
摄影本源科技 2024-05-12 19:41:20
富士最近为X-H2S升级了版本,这次升级使得富士的移动应用Fuji X 与相机更加匹配,并且进一步提高了对焦准确性和视频设置,总体来说,升级后相机的菜单更加操作简洁。 要安装新的6.00版本,只需将从富士官方网站下载的文件复制到您的SD卡中,并在同一时间按下相机的”电源和BIK按钮”,然后您将看到屏幕上的升级指导,按照屏幕上的说明进行操作即可。 诚然,也可通过手机 Fuji X app 在线为相机升级固件。 升级过程中要小心,不要影响电池,也就是不要拔掉电池或关闭相机等。 Its unexpected that Fuji lately upgrades the version for X-H2S of which the upgrading steady-forms the Fuji-X app of Mobile to be lining with Camera, and as well times again enhances the Focus accuracy as well as Video setups, but in all, after upgrading the Menu of Camera is more operative and concise. To install the new version of 6.00 just copy the file which has been downloaded from Fuji Official to your SD and to Camera simultaneously pre Power and BIK button and thus you could see the Screen Guidance for upgrading and what you do is in abide with the explanation from the Screen. Take care of during the upgrading, do no affect the battery meaning draw out or Power Off camera &cs. Above all
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