
天翰英语 2024-07-19 10:56:42


英 [plʌmp] 美 [plʌmp]

adj.丰满的 v.下降;支持;变丰满 n.突然重重落下(的声音) adv.骤降;直接地



“plump” 来源于中古英语和古法语中的词汇 “plumpen” 或 “plompen”,这些词都有“重重落下”或“猛然坠落”的意思。它最初是用来描述物体或人迅速或突然地移动或落下的情况。后来,这个词开始用来描述某人或某物圆胖而丰满的外观或状态。在英语中,“plump” 作为形容词表示圆胖的,作为动词则表示使某物变得圆胖或突然落下。


① "The bird plumped itself down on the branch." The New York Times 《纽约时报》


② "She plumped for the red dress over the blue one." The Guardian 《卫报》


③ "The company's profits have started to plump up after a few lean years." The Economist - 《经济学人》


④ "The politician decided to plump for the more radical policy." Time Magazine -《时代周刊》



In Charles Dickens’ novel Great Expectations, published in 1861, the character description of Mrs. Joe Gargery provides insight into the usage of “plump”:

“She was a tall, and dark-eyed, plump woman; and had been handsome.”

《远大前程》 中的一段描述说明了 “plump” 这个词的用法:


◉Usage Examples

(1) The baby is plump and very cute.

(2) She is too plump to fit into this dress.

(3) Special injections can make lips look attractively young and plump.

(4) The ducklings plumped into the water.

(5) We plump for Comrade Hu; he is the right man for the post.

(6) Now my cheeks are beginning to plump up.

(7) She is beginning to plump out now.

(8) We will plump out that poor starving child.

(9) He told me plump that he would not give in.

(1) 那个婴儿白白胖胖的,十分可爱。

(2) 她太富态了,穿不下这件衣服。

(3) 注射特殊药物可使嘴唇年轻饱满,更加迷人。

(4) 小鸭们突然跳进水中。

(5) 我们坚决支持胡同志;他是适合担任这个职位的人。

(6) 现在我的面颊渐渐地丰满起来了。

(7) 她现在变得胖乎乎的。

(8) 我们要使那个贫困的饥饿的孩子变得胖起来。

(9) 他直截了当告诉我,他决不让步。


1[ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]丰满的;胖乎乎的;圆滚滚的 You can describe someone or something as plump to indicate that they are rather fat or rounded.

① Maria was small and plump with a mass of curly hair...


② He pushed a plump little hand towards me.


③ ...red pears, ripe peaches and plump nectarines.



→see usage note at:fat

④ There was a sturdy plumpness about her hips.


2[VERB 动词](通过摇抖或拍打)使膨松,使松软鼓起 If you plump a pillow or cushion, you shake it and hit it gently so that it goes back into a rounded shape. [V n] [V P n (not pron)] [Also V n P]

① She panics when people pop in unexpectedly, rushing round plumping cushions.


② Plump up means the same as plump .plump up 同 plump

'You need to rest,' she told her reassuringly as she moved to plump up her pillows.


3[VERB 动词](常指经过犹豫或深思熟虑后)选择,选中 If you plump for someone or something, you choose them, often after hesitating or thinking carefully. [V for n] [mainly BRIT 主英]

I think Tessa should plump for Malcolm, her long-suffering admirer.


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