
天翰英语 2024-08-04 09:56:33


英 [pɔɪz] 美 [pɔɪz]

n.平衡;姿态;镇静 v.使 ... 平衡;保持 ... 姿势;做准备;盘旋




古法语:单词:pois 或 poise意义:在古法语中,“pois”指“重量”或“平衡”。这个词的使用涵盖了物理上的平衡或稳定性。拉丁语:词根:pondus意义:古法语的“pois”源自拉丁语“pondus”,意思是“重量”或“重物”。拉丁语中的“pondere”意为“称量”或“衡量”,直接与物理上的重量和测量相关。演变:在古法语中,“poise”或“pois”用于描述物体的重量和稳定性,这一概念后来转化为现代英语中的“poise”,不仅涵盖物理上的平衡,还扩展到了描述人的镇定、优雅和从容不迫的态度。


The New York Times (2023)"The athlete displayed remarkable poise during the high-pressure competition, securing her victory."该运动员在高压比赛中展现了非凡的镇定,确保了她的胜利。The Guardian (2022)"Despite the criticism, the politician maintained a calm poise, addressing each point with thoughtful responses."尽管面临批评,这位政治家保持了冷静的镇定,深思熟虑地回应了每一点。The Economist (2021)"The company's poise in the face of economic downturn has won it admiration from investors."该公司在经济衰退面前的镇定赢得了投资者的赞赏。



简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)的《劝导》(Persuasion)英文:“She had a poise and composure that only came from true understanding and self-assurance.”中文:“她的优雅和镇定只源于真正的理解和自信。”

◉Usage Examples

(1) Good poise is important for a dancer.

(2) He discovers true poise and equilibrium.

(3) We admired the graceful poise of the dancer.

(4) She was a beautiful girl with the grace and poise of a natural model.

(5) He has perfect poise and never seems embarrassed.

(6) He poised the glass on the shelf.

(7) She tried her best to poise herself.

(8) He poised his head disdainfully.

(9) He waited with his fingers poised over the keys.

(1) 保持良好的平衡对舞蹈演员非常重要。

(2) 他明白了什么是真正的平静和平衡。

(3) 我们很欣赏那位舞蹈演员的优美舞姿。

(4) 她是一个美丽的姑娘,有着模特儿的那种优雅姿态。

(5) 他的神智安宁,似乎从没困惑过。

(6) 他把玻璃杯稳稳地放在架子上。

(7) 她尽全力使身体保持平衡。

(8) 他的头摆出一副瞧不起人的样子。

(9) 他把手指摆在琴键上等着。

◉Usage Notes

If you have poise, you are cool under stress. People with poise can handle pressure without showing it.

If you’re calm while singing the national anthem in front of thirty million people, you’ve got a lot of poise. This is a rare quality people admire. Another meaning is to brace yourself for something difficult, as in: when you hear about a tornado, you're poised for more bad news. You can also be poised as in "on the brink" of something. If you stand on the diving board it could be said you’re poised to take the plunge.


1. [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]镇定;沉着;泰然自若 If someone has poise, they are calm, dignified, and self-controlled. [oft poss N]

What amazed him even more than her appearance was her poise...


It took a moment for Mark to recover his poise.


2. [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词](优雅的)姿势,姿态 Poise is a graceful, very controlled way of standing and moving.

Balletes are important for poise and grace...


Even when he moved he did so without poise.


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