
天翰英语 2024-07-23 10:52:36


英 ['ɪntərɪm] 美 ['ɪntərɪm]

adj.暂时的;临时的;中间的 n.中间时期;过渡时期;暂定



“Interim” originates from the Latin word “interim”, which means “meanwhile” or “in the meantime.” It is derived from the Latin “inter-” (meaning “between”) and “im-” (a variant of “in-”). In Latin, “interim” was used to denote the period of time between two events, which evolved into its modern sense of something temporary or provisional.


The New York Times - "The interim CEO has been tasked with stabilizing the company until a permanent replacement is found."《纽约时报》 - "临时首席执行官的任务是在找到永久替代者之前稳定公司。"The Economist - "The interim report suggests that the economy is showing signs of recovery."《经济学人》 - "中期报告显示经济显示出复苏的迹象。"The Guardian - "The interim government has announced a series of reforms to address public concerns."《卫报》 - "临时政府宣布了一系列改革措施以解决公众关切。"Financial Times - "The interim results exceeded analysts' expectations, boosting the company's stock price."《金融时报》 - "中期业绩超出了分析师的预期,推动了公司股价的上涨。"


在文学名著中,"interim" 常常用来描绘时间的过渡或暂时的状态:

"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger: "I'm sort of in this interim period now, and it's driving me crazy."《麦田里的守望者》 - "我现在处于这种过渡期,这快把我逼疯了。""1984" by George Orwell: "During the interim period, the Party had to maintain its power and control."《1984》 - "在过渡期间,党必须保持其权力和控制。"

◉Usage Examples

(1) He worked on an interim basis.

(2) Who will lead the interim government?

(3) They submitted an interim report.

(4) It may turn out to be an interim technology.

(5) What are you doing in the interim?

(6) This is the interim regulations on the fuel oil tax.

(1) 他只是个临时工。

(2) 谁将领导临时政府?

(3) 他们递交了一份临时报告。

(4) 这可能只是个过渡技术。

(5) 这期间你在干什么?

(6) 这是燃油税暂行条例。

◉Usage Notes

An interim is a period of time between one event and another, maybe the interim between the arrival of your party guests and the cleanup you have to do after they leave.

If you use this word, you will be speaking Latin, since interim is a Latin adverb meaning "in the meantime." The first part, inter, is also Latin, and means "between." Knowing this, you can figure out a lot of words. Some of your party guests will interact well, and some will argue. If your principal leaves the school, you might have an interim principal––someone who keeps the school running while a new principal is interviewed and hired.


1[ADJ 形容词]暂时的;临时的;过渡期间的 Interim is used to describe something that is intended to be used until something permanent is done or established. [ADJ n]

She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.


...an interim report.


2[PHRASE 短语]在过渡期间;在间歇期 In the interim means until a particular thing happens or until a particular thing happened.

[PHR with cl] [FORMAL 正式]

But, in the interim, we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order...


He was to remain in jail in the interim.


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