
天翰英语 2024-08-25 13:06:40


英 [ɪn'sepʃn] 美 [ɪn'sepʃn]




“Inception” 源自拉丁语词汇 “inceptio”,意为“开始”或“起点”,由“inceptus” (开始)派生而来。由 "in-"(意为“在内”)和 "-capere"(意为“取”)组成,字面意义是“开始取得”或“着手进行”. 这个词的根源可以追溯到拉丁动词 “incipere”,意为“开始”或“着手”。在英语中,“inception” 最早出现在15世纪,用于描述某事的开端或创建的起始阶段。


① 《纽约时报》 (The New York Times), 2024年2月10日

“The project’s inception was marked by a series of strategic meetings to define its goals and scope.”


② 《华尔街日报》 (The Wall Street Journal), 2023年8月12日

“The company’s growth since its inception has been remarkable, evolving from a small startup to a global leader.”



在弗朗茨·卡夫卡的小说《变形记》(The Metamorphosis)中,“inception” 描述了故事的开端:

“The inception of Gregor Samsa’s transformation marked the beginning of a profound and unsettling change in his life.”


◉Usage Examples

(1) The inception of the plan was due to him.

(2) He had been director of the project since its inception.

(3) The programme has been successful since its inception.

(4) The club has grown rapidly since its inception in 1990.

(5) They have been a part of life since its inception on planet Earth.

(1) 计划的开始取决于他。

(2) 这项工作从一开始他就是负责人。

(3) 这个方案自开始实施以来一直卓有成效。

(4) 这个俱乐部自从1990年成立以来发展迅速。

(5) 从一开始它们就是地球生物的一部分。

◉Usage Notes

The inception is the beginning. Since its inception, Wikipedia has been created by its users.

Inception sounds like conception, but their meanings are distinct. Conception usually refers to the moment of becoming pregnant. Inception refers more to the beginning, to entering upon an undertaking. Inception implies the start of a specific thing like a campaign or a company. Subsequent events take place after the inception. At the moment of conception, most women are at the inception of motherhood.


1. [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]开始;开端;初期 The inception of an institution or activity is the start of it. [with poss] [FORMAL 正式]

Since its inception the company has produced 53 different aircraft designs.

该公司自成立以来已经完成了 53 种不同样式飞行器的设计。

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