
阿特网 2023-12-22 09:45:37

钟爱  纸本设色  2003EndearmentInk and color on paper50x100cm





Reading Lin Lan Flowers

Lin Lan Flowers comes from the Lingnan School of Painting. She brings freehand brushwork and sketching closer together, In particular, flower poetry is used to introduce contemporary humanistic thoughts, and ink is used as flower modeling. The ink is vigorous, the brushstrokes are gentle, and the flowers are serene, like the fragrance of fine rain.

Lin Lan Flowers emphasizes experiencing the traditional literary spirit, facing the insights of ancestors, caring about the life of brush and ink, and reflecting on the spirit of reality. Implying the concept of "Reason rests on things", with morality as the center and flowers as the mirror, reflecting the freshness of survival.

The intention of Lin Lan Flowers is to set style with consciousness, seek antiquity, return to the source along the brush and ink, like water imprinting the moon, but it can better appreciate the wisdom and elegant of correction.

Lin Lan Flowers use the light of a flower, praising the atmosphere of the times.

Text/Tian LimingVice President of the Chinese Academy of ArtDirector of the Chinese Painting Art Committeeof the Chinese Artists AssociationDoctoral SupervisorApril 2009

榴红  纸本设色  1999GrenatInk and color on paper50x50cm

清华  纸本设色  1998ComelinessInk and color on paper104x104cm

梅坚如铁·武汉·2020  纸本设色  2020 211×171cm

梦·澳门·1999  纸本设色  2019 211×171cm

蓬勃  纸本设色  2014VigorousInk and color on paper240×200cm

诗经—长歌清唱  纸本设色  2012-2016 507×390cm

住有绿居·深圳·2020  纸本设色  2020 211×171cm

吉祥岭南  纸本设色  2022 600×240cmx4

吉祥岭南·木棉  纸本设色  2022 600×240cm

吉祥岭南·蛋花  纸本设色  2022 600×240cm

吉祥岭南·芭蕉  纸本设色  2022 600×240cm

吉祥岭南·荔枝  纸本设色  2022 600×240cm

1971 出生于广东潮州1993 毕业于广州美术学院国画系1996 毕业于中央工艺美术学院,获硕士学位2004 毕业于清华大学美术学院,获美术学博士学位,教授、博士研究生导师现居广州,任广州美术学院党委书记,现为广东省美术家协会主席、中国美术家协会中国画艺术委员会副主任、中国美术家协会理事、中国国家画院研究员,获广东省南粤优秀教师、广东青年五四奖章、“广东特支计划”宣传思想文化领军人才、广东省中青年德艺双馨作家艺术家、教育部“新世纪优秀人才”、中宣部全国中青年德艺双馨文艺工作者等,为第十四届全国人民代表大会代表、中国文联第十一次全国代表大会代表。1971 Born in Chaozhou, Guangdong1993 Graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts1996 Graduated from the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts with a Master's degree2004 Graduated from the School of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University with a PhD in Fine Arts, Professor and Doctoral SupervisorCurrently lives in Guangzhou and serve as the Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. the Chairman of Guangdong Artists Association, Deputy Director of the Chinese Painting Art Committee of China Artists Association, Director of China Artists Association, and Researcher of China National Academy of Painting. Excellent teacher in Nanyue, Guangdong Province, Guangdong Youth May Fourth Medal, Leading Talent in Propaganda, Ideology, and Culture of the Guangdong Tezhi Plan, and a writer and artist of Guangdong Province with excellence in both professional skills and moral integrity for Middle-aged and Young People, the Ministry of Education's "New Century Excellent Talents" and the Central Propaganda Department's National Middle-aged and Young Literary and Artistic Workers with excellence in both professional skills and moral integrity, a representative of the 14th National People's Congress and the 11th National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

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