
天翰英语 2024-07-17 15:14:39


英 [tʃiːk] 美 [tʃiːk]

n.面颊;脸蛋 vt 对……无礼,对……不懂规矩



"Cheek" 这个词在英语中有着丰富的历史和多重含义。它最初来自古英语的 "ceace",进一步追溯到原始日耳曼语的 "*kakkon"。在现代英语中,"cheek" 主要指面部的两侧,但也常用于形容人的行为或态度。


① “The actress wore a bold shade of lipstick that highlighted her cheeks, adding a vibrant touch to her look.” 《纽约时报》 - 2024年1月


② “The politician’s remarks were so brazen that they were seen as a direct challenge to the establishment, showing a remarkable cheek.” 《华尔街日报》 - 2023年11月


③ "He had the cheek to ask for a raise after making so many mistakes."《卫报》- 2023年11月


④ "The politician's cheeky remarks about the opposition leader drew laughter from the crowd." 《经济学人》- 2023年12月



① "Elizabeth Bennet had been a reader all the morning, and, finding the book too light, and incapable of rousing her from her reverie on the ill-judged cheek of Mr. Darcy." 《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)by Jane Austen


② "It was not the thorn bending to the kiss, but the cheek turning to meet it."《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)by Charlotte Brontë


◉Usage Examples

(1) A bullet grazed his cheek.

(2) She has a tiny mole on her cheek.

(3) Philip stroked the baby's little cheek.

(1) 子弹擦伤了他的面颊。

(2) 她面颊上有一颗小痣。

(3) 菲利浦摸着那婴儿的小脸蛋。

◉Usage Notes

Your cheek is the part of your face under your eye and between your ear and nose. Your cheeks might turn bright red in embarrassment when you have to speak in public.

When you cry, your cheeks get wet, and when you greet your grandmother, she might give you a kiss on the cheek or even pinch your cheek. Informally, your cheeks are also your buttocks or bottom — and when you're a little rude or sassy, your attitude itself can be called cheek. It comes from the Old English word ceace, "jaw," which probably stems from ceowan, "chew."


1. [N-COUNT 可数名词]脸颊;脸蛋儿 Your cheeks are the sides of your face below your eyes.

Tears were running down her cheeks...


She kissed him lightly on both cheeks.



...rosy-cheeked children.


...a fat, chubby-cheeked fellow.


2. [N-SING 单数名词]厚颜无耻;厚脸皮 You say that someone has a cheek when you are annoyed or shocked at something unreasonable that they have done. [also no det] [INFORMAL 非正式]

I'm amazed they had the cheek to ask in the first place...


I still think it's a bit of a cheek sending a voucher rather than a refund...


The cheek of it, lying to me like that!


3. [PHRASE 短语]忍气吞声;逆来顺受 If you turn the other cheek when someone harms or insults you, you do not harm or insult them in return. [V inflects]

4 cheek by jowl→see: jowl;

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