
火斯探球 2024-01-12 10:45:09


Come on you got to keep Klay like he may not be starter material anymore but still a hall of fame player come on now. But everyone else I’m sorry love the guys but we need to make the playoffs


Should trade Steph as well. Can get a handful of draft picks and start a rebuild. Warriors window is closing. Time to start over


The Warriors really about to get blown out now  wonder how players gonna feel next game knowing they're on the choppin block.


I mean Steph is the only one playing at his full potential but keep klay amd draymond. No matter how their stats dip that core is too important and if draymond doesnt get his shit together then yes this thing might need a new squad


Tbh Steph over accomplished over there he did his part it’s time for the rebuild for them and I believe they can get a load of young talent for Curry now


If I’m the Warriors I simply trade for KD


Win or Lose i still support this team, other fan only support them when they're winning


Since everyone but steph is on the table, Milwaukee Bucks would like to trade Adrian Griffin, a first round pick and cash considerations for Steve Kerr


Not a lot of teams are going to be salivating for these guys. CP3, Klay, Green, Wiggins? Just make a yard sale and take what you can get.


Need Mike brown return to GSW us a assistant coach kerr need help for a coaching staff more wisdom and experience


Here me out yall, keep Steph and klay, get rid of draymond see if you can get Ben Simmons to replace him, and surround them with 3-d players

我的建议是:留下斯蒂芬和克莱,换掉德拉蒙德,看看能不能让本-西蒙斯顶替他,并在他们周围安排 3D 球员。

Honestly curry has been loyal and has done enough for the franchise, he should get traded to a winning team so he can solidify his legacy and win more rings.


CP3 killed someone very important in a past life and got cursed never to win a ring! Offload him and see the Warriors fortunes turn around!


Trade Steph! I want to see him play in June and it will shorten the rebuild cycle by a decade.


Yeah it’s looking like the end of an era for that core but Steph cld still win it with a quick restructure of the team


There is no forever my friends. Everything end.


If Steph wants out, they should consider him too. It's the right thing to do, if he and his family want it.


As a Mavs fan, would love to have Looney. Especially these past few days they're prioritizing the rookie over him. Looney may not have the offensive bag but he's really good in grabbing boards, something the Mavericks desperately needs.


We don’t need no lip service just start making moves I don’t want to hear all this I just wanna see breaking news with the trades being made


“All good things must come to an end”, and this is no different! Leadership should have traded DG and Klay a long time ago!




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