛掘金队夺冠是为了 "抹杀他的成就"。

It's aic move. The Raptors did the same thing. They were pissed by the way Vince Carter left them so they gave the #15 to Amir Johnson knowing that Amir Johnson would be an all time great. Wait.. hold on.

这是一个经典的举动。猛龙队也做过同样的事情。他们因为文斯-卡特的离开而恼火,所以他们把 15 号签给了阿米尔-约翰逊,因为他们知道阿米尔-约翰逊会成为历史上最伟大的球员,等等。

Melo’s ego ruined his career… he scored a lot but wasted his opportunity… he could have won a championship in Denver had he looked for the open man, passed the ball, posted up,  put forth some effort on defense… all the things Jokic does


Stay with denver and you get to keep the number, don't leave and disrespect the city that made you an all-star and expect respect when you left.


Denver only past the first round in the playoff once during Melo's 7-year tenure with the team.

Melo was a VERY talented offensive player. But he was a below average defender + not a great TEAM player.

In short, you're not winning a championship is Melo is your best player.


Joker had 15 in Serbia. They probably asked him his jersey number preference and he said 15 , to keep what he always had in Serbia. It’s a coincidence about Melo. Nuggets office couldn’t have known at the time what Jokic would becime.

约基奇在塞尔维亚穿15号球衣,他们可能问了他对球衣号码的偏好,他说 15 号,以保持他在塞尔维亚一直拥有的号码。关于甜瓜,这只是一个巧合。掘金管理层当时不可能知道约基奇会变成什么样。

He not lying man, regardless of how you feel that 15 shoulda never been touched, both them 15’s need to go to them rafters. Just like that #2 in Cleveland. The disrespect for franchise legends needs to stop regardless of how it ended

他没有撒谎,不管你怎么想,那个15号都不应该被碰,他们两个15号都应该被挂在球馆顶端,就像克利夫兰的那个 2 号一样。无论结局如何,对传奇球星的不尊重都必须停止。

I mean to be fair he left Denver not because they weren’t good but bc the city wasn’t good enough for him. So why be loyal to a player that didn’t like the franchise lol


You usually have the jerseys numbered from 4 to 15 in European youth basketball and it’s normal that they are sized from m to xxl with the higher numbers having the larger size (I have number 16 because XXL was too short for me).

在欧洲青少年篮球比赛中,球衣的号码通常从 4 号到 15 号不等,尺寸从M到XXL,号码越大尺寸越大(我的号码是 16 号,因为 XXL 对我来说太短了)。

If they were thinking about retiring Melo's number they aren't letting some random second round pick have it.




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  • 2024-01-12 16:40


