
富甲北京 2024-08-24 09:38:44


The Wuyi University Comprehensive Gymnasium project is located in the northern part of the Wuyi University campus in Jiangmen City. It includes a basketball gymnasium and a comprehensive gymnasium. Among them, the building height of the basketball stadium is 23.10m, with one underground floor and two above-ground floors; The building height of the comprehensive gymnasium is 48.40m, with five floors above ground. The two venues are connected through the second-floor platform and organize independent entrance flow lines to achieve spatial connectivity and unity in shape. The design uses hollowing, overhead, staggered and other methods to weaken the building volume and reduce the sense of pressure of large volume on the surrounding environment. The building is partially elevated, allowing the campus landscape and line of sight to penetrate and cross, and is also the embodiment of climate adaptation. The project not only has the function of a gymnasium, but also combines three-dimensional greening to become a leisure activity space for students, echoing the open education mode of the new era.

▼项目概览,overall of the project© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

1集约式的立体运动场馆Intensive three-dimensional sports stadium


▼体块分析图,analysis diagram©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

The site where the gymnasium is located was originally the single-storey basketball court of the campus. With the continuous expansion of the scale of the campus, the original sports venues are far from meeting the needs of students. In order to obtain more space for sports activities within the limited campus land, the new gymnasium adopts an intensive and three-dimensional design to increase the indoor sports space, while allowing the campus to retain the original outdoor court land.

▼鸟瞰,aerial view of the project© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼集约化和立体化的设计,intensive three-dimensional sports stadium© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)


▼轴测分析图,axonometric drawing©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

The new stadium consists of a 23-meter high basketball arena and a 48.4-meter high high-rise integrated training arena, which are connected by a second-floor platform and organize separate entrance routes. Among them, the basketball stadium has a total of 2853 spectators (including active stands); The comprehensive hall has five floors, the first and second floors are basketball courts and volleyball courts, the third floors are multi-functional sports service areas, the fourth floors are badminton courts, and the fifth floors are tennis courts.

▼鸟瞰二层平台,aerial view of the second-floor platform© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

2适应气候的被动式建筑形体Climate-adapted passive building form


▼分析图,analysis diagram©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

Inheriting Lingnan architecture emphasizes flexible, transparent and overhead design techniques. The above-ground building of the gymnasium is composed of five boxes staggered and superimposed, which to some extent reduces the pressure of the oversized volume on the campus environment, including the adjacent dormitory. The cantilevered and elevated boxes form the main entrance space with a height of about 14 meters, and also establish a public activity platform system with different elevations. On the one hand, a number of elevated semi-outdoor Spaces allow natural wind to pass through the building and maintain the natural energy balance of the regional environment; On the other hand, the air is directed to different facades of the building, the air is introduced into the interior through the open exterior Windows, and the hot pressure ventilation effect is formed in combination with the evenly arranged skylight of the roof, which can be opened to meet the natural ventilation in the transition season. This passive form design can effectively reduce the project’s operating energy consumption by 10%.

▼架空的设计,overhead design techniques© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼半鸟瞰,half-aerial view© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼户外篮球场一侧半鸟瞰,half-aerial view from the basketball fields© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼地面层人视,perspective view from the ground level© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

3多功能体育空间一体化的空间布局Multi-functional sports space integration space layout


▼功能分析,analysis of program©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

The plan of the high-rise training hall comprehensively considers the dimensions of different types of sports venues, and selects the long-span concrete frame structure with one-way two spans (33.6m+17.8m) to make the venue as large as possible and meet the size requirements of different sports venues. On the fifth floor of the training hall, that is, the top floor, the advantage of steel structure metal roof is used to form a large space by pumping columns, which not only meets the size requirements of the tennis court, but also saves construction investment. The net height of the training hall takes into account the requirements of various sports, ensuring that the later operation can flexibly change the site function according to different needs.

▼走廊,hallway© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼羽毛球场,badminton court© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)


The basketball hall adopts the design of the combination of fixed bleachers and active bleachers, which is conducive to the formation of a variety of use modes. When all the stands were opened, the seating capacity was 2853, which could hold professional basketball, volleyball and other kinds of ball games, but also meet the needs of artistic performances, large-scale conferences and various ceremonies. When the event stands are closed, the first floor competition venue can be converted into 2 basketball courts or volleyball courts, 10 badminton courts, and the second floor event stand area can be set up table tennis or other recreational venues, which can meet the diversified needs of the school to hold various activities all day long.

▼篮球场,basketball fields© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼篮球馆,the basketball hall© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼细部,details© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

4形式结合功能的绿色表皮A green skin of form and function


In order to meet the low load operation of the stadium most of the time, we hope to realize the organic combination of beauty and energy saving through the design of the facade.

▼立面,facade© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼近景,closer views© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼立面近景,closer view of the facade© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

外表皮采用玻璃纤维增强混凝土预制板(UHPC), 将岭南传统民居的回字型花格窗结合中国传统编织工艺的表达,通过巧妙的立体错位排列的方式,让表皮肌理在光影的变化之下更具层次感和韵律美。

▼玻璃纤维增强混凝土预制板(UHPC),glass fiber reinforced concrete prefabricated panel (UHPC)© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

The outer skin adopts glass fiber reinforced concrete prefabricated panel (UHPC), which combines the back-shaped lattice Windows of Lingnan traditional folk houses with the expression of traditional Chinese weaving technology. Through the clever three-dimensional displacement arrangement, the skin texture has a more layered sense and rhythmic beauty under the changes of light and shadow.

▼近景鸟瞰,closer aerial views© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼岭南传统民居的回字型花格窗结合中国传统编织工艺的表达,the back-shaped lattice Windows of Lingnan traditional folk houses with the expression of traditional Chinese weaving technology© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)


▼分析图,analysis diagram©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

In addition to aesthetics, the outer skin with an outer shading coefficient of less than 0.70 plays a good shading role, creating a heat buffer area for the stadium in summer, effectively blocking excessive solar radiant heat, and greatly reducing the solar heat gain of the building. At the same time, the hollow skin design also improves indoor glare and improves comfort during exercise. Open exterior Windows behind the skin and on the roof bring natural light and reduce the lighting energy consumption of the venue by 18%, achieving the green and low-carbon design goal.

▼下沉广场,sunken plaza© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼灰空间,gray space© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼夜景,night view© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

5呼应未来创新教育模式的共享式文体教育综合体A shared cultural and sports education complex that echoes the future innovative education mode


The design responds to the need for space in the current educational model. The gymnasium not only has a clear physical exercise function, but also is a multi-functional activity place that will accommodate students’ various informal learning and communication space needs as much as possible. The main entrance of the gymnasium is located on the second floor. Between the two buildings, a two-floor square space of about 40 meters X15 meters is formed, which can meet the needs of students’ small club activities and outdoor leisure activities. The elevated three-dimensional landscape on the north side of the entrance, combined with the rest steps, can become an informal performance place where students can hold small singing performances. In addition, the stadium integrates various scales of outdoor and semi-outdoor activity Spaces at different elevations, enriching the activity function of the entire stadium; In order to further improve the comfort of the space, the scheme design fully considers the accessibility, ecology and climate adaptability of the activity space itself, and also fully considers the basic electricity conditions such as lighting.

▼夜景鸟瞰,aerial view at night© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼夜景,night views© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼立面夜景,night view of facades© 邹林(阿尔法摄影)

▼总平面图,master plan©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

▼二层平面图,second floor plan©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

▼三层平面图,third floor plan©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

▼四层平面图,forth floor plan©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

▼五层平面图,fifth floor plan©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

▼地下层平面图,basement floor plan©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司



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