
火斯探球 2023-12-28 13:44:10


He finally know how to play team basketball


Trying to improve his trade value to get to the Lakers


This is the kind of game I needed to redeem my faith. Win or lose I love the energy. Let's keep it goin we got 4 months to prove all the haters wrong

我需要这样一场比赛来重拾信心,无论输赢,我都喜欢这种能量。让我们继续努力,我们有 4 个月的时间来证明所有的仇敌都是错的。

Not bad for someone who quit on his team and is mentally checked out


Great game, not going to get too excited considering the Rockets were on a back to back and KD played 41 minutes but it was great to see us looking strong.

Azubuike needs a permanent roster spot, I’m sure he won’t play this well every game but his size is a deterrent under the rim and he communicates a lot defensively. Grayson and EG playing this well really opens up the floor for KD and Book, the offense just looked so much easier tonight, the pace was improved, turnovers still shitty but we created such a lead thankfully it didn’t matter. Let’s see if we can build on this.

这场比赛很棒,考虑到火箭队是背靠背作战,而且 KD 打了41分钟,我不会太兴奋,但看到我们看起来很强大,我很高兴。阿祖布克需要一个永久的大名单位置,我相信他不会每场比赛都打得这么好,但他的体型在篮下很有威慑力,而且他的防守沟通能力很强。格雷森-阿伦和戈登打得这么好,确实为 KD和布克打开了局面,今晚的进攻看起来轻松多了,节奏也有所改善,失误仍然很糟糕,但我们创造了如此大的领先优势,幸好这并不重要。让我们拭目以待,看看我们能否再接再厉。

16 shots is below his season average and 16 assists imply he’s just passing the ball to other guys

He’s clearly quiet quitting!

16 次投篮低于他的赛季平均水平,16 次助攻意味着他只是把球传给了其他人


Kevin has had 25+ points in 24 out of 26 games this season.

在本赛季的 26 场比赛中,凯文有 24 场得分至少25分。

The Phoenix Suns (15-15) have a better record than the Brooklyn Nets (15-16). Did KD make the right move to leave the Nets?

菲尼克斯太阳队(15 胜 15 负)的战绩好于布鲁克林篮网队(15 胜 16 负)。KD离开篮网队是正确的选择吗?

KD can score 30 any night, instead sacrifices 3 points to distribute 16 assists instead. See you in the Finals

KD 在任何一个夜晚都能得到30分,但他却牺牲了3分,换来了16次助攻。

No trade requests tonight


Hell of a response to the last few games and all the criticism he got for it


Everybody glazing Durand for 16 assists but when Giannis did a couple days ago non talk about and it was a career high. Turns the NBA isn't the only one who disrespects him


41 minutes wow


Kevin Durant apology form


Sorry but he should’ve been doing this from the beginning of his career


Suns played a complete game today. That’s all we wanted. Let’s hope the team builds on that.

Gordon made a statement, Allen was nice, Azubuike was a revelation, and KD played one of his best (if not the best?) game in a Suns uniform. actually look forward to the next Suns game which I haven’t felt in over a month lol.


戈登发表了声明,阿伦表现不错,阿祖布克让人眼前一亮,KD 打出了他身披太阳战袍时最好的一场比赛之一(如果不是最好的话?)实际上,我期待着下一场太阳队的比赛,我已经一个多月没有这种感觉了,哈哈。

Point KD Responed To all the Haters and Casuals in the perfect way everyone should give the Slim reaper a Apology 16 Assists Eric Gordon also went off on his old team that's why you give him a better role

KD 用完美的方式回应了所有黑子和闲杂人等,每个人都应该向这位死神道歉,16 次助攻。埃里克·戈登在对阵老东家时爆发,这就是为什么你给他一个更好的角色。

KD apologized to the fans by stepping up and stopping the turnovers. Don't get it twisted, he played poorly on Christmas and deserved the criticism, he's a grown man. We gave up a lot for him and our expectations are high. Whole team showed up to play today.


Dang KD finally trying to carry a load like Lebron and putting the team on his back for once in ways more than just scoring


I feel like this KD should be doing they don’t have a Point Guard anyway nd if he’s not doing it then Booker will but I think KD should tho maybe gives them a better chance to win more


They might consider running the offense through him more often. We are seeing incredible numbers from Durant, Curry, and Bron all over 34 and still going strong.

他们可能会考虑让他更多地参与进攻。我们看到杜兰特、库里和詹姆斯的数据都令人难以置信,他们都超过了 34 岁,而且依然保持着强劲的势头。

I really like this KD version, caring more about the assists than the points




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  • TJ 5
    2023-12-28 22:24


  • 2023-12-28 15:05


