
燕子评商业 2024-03-25 06:34:47


受转让方委托,我司拟于2022年09月20日16:00至16:30(北京时间) 在拍船网(www.shipbid.net)进行网上公开竞拍活动,现公告如下:













(1) 美元保证金收款账户:

● Beneficiary: Zhejiang Shipping Exchange Market Co., Ltd.

● Beneficiary Address: 6th Floor, Zhoushan Bulk Commodity Exchange Center, No.555 Wengshan Rd, Lincheng Zhoushan Zhejiang Province, P.R.China

● Account No. : 3309040160000036851

● SWIFT (Beneficiary Bank): HZCBCN2HZSB

● Beneficiary Bank: Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd, Zhoushan Branch

●Beneficiary Bank Address: No.619, Dingshen Road, Ganghang Building B Zone, Zhoushan city, Zhejiang Prov. P.R. China

● Remittance Reference: CCS ORCHID

(2) 人民币保证金收款账户:

● 户名:浙江船舶交易市场有限公司

● 账号:3309040160000036844

● 银行:杭州银行舟山分行


陈女士:+86 18058087026 /0580-2038889

章先生:+86 18058087022 /0580-2627109











1、 竞拍成交后,买受人必须当天以电邮或者传真形式对竞拍成交信息进行确认,并在竞拍后的2个工作日内与本公司签订正式《竞拍成交确认书》。买受人须在竞拍完后的10个工作日内与转让方签订《船舶买卖合同》(即MOA)。该标的船舶的《船舶买卖合同》(即MOA)详见附件,竞拍成交后买卖双方应在此基础上进行签订。除完善必要信息(如公司名称等)以及买卖双方一致同意的条款以外,原则上不作其他修改。


3、 未成交者的竞拍保证金在竞拍结束后2个工作日内退回,竞拍保证金不计息。

















3、 本次竞拍,转让方仅提供船价和剩油款的商业形式发票(均非增值税发票);船舶移交后产生的所有费用、转让过户时产生的所有税费,均由买受人自行承担。








Bidding Announcement of MV “CCS ORCHID ”

Bidding Announcement

Entrusted by the transferor (the Sellers),we have scheduled to hold an online public bidding on www.shipbid.net from 16:00 to 16:30 (Beijing Time) on September 20th, 2022.

1. Bidding Object:

MV “CCS ORCHID”, Bulk Carrier;

IMO: 9718997;

Port of Registry: Panama;

Class: CCS;

LOA: 229.00m; MLB: 32.26m; MLD: 20.00m;

Summer DWT: 81966t at Draft 14.45m;

GRT: 43956; NRT: 27692;

M/E: HYUNDAI MAN B&W 6S60ME-C8.2 * 1 set, 9801kW@90.3r/min;

Generators: Daihatsu 6DE-18 * 3 sets, 690kW@900r/min;

Built Time: January 18th, 2017;

Builder: Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, China

(Data above refers to the ship inspection certificates)

Remarks: The ship is under navigation and BWTS has been installed.

2. Bidding Rules:

2.1 The bidding will be held with a reserved price. If there are less than three bidders participating in the bidding, the auction will be deemed as invalid after the expiration of the announcement period. If there are three or more bidders participating in the bidding, the potential transfer of the Ship will be carried out by auction. However, if the highest price offered by the bidder is lower than the reserved price, the auction will be deemed as invalid.

2.2 The starting price is USD 26.5 million, and the bidding deposit is USD 2 million (or RMB 13.4 million). Bid Increment: a multiple of USD 0.05 million.

2.3 The bidding time will enter into Extension Cycle since 16:25, September 20th, 2022after the bidding officially starts. And then the ending time will be refreshed every 5 minutes for each new bidding price offered.

2.4 If the Buyers pay the deposit in US dollars when applying for the bidding, it will be automatically converted as part of purchase deposit after the bidding. If the Buyers pay the deposit in CNY, Buyers shall pay another USD 2 million separately to the bidding company’s designated US dollar account within 2 working days upon the completion of the bidding. The bidding company shall return the CNY deposit fully back to the Buyers within 1 working day after the receipt of the US deposit.

3. Registration Requirements:

Registration is available from the date of this Announcement and ends on September 20th, 2022. (Beijing Time) before the auction starts (subject to the receipt of bidding deposit, the completion of online registration on the platformand the receipt of the bidding number. It is recommended that bidders pay the deposit 1-2 days in advance in order to avoid any issues). No registration will be accepted after the deadline. The time of this auction activity shall be subject to Beijing time. This auction only accepts legal persons or organizations that exist legally to participate in the auction.

4. Date and Place for Inspection of the Ship:

Inspection time is to be determined (according to specific voyage and port arrangement, and we will issue the notice in advance if possible), and please confirm with the bidding company for details.

5. Account of Bidding Company:

(1) USD Acct:

●Beneficiary: Zhejiang Shipping Exchange Market Co., Ltd.

●Beneficiary Address: 6th Floor, Zhoushan Bulk Commodity Exchange Center, No.555 Wengshan Rd, Lincheng Zhoushan Zhejiang Province, P.R. China

●Account No. : 3309040160000036851

●SWIFT (Beneficiary Bank): HZCBCN2HZSB

●Beneficiary Bank: Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd, Zhoushan Branch

●Beneficiary Bank Address: No.619, Dingshen Road, Ganghang Building B Zone, Zhoushan city, Zhejiang Prov. P.R. China

●Remittance Reference: CCS ORCHID

(2) CNY Acct:

●Beneficiary: 浙江船舶交易市场有限公司

●Account No.: 3309040160000036844

●Beneficiary Bank:杭州银行舟山分行

6. Contacts:

Ms. Chen:

+86 18058087026 /0580-2038889

Mr. Zhang:

+86 18058087022 /0580-2627109

E-mail: auction@shipbid.net

Zhejiang Shipping Exchange Market Co., Ltd.

Zhoushan Yi Ge Ship Auction Co., Ltd.

August 30th, 2022

Special Provisions

1. This additional provision is a supplement to the bidding announcement and rules, which has the same legal effect.

2. Bidding Object:

MV “CCS ORCHID”, Bulk Carrier;

IMO: 9718997;

Port of Registry: Panama;

Class: CCS;

LOA: 229.00m; MLB: 32.26m; MLD: 20.00m;

Summer DWT: 81966t at Draft 14.45m;

GRT: 43956; NRT: 27692;

M/E: HYUNDAI MAN B&W 6S60ME-C8.2 * 1 set, 9801kW@90.3r/min;

Generators: Daihatsu 6DE-18 * 3 sets, 690kW@900r/min;

Built Time: January 18th, 2017;

Builder: Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, China

(Data above refers to the ship inspection certificates)

Remarks: The ship is under navigation and BWTS has been installed.

The above data are recorded in the ship's inspection certificate. All the information and data provided in the Bidding Announcement, Special Provision, Inspection Report as well as any other channel related to the Ship are for reference only. The bidding object is subject to the status at the time of delivery. If there is any discrepancy between the actual situation and the data above, the bidding and bidding price won’t be disturbed. Once the bidding is concluded, the bidding company and the Sellers shall not assume any liability for defects or quality problems of the bidding ship.

3. After Bidding

3.1 Following a successful bidding, the Buyers shall send an Auction Confirmation to the Bidding Company on the same day (the “Bidding Day”) at the email address or facsimile number. The Buyers shall sign an original Auction Confirmation with the Bidding Company within two (2) Banking Days of the Bidding Day, and sign MOA with the Sellers within ten (10) Banking Days after bidding. The MOA shall be signed as attached. In principle, no modification of the MOA will be allowed, except filling with the necessary information (e.g. Buyers' information, purchase price, etc.), or others terms mutually agreed between the Sellers and the Buyers.

3.2 The Purchase Deposit shall be 10% of the final purchase price as per the MOA. The bidding deposit paid by the Buyers shall be automatically converted in to part of the purchase deposit. And the balance of the purchase deposit shall be paid to the escrow account by the Buyers within three (3) working days after the MOA is mutually signed.

3.3 The bidding deposits of the unsuccessful bidders shall be returned within 2 working days after the bidding without interests.

3.4 It’s acknowledged the interests-free dollar account designated by the bidding company is the escrow account for the Buyers and Sellers to hold and release the funds of the Purchase Price as well as all other sums payable by the Buyers. After signing the Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance (PODA), the bidding company shall release all the purchase funds which received from the Buyers against the signed PODA and the Release Letter by the Sellers and the Buyers, including but not limited to ROB charge and other delivery monies to the Sellers within 2 working days without interests. The bidding company shall not charge any additional fee for the escrow service of funds.

3.5 Below hired cylinders are excluded from this Sale:

4. Transfer (Deletion) and Delivery of the Ship

4.1 The Buyers shall pay all the bidding commission not later than 16:00 September 23rd, 2022 (Beijing Time), and remit the balance of the Purchase Price, estimated ROB charges and other delivery monies (if any) to the escrow account nominated by the Sellers, at least TWO (2) working days prior to the Vessel’s expected delivery date. Any delay or failure to pay fees mentioned above shall be deemed as a breach of the Bidding Announcement and the MOA.

4.2 The Sellers (as the original ship owner) should complete all the deletion procedures relating to the ship within 10 working days after signing PODA.

Notice of Readiness shall not be tendered before: October 17th, 2022;

Cancelling Date: December31st, 2022.

If the Delivery indeed to be extended due to the influence of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia or otherfactors, the new Cancelling Date can be fixedwhen a mutual consent reached between the Sellers and the Buyers.

4.3 Delivery Place: The ship shall be delivered and taken on an “as is where is” basis, as she is and where she is at the time that the Buyers take delivery at one safe port or anchorage or pilot station within Singapore – Japan range (including China) at Sellers’ option. Once the bidders complete the online registration and participate in the auction, shall be deemed to have recognized and accepted the status quo and defects of the Ship, including but not limited to all known and unknown defects related to the ship certificates and the ship condition, etc. The bidders shall not object to defects, such as the quality, of the Ship for any reason.The Buyers shall be deemed to have confirmed to accept the ship’s condition if they did not inspect the ship.

The Sellers shall send the notice with intended delivery time and place 20 days in advance. The Sellers are not responsible for any time and cost for Buyers to take delivery of the Ship which shall be for the Buyers’ account.

4.4 Documents provided by the Sellers and the Buyers on Closing shall be refer to MOA.

4.5 Two (2) attachments in total. Please download and check the details.

5. Related expenses

5.1 Bidding service fee: After the bidding, the Buyers shall pay bidding service fee to the bidding company in due time. The service fee rate shall be referred to UNDERTAKING of BIDDING as attached in the Bidding Announcement.

5.2 The bank charges related to the bidding deposit shall be borne by the bidders; and the bank charges related to the purchase price as well as any other delivery monies shall be borne by the Buyers.

5.3 The Sellers would provide with commercial invoices of the purchase price and ROB charges. All the taxes, expenses and costs incurred after the ship delivery shall be borne by the Buyers themselves.

5.4 On delivery, the Buyers and the Sellers shall take measurement of the remaining fuel oils, bunkers and unused lubricating The Buyers shall take over remaining bunkers and unused lubricating and hydraulic oils and grease in storage tanks and unopened drums and pay with the last actual net price (exclude barging expenses) as evidenced by invoices or vouchers; or if the invoices or vouchers are not available, thePlatts Singapore price on the 3rd business days prior to the date of delivery to be applied. Items on board which are on hire or owned by third parties (if any) are excluded from the bidding.

5.5 Any taxes, fees and expenses in connection with the purchase and registration in the Buyers' Nominated Flag State shall be for the Buyers' account, whereas similar charges in connection with the closing of the Sellers’ register shall be for the Sellers' account.

Unless otherwise specified in the mutually signed MOA, the Ship with everything belonging to her shall be at the Sellers' risk and expense until she is delivered to the Buyers, while the Ship’s risk and expenses shall be for the Buyers’ account after the delivery of the Ship under this Agreement.

6. Matters not covered herein shall be settled through negotiation by the bidding company, the Sellers and the Buyers.

Zhejiang Shipping Exchange Market Co., Ltd.

Zhoushan Yi Ge Ship Auction Co., Ltd.

August 30th, 2022


The above information is reprinted from www.shipbid.net. In case of (In the event of) any inconsistency, the announcement on www.shipbid.net shall prevail.

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