
富甲北京 2024-08-27 09:13:58


It was a privilege to encounter the scale and power of nature in the design of this garden. The owners’ house is like a block set in an undulating landscape. The minimalist architecture here creates a sharp edge, a kind of levee in the hillside. Our task was to relate to the house and surround it with a garden environment that is functional, pleasant and respectful of its natural surroundings. The house should blend in with the site, relate nicely to its surroundings, and be sensitively drawn to the terrain.

▼场地鸟瞰,aerial view of the site©Atelier Partero


▼总平面图,master plan©Atelier Partero

It was already clear from the brief that the owners have a deep relationship with the site. What more could you want than to live in a place that you love. By being considerate and understanding the scale of the proposed house, they were able to integrate the lots so that the house would not be confined. The resulting plot of almost one hectare is just the right size and space for such a luxurious house.

▼建筑与景观,the house and nature©Atelier Partero

▼住宅外观,exterior view of the house©Atelier Partero


▼分析图,analysis diagram©Atelier Partero

While the house is large in simple massing and neutral colours, the scale of the surroundings means that the house actually remains ‘small’ in the landscape. The construction of the building was kept to only a portion of the large plot, leaving the site of considerable space undisturbed by construction work. This is also how it is intended to remain – to build a garden with minimal intrusion into the original. Not to damage the landscape, but rather to blend in and relate to it.

▼景观设计,landscape design©Atelier Partero

▼近景,closer view©Atelier Partero

▼丰富的配植,various planting©Atelier Partero

建筑和花园是根据业主的明确想法和生活体验而设计的。很明显,业主的生活方式已经把这个家庭的需求浓缩到了最基本的必需品。这里没有“额外”的功能,只是业主对住宅的真正期望 —— 一座花园以及一栋可居住的房子。因此,作为“园丁”的景观设计师们也享受到了这种奢侈的自由,露台、座位区、烧烤架、火坑和长凳等每一个元素都自然地找到了合适的位置,而花园的其他部分必须保持美观、悦目、舒适、自然……

The building and garden were created with a clear idea and life experience of the clients. And it is clear, that life has distilled this family’s needs down to the most basic of essentials. There are no ‘extra’ features to be found here, just what the owners really expect from a home – a garden and a house to live in. And so are we – the gardeners – also afforded a bit of luxury and freedom, because every one of those few things, the patio, the seating area, the barbecue, the fire pit and the bench, quickly find their ideal position, and the rest of the garden just has to remain nice, eye-pleasing, comfortable, natural…

▼建筑与山坡,the house located on the slope©Atelier Partero

▼细部,details©Atelier Partero


The block of the house here lies like a brick, balancing the triangle of meadow above the house. The original terrain is sloping, with woodland dissolving at the edge of the garden and boundaries ‘flowing’ down the slope, with only meadow and dry grassland in-between. We have proposed the necessary thinning, reduction and replanting in the original boundaries, but in just the few years since implementation there is now no sign of intervention and the site continues to look natural.

▼由草坡看住宅,viewing the house from the lawn slope©Atelier Partero

▼起伏的草坪,lawn slope©Atelier Partero


Just as the design avoided unnecessary features, it also avoided decor. Everything remains in the spirit of minimalism in harmony with the house, in large surfaces, clean lines, long curves. Only the flowerbeds near the house and in its forecourt were given more texture and colour in the form of perennial beds.

▼露台,terrace©Atelier Partero

▼顶视图,top view©Atelier Partero

花园与自然的融合是渐进的 —— 从住宅附近的栽培和种植区域,穿过草坪的灌溉部分,然后自由地过渡到草地,草地的边缘与灌木群汇入林地的边界,与树林融为一体。场地后面的林地将保持野生状态,并长期保持这种状态。

The blending of the garden with nature is gradual – from the cultivated and planted areas in the immediate vicinity of the house, through the irrigated part of the lawn, which freely transitions into a meadow, into which the ‘fingers’ of borders and shrub groups run, to the vegetation at the edge of the woods, where the blending ends. The woodland behind the site will remain wild and hopefully it will stay that way for a long time.

▼露台与景观交织,interweaving of the terrace and lawn©Atelier Partero

▼细部,details©Atelier Partero


The terrace stretches away from the house in a similar length to the way the hedgy boundaries stretch in the opposite direction from the forest. Large format paving is interspersed with islands of perennials, with space here and there for a ‘water bowl’ or barbecue. This colourful bed acts as a ‘seam’ between the house, terrace and garden. The terrace is a place to stay, relax, socialize and entertain of all kinds.

▼鸟瞰户外休闲区,half-aerial view of the outdoor living space©Atelier Partero

▼顶视图,top view©Atelier Partero

▼户外家具,outdoor furniture©Atelier Partero

▼水盆,water bowl©Atelier Partero

▼细部,details©Atelier Partero


The lawn and meadow on the sloping hillside is then a welcome release of space. In the summer just slap yourself in the grass, in the winter it’s almost skiing slope! The edge of the property has been left without fences or made do with an ‘invisible’ fence that does not disturb the occupants of the house or the surrounding landscape.

▼建筑与草坡,the sloping hillside©Atelier Partero

▼平面图,plan©Atelier Partero

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