Planning to apply for a visa, I've done quite a bit of research and asked quite a few friends. How should I go about it? Friends suggested that using an "agent" might be more efficient, but if you blindly trust small ads online and choose an "agent" with unclear qualifications, then you might be in for a "blast"!
Let's look at a case▼▼▼
On September 27th, immigration officers at Beijing Airport Immigration Inspection Station of the Beijing Border Inspection Station discovered that a traveler named A Shen (a pseudonym) had a foreign visa and a pair of Chinese entry and exit stamps in his passport that were suspected of being forged. Upon verification, it was determined that the foreign visa and the two Chinese stamps in A Shen's passport were indeed counterfeit.
▲The passenger's passport contained a counterfeit foreign visa and Chinese entry and exit stamps.
According to A Shen's own account, he had previously handed over his passport to an intermediary to handle a foreign visa. The visa application process for that country is quite strict, and the intermediary promised to "simplify the materials" and "expedite the visa issuance." As for the "tricks" used during the agency process, the passenger was completely unaware. In the end, the fact that A Shen used forged documents to exit the country was clear, with sufficient and solid evidence. Beijing Airport Immigration Inspection Station, in accordance with the "Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China," imposed a fine of 3000 yuan as an administrative penalty, confiscated the involved passport, and did not allow him to exit the country. Other clues involved in the case have been transferred to relevant departments for further investigation.
Coincidentally, on the same day, a passenger using a counterfeit visa to enter the country was also apprehended at Daxing Airport Immigration Inspection Station. On September 27th, immigration police at Daxing Airport Immigration Inspection Station discovered a suspected counterfeit foreign visa in the passport of a Chinese passenger named A Wen (a pseudonym) during their duty. Further investigation was conducted, and it was determined that the visa was a complete forgery. A Wen confessed that he was a salesperson stationed in Africa by his company and, due to his busy work schedule, he entrusted the company's administration to contact an intermediary agency to handle a visa for a certain country. Similarly, since the fact of using a forged document to enter the country was established, Daxing Airport Immigration Inspection Station, in accordance with the "Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China," imposed a fine of 3000 yuan as an administrative penalty and confiscated the involved passport. Other clues involved in the case have been transferred to relevant departments for further investigation.
A solemn reminder:郑重提醒
Since visa applications require certain professional knowledge and experience, and the conditions and processes for visa applications vary from country to country, some unscrupulous intermediary agencies or individuals take advantage of the information gap to deceive consumers through illegal means. They often exaggerate their business capabilities, using "fast visa issuance" and "low-cost expedited visa processing" as selling points, claiming they can "guarantee a 100% visa issuance rate."
由于签证申请需要一定的专业知识和经验不同国家签证办理条件以及流程各不相同,一些不良中介机构或者个人借此利用信息差用不法手段欺骗消费者。他们通常会夸大宣传自己的业务能力以“快速出签”“低价加急办签”为噱头 宣称能够“100%出签”
While dealing with professional agencies can indeed improve efficiency, the success rate and time for visa issuance are usually influenced by a combination of factors such as the applicant's own conditions and changes in the visa policies of the destination country. There is no such thing as a "100% guaranteed visa issuance." If an agency claims "100% guaranteed visa issuance" or "guaranteed passage" before even processing your materials, there is a high likelihood of fraud.
找专业机构办事的确能提升办事效率,但通常情况下过签率、过签时长受申请人自身条件、前往国签证政策变化等综合因素影响并不存在“100%过签”一说,如果代办还没受理您的材料就声称“100%过签” “保过”很有可能存在欺诈嫌疑。
Finally, please keep your personal documents safe, do not casually hand them over to others, and do not trust intermediaries with unclear qualifications. Using forged or altered exit and entry documents to leave or enter the country is illegal and will result in legal responsibility.
Legal Education Moment
"Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 67: If a visa, a foreigner's stay or residence permit, or any other exit or entry document is damaged, lost, stolen, or if it is found after issuance that the holder does not meet the conditions for issuance, the issuing authority shall declare such exit or entry document to be invalid.
第六十七条 签证、外国人停留居留证件等出境入境证件发生损毁、遗失、被盗抢或者签发后发现持证人不符合签发条件等情形的,由签发机关宣布该出境入境证件作废。
Forged, altered, fraudulently obtained, or declared invalid by the issuing authority, exit or entry documents are void.
Public security organs may cancel or confiscate exit or entry documents as stipulated in the preceding paragraph or those used by others without authorization.
Article 71: Those who commit any of the following acts shall be fined not less than one thousand yuan but not more than five thousand yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days, and may also be fined not less than two thousand yuan but not more than ten thousand yuan:
第七十一条 有下列行为之一的,处一千元以上五千元以下罚款;情节严重的,处五日以上十日以下拘留,可以并处二千元以上一万元以下罚款
(1)Exiting or entering the country with forged, altered, or fraudulently obtained exit or entry documents;
(2) Exiting or entering the country by using another person's exit or entry documents without authorization;
(3) Evading exit or entry border inspections;
(4) Illegally exiting or entering the country by other means.