
火斯探球 2024-01-11 14:21:46

北京时间1月11日,勇士主场105-141惨败鹈鹕,惨败36分成为勇士2009年选中库里以来的最大主场输球分差。在第四节垃圾时间,帕金斯发推写道:勇士已经完蛋,我已经结束了关于‘勇士如何拯救本赛季’的讨论!他们做不到了,是时候拆散现在的团队了。在赛前,BR记者Dan Favale晒出自己关于勇士-老鹰交易提案:




Hawks would get scammed, pretty bad actually.


Anyone else noticed that all of the trade ideas are remarkably in Golden State’s favor? They get to package up all the shit they don’t want and revitalize their team. How nice for them

还有人注意到所有的交易点子都明显对金州有利吗? 他们可以打包所有他们不想要的筹码,然后重振球队,这对他们来说多好啊。

Murray’s right knee surgery is more concerning than CP3’s non-shotting hand fracture.

穆雷的右膝手术比 CP3 的手部骨折更令人担忧。

Why moody? Take someone else. I would like to put Wiggins in a trade.


Chris Paul is not playing with the Hawks it'll be just like when Rasheed Wallace Came was a Hawk for 24 hours then went on to Detroit and Won A Championship

克里斯-保罗不在老鹰队打球,就像拉希德-华莱士在老鹰队待了 24 小时,然后去了底特律并赢得了总冠军一样。

why bring another point guard. that's what got us into this mess.


Wouldn't surprise me. Warriors are infatuated with any players the lakers mention they're interested in.


Hunter Wiggins and kuminga naw it must be another team involved for a big cuz that don’t make sense to me.. unless klay go to the bench or draymond don’t start idk

亨特-威金斯和库明加 除非克莱去打替补,或者追梦不首发,否则一定是跟另一支球队交易再找大个子球员。

replace hunter with capela then it’ll be a good trade for the warriors


If warriors can get that and money works definitely do that. That's robbery. Throw klay in while you at it


Warriors are stupid, they should've pulled the trigger last year when they had the chance to trade Pool, Wiggins and Wiseman to get Durant... now they no longer have Pool or Wiseman and have to trade Moody who has a lot of upside if he just had the chance to play consistently


If klay wants a bench role thats good idea. .if not thats a disaster sooner or later murray will request a trade


Chris Paul will probably be in the league for another 2 years and then retire if they do that trade. Couse he ain't going to get a championship this year


C'mon warriors management make it happen if you wanted to win another chip or else you will stay at the rock bottom


That will be a super trade for Golden State. That will help them get back on track. I say let’s do it. Murray will be the second option next to Curry.


Wiggins and Paul (give wiggins a fresh start he clearly needs out of golden state, his mentality will rebuild and he will pick back up, like Harrison Barnes when he was underperforming before he got traded now he’s back playing strong) paul thrives everywhere and can provide a lot of insight for young.


why would the hawks do this if they can get better players Chris Paul is about to retire in the next 1 or 2 years and Moddy is okay but not worth DeJounte


Warriors need big men. Not another SF to add to JK and Wiggs. And not another SG to add to Klay and Podz


Warriors DO NOT need anymore guards. There’s an All-Star PF in Toronto though that could help them out


This would be a terrible trade for the Hawks. Why give up Murray and Hunter for old ass Chris Paul that is currently out due to injury and 2 bench players. Hell no !!


Hawks would be drunk asf to accept this, I’ll accept it as a warriors fan tho




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