
旧游成梦寐 2024-06-30 16:08:48


The medical skills of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner are always proportional to their medical ethics. Traditional Chinese medicine does not rely on techniques to treat people, but on mental methods. When the mind method is correct, even a very ordinary prescription is useful in his hands. His "righteousness" will make the patient feel trust, thereby improving the efficacy.


In fact, to judge the quality of a traditional Chinese medicine, one can easily understand its treatment approach in just a few sentences. Traditional Chinese medicine has always emphasized that diseases are not simply viruses or inflammations, but rather results and symptoms. Diseases are the underlying causes of symptoms such as pain and inflammation.


Some doctors separate the disease from its cause (emotion), thinking that the disease is a separate entity outside the body. For example, if someone falls ill, they are eager to remove the tumor, thinking that this will cure the disease. This is actually a very narrow concept.


Unfortunately, this narrow concept is also the view of many people today regarding the body and diseases. But in fact, the cause of the disease appears to be a physical problem, but in reality, it is a psychological problem. Especially difficult and complicated diseases, which are problems with life.


So, if there is no mental technique, no sense of qi, practicing Tai Chi is just Tai Chi gymnastics.

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