
懂智能的李星子 2024-09-06 03:50:36





















A large amount ofcapital poured into Viet Nam from China, contributing to the positivegrowth of local industrial production

Editor: Lucien

Dyeing and weavingfactory of Viet Nam JNSAN Dyeing and Weaving Co., Ltd. Picture fromYouth Daily

According to theVietnam News Agency, Singapore is still Viet Nam's largest source ofinvestment funds in terms of investment funds, but in terms ofinvestment projects, China ranks first, and a large amount of foreigncapital is pouring into Viet Nam from China.

For five years,China has been one of the top five countries investing in Viet Nam.According to statistics from the Foreign Investment Bureau of theMinistry of Planning and Investment of Viet Nam, in the first sevenmonths of this year, Singapore's investment in Viet Nam was nearlyUS$6.52 billion, accounting for nearly 36.2% of Viet Nam's totalinvestment, a year-on-year increase of 79%, making it the largestsource of investment in Viet Nam. Hong Kong, China, ranked secondwith an investment of US$2.19 billion, accounting for 12.2% of thetotal investment, a year-on-year increase of 1 times. This isfollowed by Japan and China. Despite this, China ranked first in thenumber of new investment projects, accounting for nearly 30% of thetotal number of investment projects in Viet Nam, a six-foldyear-on-year increase, and ranked sixth among the 146 investmentpartners investing in Vietnam.

Viet Nam's Ministerof Planning and Investment, Nguyen Chi Dung, stressed at a recentregular meeting of the government in July that "attractingforeign direct investment (FDI) funds continues to growsignificantly." In particular, the quality of FDI flows hasincreased dramatically as a result of careful and careful selectionto attract investment. ”

As of July 2024, thetotal registered capital of foreign direct investment in Viet Namexceeded US$18 billion, an increase of 10.9% over the same period in2023, according to the Foreign Investment Agency of the Ministry ofPlanning and Investment of Viet Nam. In the first seven months of2024, registered investment capital and realized investment capitalcontinued to grow year-on-year, increasing by 10.9% and 8.4%,respectively. Among them, the funds in place exceeded 12.55 billionUS dollars, a year-on-year increase of 8.4%. This is the highestamount of FDI capital achieved in 7 months in 5 years (2020-2024).

Minister of Planningand Investment Nguyen Chi Dung commented that the positive point thatit is easy to see is that many foreign investment from China comesfrom China's large-scale state-owned groups in the fields oftechnology, electrical and electronics, processing, manufacturing,infrastructure, renewable energy and electric vehicles.

Facts show that ifChina's foreign capital mainly flowed into solid wood furnitureprocessing and production, steel, leather shoes, clothing, foodprocessing and plastic packaging industries, in recent years, China'scapital has mainly flowed into high-tech industries, industrialproduction parts, accessories, electronics, automobiles, green energyand so on.

Up to now, manyprojects in China with hundreds of millions of dollars, or even $10billion, have been launched in Viet Nam, such as Goertek, BYD,Radian, Beijing BroTex, Wingtech, Deli, Trina Solar and other groups.

According to theGeneral Statistics Office of Viet Nam, industrial productionmaintained a positive growth momentum. The industrial productionindex is expected to rise 0.7% month-on-month and 11.2% year-on-yearin July. In the first seven months of 2024, the overall industrialproduction index is expected to increase by 8.5% compared to the sameperiod last year. It is worth noting that the index of industrialproduction rose in 60 places across the country, while only 3 placesdeclined.

Nguyen Sell,President of the Viet Nam Association of Foreign Investors, commentedthat the trade relations between Vietnam and China are complementaryin the structure of import and export of goods. The reason for theincreasing flow of money from China into Viet Nam is the strength ofthe country's domestic market. Many international organizationspredict that the actual FDI capital disbursed will be higher in thecoming period, driven by this dynamic.

At the same time,Viet Nam's business environment is also highly valued by the FDIbusiness community, and the completion of many large-scale projectsis a condition for the future wave of FDI investment, especiallyforeign investors are very interested in Viet Nam's semiconductorindustry.

Viet Nam's Ministerof Planning and Investment, Nguyen Chi Dung, highlighted keysolutions to facilitate the attraction of FDI capital flows. He saidthat the Ministry of Planning and Investment will urgently review andcompletely remove and deal with difficulties and obstacles ininstitutional, legal and administrative procedures in a timely mannerto create breakthrough momentum; At the same time, it will focus onattracting large-scale, high-quality, high-tech foreign directinvestment projects in processing, manufacturing, electronics,semiconductors and other industries.

Nguyen Chi Dung,Minister of Planning and Investment of Viet Nam, believes thatcooperation between the government and research institutes, schoolsand enterprises is an unprecedented lever for development andinnovation in the field of science and technology in Viet Nam. Thiscooperation will also be greatly supported when the "HumanResource Development Project for the Semiconductor Industry by 2030and Vision 2050" submitted by the Ministry of Planning andInvestment is approved by the government.

According to areport by S&P Global, an independent credit rating data sourceand index provider, Viet Nam's manufacturing purchasing managers'index (PMI) reached 54.7 points in July 2024, rising for fourconsecutive months and the highest level since November 2018.Significant improvements were made in all areas, including consumergoods, intermediate goods and basic investment goods.

Many importantindustries in Viet Nam's processing and manufacturing industry haveattracted a large number of laborers, and the production results arehigher than the same period last year, such as the power andelectronics industry, the wood and wood products industry, thetextile, clothing and footwear industry, iron and steel, chemicals,rubber, etc. In addition, the electricity production and distributionindustry increased year-on-year, continuing to meet the needs of thepeople's production, operation and consumption. Positive changes helpcreate optimism for foreign investors and reassure them aboutinvesting in Viet Nam.

Ms. Phan Thi Thanh,Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam, said that theabove results are due to positive changes in the production capacityof domestic industrial enterprises and are ready to seizeopportunities to enter new markets in the near future. At the sametime, the government and the prime minister's production supportpolicies such as the availability of public investment funds and theimplementation of key industrial projects have also strongly andpositively enhanced the confidence of domestic manufacturingenterprises and foreign enterprises; Positive results in attractingforeign investment (FDI) funding also contribute to increasingdomestic production capacity, among other things. The government,ministries and commissions, localities and enterprises work togetherto create conditions for enterprises to seize market opportunitiesand resume export orders, especially in key export areas Viet Namsuch as textiles, leather footwear, electronics, agriculturalproducts, and food.

However, despitesome improvements, the health of Viet Nam's domestic industrialproduction is still weak, and the bottleneck problem of industrialproduction has not been effectively overcome in the near future. ViceMinister Phan Thi Seng said that production still depends largely onexternal factors, especially the foreign sector. The added value ofdomestic industry is still low, auxiliary industries areunderdeveloped, and there are not many high-tech industrial productsin China.

At the same time,industrial production has not yet fully recovered, and industrialproduction in three places has experienced negative growth. Somemajor industrial production sectors such as smartphones, TVs,automobiles, etc., as well as some exports, such as footwear, timber,mobile phones and accessories, have recovered but have not yetrecovered to their peaks in 2022.

At the same time, inthe last few months of this year, the conflict situation in somecountries remains complex and unpredictable, the recovery of tradingpartners is still slow, the global supply chain and production chainmay be disrupted, and export activities continue to rely on themarkets and products of some foreign sectors. In addition, Viet Nam'smain exports to the EU or United States may still face pressure fromtrade defense investigations and technical barriers. The recovery ofthe domestic market is still slow, and the domestic price index isstill under pressure from a number of policies.

Therefore, Ms. Poonbelieves that many simultaneous, long-term and solid measures areneeded to ensure stable and sustainable growth of the industrialsector. Specifically, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will deployfour sets of measures to continue to promote industrial production.

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