
香梅评国际 2023-05-19 01:57:16


Ambassador Hoogmartens

Visits Mongolia


This month, the ambassador of Belgium to China dr. Jan Hoogmartens visited Ulaanbaatar, the capital of neighboring Mongolia, a country in his jurisdiction as Belgian head of mission based in Beijing.

05月13日 / 13 May

5月13日,在与比利时社区的聚会上大使宣布正式任命同胞Klaartje Genbrugge女士和Joel Cachet先生分别为名誉领事和经济外交顾问。这两位同胞将为在蒙古保证比利时的利益作出贡献,并帮助更好地协助和满足比利时社区和商业需求。在这次聚会上大使也会见了蒙古的比利时社区成员。

On 13 May, the ambassador announced the official appointments of compatriots Mrs. Klaartje Genbrugge and Mr. Joel Cachet as honorary consul and economic diplomacy advisor, respectively, during a gathering with the Belgian community. Both compatriots will contribute to Belgium’s presence in Mongolia and help better assist the Belgian community and business needs. The friendly gathering also allowed the ambassador to personally meet the members of the Belgian community.

05月14日 / 14 May

5月14日,大使参加了 "欧洲日"的庆祝活动。欧盟成员国在一个展览会上各得到一个摊位,在那里他们可以宣传自己的文化。比利时的展台不仅有华夫饼、巧克力和比利时的图片,而且还以比利时在漫画书、艺术和设计方面的声誉为灵感举办了非常受欢迎的绘画比赛。该展台获得了巨大的成功!

On 14 May, the ambassador joined the celebrations of “Europe Day”. The European Union member states each received a stand at a fair where they could promote their culture. The Belgian stand not only had waffles, chocolates, and images of Belgium, but it also hosted a very popular drawing contest based on Belgium’s reputation for comic books, art, and design. The stand was a big success!

05月15-16日 / 15-16 May


Between 15 and 16 May, the ambassador joined his fellow European Union ambassadors who also travelled to Ulaanbaatar on a program to meet Mongolian authorities and organizations.


The short but busy stay in Ulaanbaatar allowed the ambassador to strengthen friendly ties with Mongolia and to closely listen to the stories and expectations of the local Belgian community.

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