
天翰英语 2024-04-08 00:54:07


英 ['bʊldəʊz] 美 ['bʊldoʊz]


◉Usage Examples

(1) They bulldozed me into signing the agreement.

(2) The area was bulldozed to make way for a new road.

(1) 他们胁迫我签约。

(2) 那片地已被推土机推平用以修筑新路。


From earlier bulldose (noun, literally “bull-dose, a dose fit for a bull”), equivalent to bull+dose. 词源自美国英语,最初用作土木工程术语,指使用推土机(bulldozer)清除或平整地面。这个词后来引申为强迫或蛮横地推行某事,通常指以强硬或无视反对的方式完成任务或目标。


1. [VERB 动词](用推土机)铲平,推倒 If people bulldoze something such as a building, they knock it down using a bulldozer. [V n]

She defeated developers who wanted to bulldoze her home to build a supermarket.


2. [VERB 动词](用推土机)推平,清除 If people bulldoze earth, stone, or other heavy material, they move it using a bulldozer. [V n]

Last week, the department's road builders began to bulldoze a water meadow on Twyford Down.


3. [VERB 动词]强行通过(计划等);强迫(某人做某事) If someone bulldozes a plan through or bulldozes another person into doing something, they get what they want in an unpleasantly forceful way. [V n with through] [V n through n] [V n into n/-ing] [Also V n] [disapproval]

① The party in power planned to bulldoze through a full socialist programme...


② The coalition bulldozed the resolution through the plenary session...


③ My parents tried to bulldoze me into going to college.



① The government bulldozed several historic buildings to make way for the new highway.(政府推倒了几栋历史建筑,为新公路让路。)

- The Washington Post《华盛顿邮报》, January 10, 2024.

② The company bulldozed through the environmental regulations to expedite the construction process.(该公司无视环保法规,加速了施工进程。)

- Financial Times《金融时报》, February 20, 2024.

③ The developer bulldozed the entire forest to build luxury condos, sparking outrage among environmentalists. (开发商推倒了整片森林,建造豪华公寓,激起了环保人士的愤怒。)

- The Guardian《卫报》, March 5, 2024.

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