
天翰英语 2024-07-19 10:56:53


英 [rɪ'bʌt] 美 [rɪ'bʌt]

v.反驳; 辩驳;举反证



“rebut” 这个单词源自中古法语中的 “rebouter”,意为“击退”或“反驳”。这个词最初由拉丁语中的 “re-”(表示反向或再次)和 “battuere”(打击)组成,结合在一起表示“反击”或“驳斥”。在英语中,“rebut” 通常用作动词,表示反驳、驳斥或否定某种观点或主张。


① "The defense attorney had a strong case to rebut the prosecution's evidence." The New York Times《纽约时报》


② "The company's CEO rebutted the allegations of financial misconduct." The Economist 《经济学人》


③ "The environmental group rebutted the claims made by the oil company." The Guardian - 《卫报》


④ "The senator's speech effectively rebutted the arguments made by his opponents."

"参议员的演讲有效地反驳了他的对手的论点。" Time Magazine 《时代周刊》


① "Atticus Finch was able to rebut the false accusations made against his client."《杀死一只知更鸟》"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee


② "The Party was always ready to rebut any dissenting voices.""1984" by George Orwell:


◉Usage Examples

(1) Their impregnable arguments are hard to rebut.

(2) He attempt to rebut the assertion make by the prosecution witness.

(1) 他们牢不可破的论点很难被驳倒。

(2) 他试图反驳原告方证人所作的断言。

◉Usage Notes

To rebut is to argue against something. If your parents say you're too young and irresponsible to drive, you can rebut their claim by ticking off examples of your responsibility.

When you argue against something, you rebut that position or argument. Your school's principal might rebut your teacher's argument that the is overcrowded by pointing out that there could legally be five more kids in the. The teacher could rebut the principal's rebuttal by observing that there aren't enough books or seats for the kids in theroom now. Rebut comes from an old French word rebuter, meaning "to thrust back."


1[VERB 动词]反驳,驳斥(指控或批评) If you rebut a charge or criticism that is made against you, you give reasons why it is untrue or unacceptable. [V n] [FORMAL 正式]

He spent most of his speech rebutting criticisms of his foreign policy.


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