
阿特网 2023-06-21 10:09:24


The works that Such As Shadow and Shape gradually shift from describing the scenery to understanding the inner world, which is a change in my own work.

如影如形之四  2014   布面油画 100x80cm


I hope the colors are extremely saturated, bright, and have a hue. But it can also be presented very thinly on the picture. Thin enough to see the fabric pattern and the background color and sketch depicted on the picture for the first time.

如影如形之三十七  2017   布面油画 180x120cm

那些若隐若现的草图,更让我有种惦记的感觉。颜色虽然很薄,但并不是加了很多的油,我只是希望它透明,然后用各种笔触,制造我需要的形影不离的东西。这在我内心酝酿了很久,很难挥去The vague sketches made me feel even more nostalgic. Although the color is very thin, it doesn't add a lot of oil. I just want it to be transparent and use various strokes to create the inseparable things I need. This has been brewing in my heart for a long time, and it's difficult to shake it off.

如影如形之四十五  2017   布面油画 150x120cm

我常常在梦里映射这些笔触和念头,在梦里一次又一次在我的画面里行走,走出来,走出去,仿佛在梦里时也在涂抹颜色。那些让我感觉到平滑柔和的基理和阴线阳线复杂的阴阳转换关系。而那些平涂的颜色,能让我的内心有种稳定的感觉, 这种稳定的感觉,让我的画面能够平静下来。

I often reflect these strokes and thoughts in my dreams, walking through my images time and time again, coming out, and going in, as if I were also painting colors in my dreams. Those made me feel the smooth and soft foundation and the complex yin-yang conversion relationship between Yin and Yang lines. And those flat colors can give me a sense of stability in my heart, which calms down my visuals.

如影如形之六十九  2019   布面油画 60x50cm

如影如形之七十一  2019   布面油画 60x50cm

如影如形同时也是线索,这个线索从很久远的地方连接到现在,或者是明代,或是元代。。。。。Such As Shadow and Shape, it is also a clue that has been connected from a long time ago to the present, whether in the Ming or Yuan dynasties......

玉兰花 No.19  2011  布面油画 100x80cm



In 2020, the oil painting work "All Flowers" began, which is a series of works related to flowers, continuing the depiction of magnolia in the previous stage of painting magnolia.

The "All Flowers" series is not limited to a specific type of flower or a specific category of flowers, it is a summary of the overall form of flowers. Flowers are a special thing that always leaves a different impression when they grow, bloom, and wither. Flowers are flowers, flowers are not flowers. Throughout history, literati have always placed hope on them.

所有的花 NO.12  2020  布面油画 160×120cm

所有的花 NO.16  2020  布面油画 140×100cm


When writing this group of works, try to let go of the differences in specific flower types as much as possible, and only use colors and brushstrokes to delicately depict their feelings. Don't be limited to the completeness of details, pursue the main idea, draw inspiration, and not be bound by concrete and abstract concepts. Let the colors contrast vividly, flow, and ultimately blend together.

所有的花 NO.36  2021  布面油画 200×140cm

所有的花 NO.37  2021  布面油画 200×140cm


The color of flowers is the brightest in nature, and it is precisely because of their freshness and floral charm that people particularly love and cherish flowers. The opening of flowers is in preparation for plants to bear fruits, so flowers are destined to be an excessive fruiting process. Without flowers, there is no fruit. Fig are not without flowers. Only it is hidden in the fruit to open.

所有的花 NO.37  2021  布面油画 200×140cm

所有的花 NO.60  2021  布面油画 160×120cm



These all constitute my understanding and characterization of flowers. When drawing, I only pay attention to the main idea and is not entangled in details, allowing one breath to flow freely from the first stroke to the end.

When drawing flowers, people are a bit tipsy. After painting, there will be a feeling of detachment. The blooming and fading of flowers, like the passage of time, are all an understanding of life.

游记 No.78  2023  布面油画  50x60cm


After several years of artistic practice, especially painting practice, I found a new connection point between Figurative art and Abstract art. This connection point is "abstract imagery", and Pumping is abstract pumping, meaning is the meaning of imagery. abstract imagery solves this transition problem between Figurative art and Abstract art. It makes painting more free and unaffected by theification between abstract and figurative.

游记 No.78  2023  布面油画  50x60cm

看风景的人 No.32  2023  布面油画 180x120cm


The new oil painting work "The Sightseer" in 2023 has added lyricism, with a wide range of strokes that express my reverence for reality, making the colors more diverse and the strokes more in line with the changes in form. Try to make it more perfect and stylish in terms of image processing. In line with my understanding of new landscapes, then continue to move forward and delve deeper into this style to gain more insights.

秦 蓁1982 生于山东,现居北京2005 毕业于解放军艺术学院2011 毕业于中央美术学院壁画系研究生班2011 被《时尚芭莎》列为中国 80 后艺术家最具收藏潜质前十名现任江苏省美术馆油画雕塑院专职画家,中国服装设计师协会会员。油画作品多次在保利、嘉德、瀚海拍卖并被多家机构及个人收藏。自 2008 年起,诸多油画作品既被《中国教育报》、《首席》杂志、《十方艺术》杂志、《新华日报》、《中国当代艺术年鉴》、《中国网络美术馆在线图录》、《中国艺术家辞典 2000-2010》、《家用汽车》、《2013 江苏省油画雕塑院名家邀请展作品集》、《中国当代艺术文献》、《环球艺术报》、《旋构塔-2015 中国青年艺术家推介计划展作品集》、《中国当代艺术名家——秦蓁作品集》、《油画界=锋锐》、《当代油画》等专集刊登发表,也被湖南、河北、天津、四川,安徽等美术出版社发行。

Qin  Zhen

1982 Born in Shandong2005 Bachelor degree Graduated from department of Oil Painting at PLA Academy of Art2011 Master degree Graduated from department of Mural Painting at China Central Academy of Fine Arts2011 Fashion bazaar ranked among the top ten Chinese post-80s artists with the most collection potentialNow a full-time painter of Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute of Jiangsu Art Museum and a member of China Fashion Designers Association. Oil paintings have been auctioned many times in Poly, Guardian, Hanhai and collected by many institutions and individuals. Since 2008, Many oil paintings have been published in "China Education Daily", "Chief" magazine, "Ten Arts" magazine, "Xinhua Daily", "Yearbook of Chinese Contemporary Art", "Online Atlas of China Online Art Museum", "Dictionary of Chinese Artists 2000-2010", "Family Car", "2013 Jiangsu Oil Painting and Sculpture Academy Invited Exhibition Works Collection of Jiangsu Art Museum ", "Chinese Contemporary Art Literature", "Global Art News", "Exhibition Collection of Xuangou Tower - 2015 Chinese  Young Artists Promotion Plan", "Qin Zhen, A Famous Chinese Contemporary Artist", "Oil Painting - Cutting Edge", "Contemporary Oil Painting" and other special collections were published, and also been published by Hunan, Hebei, Tianjin, Sichuan, Anhui and other fine arts publishing houses.

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