
阿特网 2023-03-29 13:54:52

1958 出生于天津1983 毕业于天津美术学院中国画系现居天津,任天津美术学院中国画系副教授1958 Born in Tianjin1983 Graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine ArtsCurrently lives in Tianjin, associate professor of  the Chinese Painting Department of  Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

往事知多少  纸本设色  2020 35×136cm

罗汉图  纸本设色  2021 35×136cm

论道图  纸本设色  2021 35×136cm

消磨图  纸本设色  2021 28.5×31.5cm

肉食者不鄙  纸本设色  2022 53×230cm

卧禅 纸本设色 2021 30.5x35cm

乌镇怀旧 纸本设色 2020 34.5x45.5cm

上海花趣 纸本设色 2020 34.5x45.5cm

大雪封山 纸本设色 2022 34x25cm

肉食者不鄙  纸本设色 2022 34.6x22.8cm

春之歌  纸本设色 2022 235x53cm

主要个展2022 肉食者不鄙——李津 顺德行,和美术馆,顺德,中国2022 李津,站台中国当代艺术机构(北京),北京,中国2021 罗汉图,玉兰堂(上海),上海,中国2020 活着,朱雀画廊,悉尼,澳大利亚2019“骨与肉”李津早期作品展,墨斋,北京,中国2017 饕客西行记,苏富比洛杉矶S2空间,洛杉矶,美国2016“2016 语境纽约李津个展”,语境纽约,纽约,美国2015“无名者的生活——李津三十年”,龙美术馆浦东馆,上海,中国2014 集食行乐——李津个展,台北百艺画廊,台北,中国2013 李津作品展,休斯画廊,悉尼,澳大利亚2012“李津・今日•盛宴”,今日美术馆,北京,中国2011 李津新作展,后天画馆,北京,中国2010 李津画展,卡斯滕画廊,曼海姆,德国主要联展 2021 孤独中的陪伴:中国艺术里的隐逸与雅集,大都会艺术博物馆,纽约,美国2019 墨意:当下的水墨艺术,南海艺术中心,旧金山,美国2018 体用一源:面向未来的水墨艺术——2018中国当代水墨年鉴三周年特展,中国美术馆,北京,中国2017 无垠:行进中的水墨运动,四川美术学院美术馆,重庆,中国2016 中国当代水墨年鉴展,今日美术馆,北京,中国2015“传统的复活”中国当代艺术的另一条线索,贾维茨中心中国展区,纽约,美国2014 中国山水,斯坦福大学坎特美术馆,帕罗奥图,美国2012 墨变(中国水墨展),汉堡美术馆,汉堡,德国  2012 李津中国水墨展,萨奇画廊,伦敦,英国2011 水墨再现,中国文化中心,柏林,德国     2010 与古为徒——十个中国艺术家的回应,波士顿美术馆,波士顿,美国 2009“与上文相关”当代绘画作品展,铸造艺术馆,北京,中国2008 水墨新境:中国当代水墨展,柏林国立博物馆,柏林,德国2007 第三届成都双年展,成都现代艺术馆,成都,中国2006 当代视像:首届中国当代艺术年鉴展,中华世纪坛艺术馆,北京,中国Selected Solo Exhibitions2022 Meat Eaters Are Not Superficial—Li Jin's Trip to Shunde, He Art Museum, Shunde, China  2022 Li Jin, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China  2021 Arhat, Line Gallery (Shanghai), Shanghai, China 2019 "Flesh and Bone"An Exhibition of Li Jin's Early Works, INK Studio, Beijing, China2017 Gluttonous Man to the West, Sotheby's Los Angeles S2 Space, Los Angeles, USA2016 "2016 Context New York Li Jin Solo Exhibition", Context New York, New York, USA2015 "The Life of the Nameless—Li Jin Thirty Years", Pudong Museum of Long Art Museum, Shanghai, China2014 Gather food for fun—Li Jin Solo Exhibition, Taipei Baiyi Art Gallery, Taipei, China2013 Li Jin Works Exhibition, The Hughes Gallery, Sydney, Australia2012 "Li Jin, Today, Feast", Today Art Museum, Beijing, China2011 Li Jin New Works Exhibition, Hou Tian Gallery, Beijing, China2010 Li Jin Exhibition, Carsten Gallery, Mannheim, GermanySelected Jiont Exhibitions2021 Companions in Solitude: Reclusion and Communion in Chinese Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA  2019 In Ink: Current Trends of Ink Art in China, Nanhai Art Center, San Francisco, USA 2018 Reconfirm: The Future-Orieated Ink Art — Special Exhibition for the Third Anniversary of Annual Review of China Contemporary Ink 2018, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China2017 The Boundless: Marching Ink and Wash Movement, Sichuan Fine Art Institute Museum of Art, Chongqing, China2016 Chinese Contemporary Ink Painting Almanac Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China2015 "Traditional Resurrection" Another Clue of Chinese Contemporary Art, Chinese Exhibition of Javits Center, New York,USA2014 Chinese Landscape, Kanter Art Museum of Stanford University, Palo Alto,USA2012 Ink Change (Chinese Ink Show), Hamburg Museum, Hamburg, Germany2012 Li Jin Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK2011 Ink Reproduction, Chinese Culture Center, Berlin, Germany2010 Being on the Shoulders of the Classical Masters — The Ten Chinese Artists' Respond, Boston Art Museum, Boston, USA2009 "With the Above Relevant" Contemporary Painting Works Exhibition, Casting Art Museum, Beijing, China2008 New Vision of Ink and Wash: China Contemporary Ink Exhibition, Berlin National Museum, Berlin, Germany2007 The Third Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu Museum of Modern Art, Chengdu, China2006 Modern Video: The First China Contemporary Arts Annals Exhibition, Art Museum of China Millennium Monument, Beijing, China

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