
火斯探球 2024-01-11 10:21:01


Where are the warriors


Probably the toughest year . Arguably. West is solid . Warriors still lost tho


Refs always coming through to save the Lakers, as usual.


Funny things happen when you rig games


right now there's no dynasty team since lakers won in bubble..but a lot of super teams built today but no one superteam can dictate and dominating the games against one or all teams!!


I could have stared at the standings a thousand times without noticing this had it not been so specifically pointed out.


NBA doesn't want lebron to lose the playoffs 3rd time in 5 years. They need more viewers of course, it's all about money, so those people wondering about the amount of calls given to the Lakers last game? Don't sweat it, can't change the outcome

NBA 不希望勒布朗在 5 年内第3次输掉季后赛。他们当然需要更多的观众,这都是为了钱,所以那些对湖人队上一场比赛的判罚感到奇怪的人呢?别担心,结果无法改变.

Imagine the playoffs without the Warriors and the Lakers. Hell I’ll even throw in the Suns. Imagine if they didn’t get in. Lol I can only imagine what the ratings would look like


That could have something to do with the rigged game between the Raptors and Lakers game since it was the last game of the night


It a new age of basketball the team that when we was growing up fight for nba playoff spots are the new teams and the old teams who were always in the playoff are fighting for spots that fun to see

这是一个新的篮球时代,在我们成长过程中为 NBA 季后赛席位而战的球队现在都成了新球队,而那些总是进入季后赛的老球队也在为季后赛席位而战。

This is great for the NBA. Super team era has concluded

这对 NBA 来说是件好事。超级球队时代已经结束。

The Thunder is the biggest surprise! That GM is goated!! Took all those picks and made a winning team!


A few years ago there was only like four good NBA teams. Now there's only like four bad NBA teams..lol.

几年前,好像只有四支好的 NBA 球队。现在只有四支糟糕的NBA球队。

Not to mention to who those records belong. Who would’ve thought the Wolves, Kings, and OKC would be vying at the top and the Suns, Lakers, and Warriors would struggle for a spot in the play-ins.


Let’s be real only team to challenge the nuggets are clippers and mavs. T wolves, thunder, kings,pels, rockets all too young barely experience in the playoffs. Suns are a mess lakers are a mess rn clippers and mavs to make a run for the defending champs

实事求是地说,能挑战掘金的球队只有快船和独行侠、森林狼、雷霆、国王、鹈鹕、火箭都太年轻,几乎没有季后赛经验。太阳队一团糟 湖人队现在一团糟 快船队和独行侠队将向卫冕冠军发起冲击。

The NBA play in tournament should be for 8th and 9th seed. 10th see has no business being in the playoffs, especially if it a large margin of Games Behind. Imagine making the playoffs being 7 games behind.

NBA附加赛应该是为第 8 和第 9 种子队准备的。第10名无缘季后赛,尤其是在落后场次较多的情况下。试想一下,在落后 7 场的情况下还能打进季后赛吗?

This exactly why the in season tournament means nothing… lakers aren’t even top 8. Yes it’s close but you’d think they’d be top 3/4


Refs should be top team


The race between 4-10 is so close but looks different depending on where the team lands. The playoffs should be very good this year.

4-10 名之间的竞争十分激烈,但根据球队的排名不同,情况也不尽相同。今年的季后赛应该会非常精彩。

Laker fans will see this and use it as “proof” they’re top3 in the west if they win like 3 games in a row for once

湖人球迷会看到这一点,并以此 "证明 "他们是西部前三,如果他们能连赢三场比赛的话。



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