
阿特网 2023-12-20 09:03:50

1979 出生于四川广元

2001 毕业于四川美术学院油画系,获学士学位

2004 毕业于四川美术学院油画系,获硕士学位


1979 Born in Guangyuan, Sichuan

2001 Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts with a Bachelor's degree

2004 Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts with a Master's degree

Currently lives in Beijing, taught at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, a professional artist

龙门客栈 NO.1  布面空间装置  2023Dragon Inn No.1Space device200×300cm

龙门客栈 NO.3  布面空间装置  2023Dragon Inn No.3Space device200×300cm

美杜莎  布面油画  2023MedusaOil on canvas100×120cm

春丽 NO.2  布面综合材料  2023Chun-Li No.2Mixed media100×30cm

春丽 NO.3  布面综合材料  2022Chun-Li No.3Mixed media160×120cm

嫦娥 NO.2  布面综合  2023

Chang-Ngo No.2

Mixed media


不原谅也没关系  布面空间装置  2023

It's Okay If Don't Forgive

Space device


有世界名可爱游戏  布面空间装置  2023

Building Self-Fulfillment

Space device


羁绊 NO.1  布面综合材料  2022

Trammels No.1

Mixed media


春丽 NO.2  布面综合材料  2022

Chun-Li No.2

Mixed media


张爱玲  布面综合材料  2021

Zhang Ailing

Mixed media


弗里达 NO.2  布面综合材料  2021

Frida No.2

Mixed media



2023 “有世界名可爱游戏”沈娜个展,共同艺术中心,北京,中国

2017 时代质感——四川美术学院作品展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

2014 学院新艺术第一季,罗湖美术馆,深圳,中国

2013 溪山清远-流觞故事——中国新绘画,福冈美术馆,福冈,日本

2013 溪山清远——中国新绘画,圣莫妮卡美术馆,西班牙

2013 颜文樑艺术奖系列展“第五元素”中国青年油画邀请展,苏州美术馆,苏州,中国

2012 微图盛景——中国当代小幅作品收藏计划2012冬季,那特画廊,成都,中国

2012 “纪念延安文艺座谈会上的讲话发表70周年”重庆市美术作品展,重庆美术馆,重庆,中国

2011 溪山清远——中国新绘画,亚洲艺术馆,旧金山,美国

2011 被异常的生活——坦克库巡回展览方案,卢塞恩设计美术学院,卢塞恩,瑞士

2011 未来先锋——当代艺术邀请展,重庆美术馆,重庆,中国

2011 珠联璧合——南方女艺术家邀请展,蓝顶美术馆,成都,中国

2011 成都双年展——溪山清远,成都东区音乐公园,成都,中国

2010 改造历史 2000-2009年的中国新艺术——中国青年艺术邀请展,今日美术馆,北京,中国

2010 溪山清远——中国新绘画,伦敦,英国

2010 隐形的翅膀,时代美术馆,北京,中国

2010 沐香·涤尘——中国当代女艺术家六人展,华·美术馆,深圳,中国

2009 内力——当代女性艺术家展,纺织艺术城,西安,中国

2009 举重若轻,恒当代艺术中心,南京,中国

2009 无镜——女性艺术家展,白盒子美术馆,北京,中国

2008 布景,坦克库,重庆,中国

2007 从西南出发——西南当代艺术展1985-2007,广东美术馆,广东,中国

2007 后先锋中国当代艺术展,香港,中国

2006 上海艺术博览会青年艺术家推介展,上海,中国

2005 云雨——艺术展,现在画廊,北京,中国Selected Exhibitions

2023 Building Self-Fulfillment — Shen Na's Solo Exhibition, Common Art Center, Beijing, China

2017 Era Texture — Exhibition of Works by Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

2014 College New Art Season One, Luohu Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

2013 Pure Views Traditions Reactivated — New Painting From China, Fukuoka Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan

2013 Pure Views — New Painting From China, Santa Monica Art Museum, Spain

2013 Yan Wenliang Art Award Series Exhibition "Fifth Element" Chinese Youth Oil Painting Invitation Exhibition, Suzhou Art Museum, Suzhou, China

2012 The Grand View of Tiny Images — Collection Plan for Chinese Contemporary Small Works In The Winter of 2012, Nate Gallery, Chengdu, China

2012 "Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of Speech at Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium" Chongqing Art Exhibition, Chongqing Art Museum, Chongqing, China

2011 Pure Views — New Painting From China, Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, USA

2011 Unusual Life — Tank Depot Tour Exhibition Scheme, Lucerne Academy of Design and Fine Arts, Lucerne, Switzerland

2011 Future Pioneer — Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition, Chongqing Art Museum, Chongqing, China

2011 Perfect Combination — Invitational Exhibition of Southern Female Artists, Blue Top Art Museum, Chengdu, China

2011 Chengdu Biennale — Pure Views, Chengdu East District Music Park, Chengdu, China

2010 Transforming the History of Chinese New Art from 2000 to 2009 — Chinese Youth Art Invitation Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

2010 Pure Views — New Painting From China, London, UK

2010 Invisible Wings, Time Art Museum, Beijing, China

2010 Bathing Fragrance · Washing Dust — Exhibition of Six Contemporary Female Artists in China, Hua · Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

2009 Inner Power — Contemporary Female Artists Exhibition, Textile Art City, Xi'an, China

2009 Weight-lifting Is Light, Heng Contemporary Art Center, Nanjing, China

2009 Mirrorless — Female Artist Exhibition, White Box Art Museum, Beijing, China

2008 Scenery, Tank Depot, Chongqing, China2007 Starting from Southwest — Southwest Contemporary Art Exhibition 1985—2007, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangdong, China

2007 Post-avant-garde China Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hong Kong, China

2006 Shanghai Art Expo Youth Artist Promotion Exhibition, Shanghai, China

2005 Cloud and Rain — Art Exhibition, Now Gallery, Beijing, China

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