
天翰英语 2024-07-15 01:48:13


英 [ænˌtæɡə'nɪstɪk] 美 [ænˌtæɡə'nɪstɪk]




“Antagonistic” 这个单词的词源可以追溯到希腊语 “antagōnistēs”,由 “anti-”(表示 “反对”)和 “agōnistēs”(表示 “对手、竞争者”)构成。在英语中,“antagonistic” 的主要含义是 “敌对的、对抗的”,通常用来形容人、行为或情况之间存在的对立或敌对关系。


① The election process between these two parties has become increasingly antagonistic, making it difficult to find common ground. 《卫报》 - 2023年7月


② The debate became very intense and antagonistic among the candidates. 《纽约时报》 - 2023年10月


③ Competition between different departments within the company can lead to increased antagonistic feelings, affecting the overall work environment. CNN - 2023年12月


◉Usage Examples

(1) His policy is antagonistic to our interests.

(2) Cats and mouses are often antagonistic.

(3) Europe was antagonistic to the Unites States.

(1) 他的政策兴我们的利益相抵触。

(2) 猫和老鼠是敌对的。

(3) 欧洲对美国是敌对的。

◉Usage Notes

If you're antagonistic, you're hard to get along with. Harmony is not your friend — you prefer hostility and struggle.

If you're antagonistic to your little brother, you're always picking on him and giving him a hard time — causing him agony — a word that's buried in antagonistic. Even drugs or chemicals can be antagonistic: if you take a sleeping pill and then follow it with a few cups of espresso, the interaction is likely to be antagonistic. The sleeping pill and the caffeine struggle against each other and you're not likely to get much sleep.


1[ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]对抗的;敌对的;有敌意的 If a person is antagonistic to someone or something, they show hatred or dislike towards them. [usu v-link ADJ]

Nearly all the women I interviewed were aggressively antagonistic to the idea.


Advice is seldom welcome; and those who want it the most always like it the least.

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