
阿特网 2023-02-01 13:50:40

若匿系列 2008透明树脂 铁 玻璃钢83x96x96cm 110x46x46cm 83x38x36cm

什么样的⼈可以叫艺术家?What kind of person can be called an artist?2020年5⽉29⽇  29 MAY 2020我理解的艺术家就是不会被⽣活压倒的那群⼈,勇于直⾯、死不认输。

The artists I understand are those people who will not be overwhelmed by life, who are brave enough to face them and never admit defeat.


Always hold on to the respect and love of the world, and even the stubborn understanding and embrace.


I always look at things from the perspective of the public, holding my own attitude, and not caring about the surrounding comments, so as to integrate into the work to express opinions.


I don't have to "puff" against my heart, and I don't have the time to "make fun". The limited time is spent on things and people that I think are worthwhile.


Willing to experience the sameness and difference in the world, the work expands the boundaries of human cognition, the boundaries of psychology, and the flexibility of the bottom line.

尘归尘 局部  2017999银 紫檀木 黑金石7x81x17cm


Plastic marks about time

2019年3⽉14⽇  14 MAR 2019总以为自己长大了,这个五年我跨了30,却发现自己原来⼀直是个孩⼦,陪CC长大的这5年,她从躺着到坐着,到直立行走,到跑跑跳跳,到古灵精怪,时不时被她突然的⼀瞬间打动着,对照着⾃⼰⼉时的记忆,我们很像,却不像。

I always thought that I had grown up. I crossed 30 in the past five years, but found that I had always been a child. During the five years growing up with CC, she went from lying to sitting, to walking upright, to running and jumping, to Quirky, from time to time, was moved by her suddenly for a moment. In contrast to my childhood memories, we are alike, but not.


I love to travel. I only recently discovered the reason why I love to travel. The happiest family memory in my childhood memory is traveling as a family. I went to several famous cities in China and took a plane for the first time. From then on, my parents separated, It’s not that easy to be together. The childhood home can now be fortunately extended among the three groups of parents, mom, dad and me. In real life, it is hard to tell how many years have not been together for the New Year. And travel is a complete symbol of family for me.

新月·No. 3 葉知  2016青銅 油画顏料 99.9%24K金箔 蓬蓬裙76x33x38cm

葉知  2016青銅 油画顏料 99.9%24K金箔 蓬蓬裙76x33x38cm" 88f3e06b-0577-0578"="">葉知  2016青銅 油画顏料 99.9%24K金箔 蓬蓬裙76x33x38cm" uploaded="1" data-infoed="1" data-width="1080" data-height="1648" data-format="jpeg" data-size="87484" data-phash="73F11B1C319B499C" data-source="outsite" outid="undefined">

新月·No. 3 葉知 局部   2016 青銅 油画顏料 99.9%24K金箔 蓬蓬裙 76x33x38cm

葉知 局部   2016 青銅 油画顏料 99.9%24K金箔 蓬蓬裙 76x33x38cm" uploaded="1" data-infoed="1" data-width="1080" data-height="1620" data-format="jpeg" data-size="98881" data-phash="EB234EDCC4063772" data-source="outsite" outid="undefined">


For C, traveling means living alone with mother. In the past five years, I took her to more than a dozen countries, and took her to Lhasa when she was one and a half years old. We took care each other. For her, traveling means trying to be independent and self-aware.


I have made more than a dozen sculptures for her in the past five years. From the time she was a fetus to now, many people do not understand why I always make works around CC. I just feel that I want to make what I think is precious, those about courage, innocence, or even unrealistic existence, and topics that have nothing about others, but those blend with me. This may be an expression of my love for C and my respect for my choice to have C.

新月·No. 4 謎螺·手辦  2022SLA激光樹脂100x97x87cm

謎螺·手辦  2022SLA激光樹脂100x97x87cm" 0bc1de3f-0577-0578"="">謎螺·手辦  2022SLA激光樹脂100x97x87cm" uploaded="1" data-infoed="1" data-width="1080" data-height="720" data-format="jpeg" data-size="48976" data-phash="C36CC3823DF28F1C" data-source="outsite" outid="undefined">

新月·No. 4 謎螺·小夜燈  2020白瓷 木245x249x214cm

謎螺·小夜燈  2020白瓷 木245x249x214cm" 0c1f6e81-0577-0578"="">謎螺·小夜燈  2020白瓷 木245x249x214cm" 29eef1a4-0577-0578"="">謎螺·小夜燈  2020白瓷 木245x249x214cm" uploaded="1" data-infoed="1" data-width="1080" data-height="1520" data-format="jpeg" data-size="65369" data-phash="CD39964C65E632C9" data-source="outsite" outid="undefined">

关于 CC 的雕塑

About the sculpture of CC

2018年11⽉23⽇  23 NOV 2018有⼀种记录,不是⽂字、图形,是空间——由它曾经占据过的空间凝化⽽成,延伸出那个瞬间的声⾳、⾏为、空⽓的味道、湿度,和那个地理坐标,那⼀⽣命阶段。

There is a record, not words or graphics, but space—condensed from the space it once occupied, extending the momentary sound, behavior, smell of the air, humidity, and the geographic coordinates and the stage of life.


I do CC, and I record it from when she was born, to when she would sit when she was six months old, and then to one, one and a half, two, three, and four years old... I made one for her every year. Then, there is a space that can finally carry these memories of her growth: the sculptures, diaries, paintings, and videos I gave her, the sculptures, diaries, paintings, and videos she made. This will be the habitat of her soul, no one will be disturbed, return to her complete self state, clarify her mark, and see the distance. We are a mother and daughter in this life, ts is a gift for her.

新月·No. 5 長樂  2018青銅 白鋼96×106×23cm

長樂  2018青銅 白鋼96×106×23cm " a092496a-0617-0619"="">長樂  2018青銅 白鋼96×106×23cm " uploaded="1" data-infoed="1" data-width="1080" data-height="1441" data-format="jpeg" data-size="58630" data-phash="E392CB1E2CE1F063" data-source="outsite" outid="undefined">雕塑⼏乎都是在想象中完成的,借助她那个时期的成长特点为创意灵感,在⼏乎不可能存于现实中的⾏为状态来叙述我眼中的她。⽐如,推着⼩船学⾛路,在天使的翅膀中悄然⼊梦,在鹈鹕的⻓喙上玩滑梯,在海螺⾥拉臭臭……

Sculptures are almost always completed in imagination. With the help of hergrowth characteristics during that period as creative inspiration, she is described in my eyes in a state of behavior that is almost impossible to exist in reality. For example, pushing a boat to learn to walk, dreaming quietly in the wings of an angel, playing a slide on a pelican’s beak, pulling a smelly snail in a conch...


In the language of sculpture, the possibilities of growth narration are infinite. I inject this feeling of blending reality and dream into the work, just to convey a kind of thinking: what will happen if everyday is replaced by an imagined space and carrier Your mood expression? If the everyday settings that seem to be taken for granted are replaced with incredible props, does it mean that it can prompt a kind of out of eccentricity from time to time? Can it be understood as encouraging her to replace time and space thinking with her mind?


No matter how she views these sculptures in the future, this is the outlet of my mother's love overflowing. The gift I gave to her also records the time when I grew up with her as a mother, it is also a channel to express and comprehend the true meaning of life, which is very satisfying.

新月·No. 7 玄鸞公主與雪梟神  2020青銅 99.9%24K金箔112x29x38cm

鸞公主與雪梟神  2020青銅 99.9%24K金箔112x29x38cm" uploaded="1" data-infoed="1" data-width="1080" data-height="1688" data-format="jpeg" data-size="73488" data-phash="3919D9999A6CCC33" data-source="outsite" outid="undefined">


About Skins2018年11⽉23⽇  23 NOV 2018每个人生下来都被造物主赠予⼀副⽪囊,这副⽪囊被形形⾊⾊的灵魂使⽤。Everyone is born with a Skin given by the Creator, and this Skin is used by all kinds of souls.


Some people treat it kindly, cherish it, maintain it,


Some people sting it, cut it apart, and consume it.


If it is said that nothing isalways there, it will be removed in the next second,


How does it condense?


It’s complete? Broken? Devastated?


Is it to preserve the baby's texture? Are there traces of time?


What kind of life state has used this skin bag?


How many strokes has it suffered?


Has it ever been flogged?


How many materials has it been exposed to? What about the air?


How many raindrops have ever slapped on it?


Has it been decorated with gorgeousness?


How many people maintain this tangible existence that supports the soul?


How many people practice this natural gift with spirit?


How does the time-sculpted skin appear after the soul is scattered?


What supports life? Skin, soul, breath, and what else?


Is the skin a diary of life?


The skin is the collection of stories in this life.

新月·No. 7 玄鸞公主與雪梟  局部  2020青銅 99.9%24K金箔112x29x38cm

鸞公主與雪梟  局部  2020青銅 99.9%24K金箔112x29x38cm" 5aa76ef3-0714-0715"="">鸞公主與雪梟  局部  2020青銅 99.9%24K金箔112x29x38cm" 3b904a7f-0714-0715"="">鸞公主與雪梟  局部  2020青銅 99.9%24K金箔112x29x38cm" cac2199e-0714-0715"="">鸞公主與雪梟  局部  2020青銅 99.9%24K金箔112x29x38cm" 789bc51a-0703-0704"="">鸞公主與雪梟  局部  2020青銅 99.9%24K金箔112x29x38cm" uploaded="1" data-infoed="1" data-width="1080" data-height="1620" data-format="jpeg" data-size="87521" data-phash="9B63BB34C4F0B80B" data-source="outsite" outid="undefined">顺道造势

Follow TAO and do it2018年11⽉20⽇  20 NOV 2018雕塑的⾼点源⾃四⾯⼋⽅的力量⽀撑,

The high point of the sculpture comes from the support of power from all directions,


and the low point of the sculpture is the source of power traction.


Stay away from the deliberate space because it deviates too far from nature.


In the turbulent heartbeat, presented in the form of changing space and condensing materials.


Both the unexpected and the unexpected make it its own time and space.


I regard this method as an element that conforms to the will of nature, does not interfere with the creation of nature, and builds follow TAO.

新月·No. 8 魚羽人與雲  2021白鋼85x80x35cm

魚羽人與雲  2021白鋼85x80x35cm" c156e89a-0839-0840"="">魚羽人與雲  2021白鋼85x80x35cm" 2ddb38d5-0839-0840"="">魚羽人與雲  2021白鋼85x80x35cm" a54c7071-0828-0829"="">魚羽人與雲  2021白鋼85x80x35cm" uploaded="1" data-infoed="1" data-width="1080" data-height="1358" data-format="jpeg" data-size="125548" data-phash="259B5024A71ED9B7" data-source="outsite" outid="undefined">⽣命的“中”

The "Middle" of Life2021年7⽉10⽇  10 JUL 2021如果把⼈⽣的中看成是橫向的,那麼⽣命的中就假設成縱向的。這不是⼀個閉合的圓圈,也並⾮同⼼圓,是⼀個海螺剖⾯的逐步向外延伸的形狀。在每⼀世都有⼀個通道可以穿梭其它世,類似蟲洞,可以步⼊平⾏宇宙。通神的⼈或許可以任意抽取每⼀世的領悟。

If the middle of life is regarded as horizontal, then the middle of life is assumed to be vertical. This is not a closed circle, nor a concentric circle, but a gradual outward extension of the conch profile. In each world, there is a channel that can shuttle through other worlds, similar to wormholes, and can enter the parallel universe. People who are connected with God may draw the understanding of each life at will.如果這條⽣命之線無限⻑,是不是每⼀個當下都是中?那麼⽣命的中其實就是當下的⾃⼰,做好當下的⾃⼰,不去追逐意義,眼前的意義放在整個⽣命中或許並沒有想象的那麼重,有些看似無意義的事,反⽽對未來有深遠的影響。這靠守中後的感去感知,如果沒有這樣的感,那麼做好當下就好了。

If this line of life is infinitely long, is every present medium? So the middle of life is actually the present self. Be good at the present self, and don't pursue the meaning. The present meaning may not be as heavy as imagined in the whole life. Some seemingly meaningless things have a profound impact on the future. This is perceived by the feeling of being in the middle. If there is no such feeling, then it is better to do well in the present.


After understanding the vertical life system, the understanding of life and death may be more from the perspective of God, and the giving and getting of this life may also have vertical significance. Understanding the birth and end of life from such a perspective may be like looking at a page of a book, and no longer clinging to the incomprehension of a single word. Looking back at the whole book, you may feel relieved.



1986 年生于大庆,祖籍亳州。现生活工作在北京。

Born in Daqing in 1986, Ancestral home is Bozhou. Now living and workingin Beijing.

职业艺术家 | 厚朴修习营助教

Professional Artist | Assistant of HOPE Traditional Chinese Medicine



2004-2008 清华大学美术学院雕塑系,学士学位,导师李象群

Sculpture Department, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. Obtained bachelor's degree. The tutor is Professor Li Xiangqun.

2008-2010 清华大学美术学院雕塑系,硕士学位,导师王培波

Sculpture Department, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. Obtained master's degree. The tutor is Professor Wang Peibo.

2021 - 今 厚朴中医学堂,临床班,导师徐文兵

Studying in the clinical of HOPE of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The tutor is Dr.

Xu Wenbing.



2020「新月」许迪作品展,摩卡 M+ Space,北京

“New Moon” XUDi Solo Exhibition, Moca M+ Space in Beijing.


Solo Exhibition, Sosan Art Space in Guangzhou.


“Life & Rest” Ice Melting Plan, Enjoy Art Museum in Beijing,



2022「LMO Reconnect: HERE AND BEYOND」香港置地文華東方酒店,香港


Beijing International Design Week at New International Trade Hotel of Beijing.


Guangzhou Sculpture Exhibition & Macao Sculpture Invitation Exhibition at Build Dreams Space of Guangzhou.


“Boundless Introduction” Contemporary Art Exhibition at Xunmei Contemporary Art Museum in Shunde.


“Sculpture Art Season” at Meeting Space of Beijing.

2017「聚焦中国-当代艺术展」GALERIE ICONOCLASTES,巴黎

“Focus on China” Contemporary Art Exhibition at GALERIE ICONOCLASTES of Paris.


“Blooming Space” Chinese Artist Invitational Exhibition at Ishikawa Gallery of Tokyo.


The 2nd China Contemporary Youth Sculpture Exhibition at World Sculpture Park Sculpture Art Gallery of Changchun.


“Cheng Huai Guan Tao” International Pocket Sculpture Exhibition at National Sun Yat - Sen Memorial Hall of Taipei.

2017「融汇中西-当代艺术交流展」PALAZZO VELLI EXPO,罗马

“Fusion” Chinese and Western Contemporary Art Exhibition at PALAZZO VELLI EXPO of Rome.


“Insight” International Miniature Sculpture Exhibition at Visual Arts Centre in Singapore.


The 5th “Liu Kaiqu Award” International Sculpture Exhibition at Wuhu Sculpture Park of Anhui.

2015「物语-第二届当代女性雕塑展」ZERO 艺术中心,北京

The 2nd “Materials Speaks” Contemporary Exhibition of Female Sculptors in Beijing, ZERO Art Center.

2015「艺术关爱生命-当代艺术家邀请展」今日 22 号艺术空间,北京

The “Art Love Life” Exhibition in Beijing, Today 22 Art Space.

2014「造物寄情当随时代-首届南通国际当代工艺美术双年展」1895 文化创意产业园,南通

The 1st “The creation should follow the times” Nantong International Contemporary Craft Biennale in Nantong 1895 Cultural and Creative Industry Park.


The 12th “National Exhibition of Fine Arts” Sculpture Exhibition in Taiyuan Art Museum.

2014「1895 中国当代工艺美术系列大展优秀作品展」国家大剧院,北京

The 1895 China Contemporary Arts and Crafts Series Exhibition at National Grand Theatre of Beijing.


“Advance Bravely” Chinese Comtemporary “Horse” Culture and Arts Exhibition at China Millennium Monument.

2011「雕塑专业委员会 20 周年庆典暨中国雕塑年鉴展」国粹苑,北京

China Sculpture Almanac Exhibition at National Essence Garden of Beijing.


Contemporary Sculpture and Installation Art Exhibition at Hongzilan Art Center of Beijing.

2009 「墨·彩·形-当代艺术家邀请展」时代美术馆,北京

“Ink·Color·Shape” Contemporary Artists Exhibition in Times Art Museum of Beijing.

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