
天翰英语 2024-04-08 00:54:32


英 ['pɜːtɪnənt] 美 ['pɜːrtnənt]



“ Pertinent一词源自于拉丁语“pertinens”,由“per-”(意为“完全”)和“tenere”(意为“持有”)组成,整体意思是“完全持有”的意思。这个词在中世纪英语中演变为“pertinent”并保持了其相关的含义。”

◉Usage Examples

(1) The expert made some pertinent comments on the scheme.

(2) He raised several pertinent questions.

(3) The lawyer wanted to know all the details pertinent to the case.

(4) His answer was highly pertinent to the question.

(5) It might be pertinent for you to make the suggestion to our CEO.

(1) 那专家对规划提出了一些中肯的意见。

(2) 他提了几个有关的问题。

(3) 律师想知道与该案有关的全部细节。

(4) 他的回答非常切题。

(5) 你向总裁提这个建议可能比较恰当。

◉Usage notes

Something pertinent is relevant and on-point. If you give your best friend pertinent advice, that means the advice is appropriate for the situation.

Something pertinent is related to the current topic or situation — and probably helpful too. If you're in math and you make a comment about World War I, that's likely not pertinent. If you're in music and you talk about a cello, that probably is pertinent. Pertinent things are appropriate and logical. In most situations, people like to get comments and questions that are pertinent — anything else can just seem like a distraction.


1. [ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]有关的;相关的 Something that is pertinent is relevant to a particular subject. [oft ADJ to n] [FORMAL 正式]

① She had asked some pertinent questions...


② Pertinent information will be forwarded to the appropriate party.


③ ...knowledge and skills pertinent toroom teaching.



④ 'If we pay players, how far do we go?' Gresson asked pertinently...


⑤ Where had they learned all this, or, more pertinently, why had they remembered it?



⑥ I do not see the pertinence of most of this material.



① The judge ruled that the evidence was not pertinent to the case.(《The New York Times》)


② The committee discussed several issues pertinent to the upcoming project.(《The Economist》)


③ It is important to focus on pertinent information when making decisions.(《Financial Times》)


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