
火斯探球 2024-01-09 13:52:00

北京时间1月8日,勇士118-133惨败猛龙。此役,维金斯持续低迷,6投1中,罚球2中1得到3分2篮板1助攻,正负值低至-29。赛后,媒体扒出维金斯赛季至今上下场正负值数据:维金斯在场时勇士正负值为-150,而当他下场后球队正负值为+157。名记MARC STEIN撰文报道勇士接下来该何去何从,他表示目前没有任何迹象表明勇士会考虑交易球队4冠功臣克莱或追梦,勇士队也反对交易库明加。竞争对手球队越来越相信,勇士对于交易维金斯的想法已变得越来越开放。在Reddit引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

Breaking News: team willing to part ways with player of little value, while unwilling to trade players with value. Bold strategy, we’ll see if it pays off.


If they traded Dray or Klay and don't win a chip, they'll have to be blamed for breaking up the core forever. If they trade wigs, it is just business


His value has cratered to 0.

他的交易价值已跌至 0。

His value is somehow worse than when we originally got him and the Kuminga pick.


as they should be.

Love Wiggins but it looks like the 2022 run was the exception and not the norm.

他们应该这样做。我喜欢维金斯,但看起来 2022 年的表现只是例外,而不是常态。

Remember it was contract year.


Imagine Wiggin's performance if he was given a 1 year contract every year!


Thank you wiggins for 2022 but it’s time for both sides to go their separate ways. If dubs are rollin with JK, wiggs needs a fresh start somewhere else.

What he can bring back to the dubs, who knows but he hasn’t really given them anything this season so replacing him with anything else should be better than what they’re getting now

感谢 2022 年的维金斯,但现在是双方分道扬镳的时候了。如果勇士留下库明加,那么维金斯就需要在其他地方重新开始。


This isn’t really new. Wiggins has always been included in possible trade scenarios as his contract is necessary to match whoever is coming back.

The question isnt Wiggins, it’s what young players/picks were willing to attach to him to create a valuable package.



This team is 2 or 3 players away from the Finals


If they’re serious about being contenders, everyone not named Steph should be on the table. If they just want to ride into the sunset with the core 3, everyone else should be available, for either younger potential stars and draft picks.


Based on his complete lack of playing time this year, I’m guessing Moody is on the trade block as well. So for me the question is, what can we realistically get back for Wiggins, CP and Moody?


Not much unless we attach picks


Ya’ll keep saying Wiggs has no value, but MDJ literally traded Jordan ‘no value’ Poole for CP3. It can be done.

你们一直说维金斯没有价值,但小迈克-邓利维用 "没有价值 "的乔丹-普尔换来了CP3。这是可以做到的。

Regardless of your feelings, the core 3 are untouchable for what they brought to this organization. For building this franchise from a poverty franchise to one worth billions today.

Wiggins, although he certainly has his defenders, seems to many like he's been playing significantly worse this year. And while some people might like to hold onto him, and hope he can turn it around this year, Steph just doesn't have that kind of time.

Steph's got maybe next year as the last year he can carry a team through the finals. So this post season matters. We can't just punt it. Wiggins has a large salary slot, and CP3 has a large salary slot. So they make the most sense in terms of a trade, along with Moody since we're guard heavy and Kerr doesn't like playing him anyway.




So memories have a higher priority than winning. Got it


Josh Giddey plus picks for Andrew Wiggins.


Wiggins looked like such a nice piece during their championship run. Wtf happened?


he was better last year than the championship year. then the situation with his dad happened


Yeah he hasn’t been the same since he had that unexplained absence (which was reportedly a medical issue with his father). He just looks totally mentally checked out.


I get the sense he's mentally distracted by something. He's a sensitive, gentle guy


I think I'm in the minority, but I would rather the Warriors trade JK than Wiggins.




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