
阿特网 2023-12-14 16:35:15

1984 生于河北秦皇岛 2007 毕业于中央美术学院雕塑系现居北京,职业艺术家1984 Born in Qinhuangdao, Hebei, China2007 Graduated from the Sculpture Department, CAFA(Central Academy of Fine Arts)Currently lives in Beijing,Professional artist

弱水  树脂  2011Ruo ShuiResin80×45×60cm

冷光之四  树脂着色  2011Luminescence N0.4Resin Stains53×80×40cm


Some fragmentary thoughts about the work

情感关系在我作品中一直都存在,我会把男女放进同一个身体里。这是我们生活中不可避免的最重要的部分,被我直白的释放在作品中。虽然是男女同体,但并不完全是在单纯的体现情感关系,我觉得更多的是个体生命中的各种矛盾,比如理智与情感,爱恨与纠结,意识与本我等一些不那么纯粹的二元整体。An emotional relationship is always present in my work, where I incorporate men and women in a single body.This inevitable and most important part of our life has been elaborated on straightforwardly in my works.Although men and women share the same body, it doesn’t merely embody an emotional relationship. I think it is more about various contradictions in individual life, such as sense and sensibility, love and hate, consciousness and ego, and other dualistic pairs that are less pure.

分身  铸铜化学着色  2017DopplegangerCast copper with chemical stain46×36×138cm



For me, all the emotions in life can correspond and refer to men and women. Even in terms of biological traits, the delicate new lives that metamorphose from hard shells, and the twisting and growing vines, can be expressed in an abstract metaphor of men and women.

树铸铜化学着色,金箔2021TreeCast copper with chemical stain,Gold foil150x110x20cm


日出  铸铜化学着色  2019SunriseCast copper with chemical stain120×40×38cm


Like the vines and thorns inTrees, the seemingly delicate life is often the truly strong protector and the vine and tree are in a symbiotic relationship that is not simply emotional, but in a broader sense, mutually dependent. In Sunrise, there is a metaphor of scarabs, and the male head held by the woman represents rebirth and the rising sun.

恋人  铸铜化学着色,花岗岩  2020LoversCast copper with chemical stain, granite125x37x187cm

恋人(局部)Lovers (Part)

漫长的童年期让我们和父母结下了深厚的依恋之情,成熟自立后,这种亲密感往往会投射到爱情那里去,这是一种生物性的模仿,而非佛洛依德的方式,面对人类与生俱来的伤感和孤独,少女选择自己去孕育爱人, 与爱人建立起深厚的依恋之情。《恋人》这件作品表现的就是这两种情感的互相转化。人马的动作来源于少女的受胎告知,包裹恋人的犄角即是意化的子宫,也是生命之树。

A long childhood allows us to form a deep emotional attachment with our parents. After entering adulthood and becoming independent, such intimacy is often projected into a romantic relationship. It is a biological imitation rather than a Freudian approach. Faced with the innate sadness and loneliness of humanity, maidens choose to nurture their lovers by themselves and build a deep attachment with them. The work Lovers expresses the mutual transformation of these two emotions. The movement of the centaur is derived from the Annunciation. The horn that wraps around her lover is a metaphor for the womb and a tree of life.

暖暖  铸铁  2014Warmth and HeatCast iron50x50x180cm


A Fable is an abstract literary concept that lacks a specific direction. The fables we have heard since childhood are like templates for human life, and revelations that people have extracted from their life experiences. The mythological elements that appear in my works are symbolic and narrative. I hope that the audience can experience a sense of déjà vu from the visions.

诺  铸铜化学着色  2021NuoCast copper with chemical stain174×115×45cm

诺(局部)Nuo (Part)


The “Centaur” series is derived from the state and emotion of the figures. Considering a simple presentation of the figures often lacks strength, the artist introduced animal bodies to make the images more unique and highlight true humanity. For example, the female body and hair in Waters and Rocks are as submissive as water, while the part of the beast resembles a majestic mountain rock standing between heaven and earth. Several contradictions are incorporated into one, such as taming and breaking free, soft and hard, water and stone. It is exactly what I feel as a woman artist. It requires a strong self-consciousness to cope with the pressures of life. A woman who is as gentle as water also possesses a stubborn, tenacious nature of a beast. In yogaics, the centaur is often hailed as an important milestone. The human part symbolizes spiritual consciousness, while the horse represents the material world. As the spirit harnesses the matter, the two parts are inseparable and united. Centaur symbolizes the concord of mind and body.

诺(外景)Nuo (Exterior scenes)诺诺,许诺,诺言,应允“nuo~”,拟声词,递给诺是他的名字,也是他的期许,找到一个能够彼此承诺给予信任的人,把自愿套上的马缰交付出去牵着我我就跟你走

诺 (nuò)The Chinese character “诺” means promise, pledge, or agree to do something.As an onomatopoeia, “nuò” also means to hand over.Nuò, which is his name and expectation, seeks to find someone who can give promise and trust, and deliver to that person the bridle he voluntarily puts on..Take me and I'll go with you.

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