
阿特网 2023-11-10 09:58:14

1967 出生于广东现居广东汕尾,自由艺术家1967 Born in GuangdongCurrently lives in Shanwei, Guangdong, a freelance artist

造化  布面丙烯  2021 Creation  Acrylic on canvas  90x90cm

造化  布面丙烯  2021 Creation  Acrylic on canvas  90x90cm

荷处相遇之二  纸本水墨  2021 185x95cm

荷处相遇之三  布面丙烯  2023 185x95cm

荷处相遇之四  纸本水墨  2023 90x90cm

荷处相遇之五  纸本水墨  2023 90x90cm

荷处相遇之六  纸本水墨  2023 90x90cm

荷处相遇之七  纸本水墨  2023 90x90cm

荷处相遇之八  麻纸彩墨  2023 180x45cmx3

荷处相遇之九  麻纸彩墨  2023 180x45cmx3

荷处相遇之十  纸本水墨  2023 180x95cm

主要展览2023“荷处相遇”水墨与青花瓷个展,火炉山艺术馆,广州,中国2021“造化”莲藕印象&空间美学个展,大芬美术馆,深圳,中国2016“笔墨精神”书艺·画艺·陶艺个展,上心堂画廊,南昌,中国2011“红色摇篮”当代陶瓷艺巡礼展,江西工艺美术馆,南昌,中国2011“景仰”书法·陶艺展,国际陶瓷艺术中心,景德镇,中国2011“和谐”群展,黑龙江国际文化艺术馆,哈尔滨,中国2010“亚洲运动会 · 丝绸之路文化展”群展,广州文化博物馆,广东,中国1983“莲花山下邑人书画展”群展,红场文化馆,广东,中国Selected Exhibitions2023 "Meeting at the Lotus" Ink and Blue and White Porcelain Solo Exhibition, Huolu Mountain Art Museum, Guangzhou, China2021 "Creation" Lotus Impression&Space Aesthetics Solo Exhibition, Dafen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China2016 "Spirit of Pen and Ink" Calligraphy, Painting, and Ceramics Solo Exhibition, Shangxintang Gallery, Nanchang, China2011 "Red Cradle" Contemporary Ceramic Art Tour Exhibition, Jiangxi Arts and Crafts Museum, Nanchang, China2011 "Respect and Admire" Calligraphy and Ceramics Exhibition, International Ceramic Art Center, Jingdezhen, China2011 "Harmony" Group Exhibition, Heilongjiang International Museum of Culture and Art, Harbin, China2010 "Asian Games · Silk Road Cultural Exhibition" Group Exhibition, Guangzhou Cultural Museum, Guangdong, China1983 "Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of People from the Same County under the Lotus Mountain" Group Exhibition, Hongchang Cultural Museum, Guangdong, China

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