
阿特网 2023-12-05 10:07:19

生于北京现居北京,职业艺术家。Born in BeijingCurrently lives in Beijing, professional artist.

囍  综合材料  2015Double HappinessMixed media160×90cm






Cui Qi "Is"To say that Cui Qi has three  "Is";There's a "Is" at the end;The last "Is" is more important.When I saw Cui Qi, three "Is" immediately appeared in my mind. In fact, when you don't see her, as long as you think of her, you will also have such thoughts in your mind.

囍(局部)Double Happiness (Part)





The first 'Is', Cui Qi is Chinese. I am not referring to nationality, ethnicity, or blood relationship. And it refers to culture, cultural attributes. Have you been influenced by thousands of years of Chinese culture? Those who have been nurtured by such culture are Chinese people.

Cui Qi is a painter.

As a Chinese painter (not just a painter who paints Chinese ink and wash paintings), the important accomplishment is to have seen painted pottery, Dunhuang murals, Han Dynasty stone reliefs, woodcut New Year pictures, embroidery, Paper Cuttings, etc. Have you touched, felt, and loved them? Yes, it's from China, no, it's not.

Cui Qi not only saw it, but also absorbed it, digested it, and transformed into herself. Therefore, her paintings have a solid foundation and a strong sense of confidence, indicating that she has been influenced by Chinese culture and art.

骛  综合材料  2015Strive ForMixed media160x90cm


The second 'Is' , Cui Qi is from the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts. This art academy attaches great importance to Chinese ethnic and folk art, and its collection in this area is rich, perhaps one of the few in the country. In the early 1960s, Dean Zhang Ding invited me to his school to see these treasures. At that time, I didn't have time to go to Beijing. It wasn't until the mid-1980s that I went to his college and saw some of them. It was really exciting and I benefited a lot. I feel that this college places too much emphasis on the folk art, and it suits my taste too well. I don't know if Mr. Zhang looked at my painting or expressed my intention. Mr. Zhang came straight to the point and proposed to transfer me to his college. I was too surprised. I was startled first, and then I burst into joy. Before leaving, Dean Zhang firmly told me that he would handle it immediately upon returning to school. Later, due to an accident, so my matter was put on hold. However, Cui Qi was born in this college and grew up in this environment. She is fortunate enough to be close to water and have the moon first. When she opened her eyes, she saw the folk art, but when she closed her eyes, the folk art was still in her mind. She grew up soaking in the folk art dye vat, and the folk art had infiltrated her blood, deeply ingrained in her bones. In this way, the folk art will inevitably seep into her paintings, and the folk art will achieve her style. Her father is a professor of Central Institute of Fine Arts. She grew up in this environment, receiving the influence of the folk art. the folk art has unexpected beauty.

骛(局部)Strive For (Part)


The folk art is not for you to appreciate, but for you to enjoy beauty. This beauty will touch the nerves, shake the soul, and stir up changes in you, just like brewing and fermenting wine. This folk art will eventually become the wine of the Cui family. As expected, Cui Qi started innovating early on. While still in her student years, she participated in art exhibitions in Shanghai with her works, and that work also received high praise, with strong national characteristics and creativity. It is a Paper Cuttings work. Paper Cuttings is the earliest folk art in China and is considered the mother tongue of Chinese art. It can be seen that Cui Qi's art is rooted in the great art of China. However, Cui Qi's work is different from other Paper Cuttings. Its image is new, deformed, somewhat abstract and mysterious. It is totally her style, which is unique. In art, what can be more valuable than unique.

鬈  综合材料  2015CurlMixed media160x90cm




The third 'Is' , Cui Qi is from Beijing. It does not refer to place of origin, place of birth, or household registration. I am talking about magnanimity and courage. The magnanimity and generosity of a person are not just empty words, but real things. Beijing people are like this, and I have a deep understanding. Give me a personal example:

I am from the south, but I like the north. Of course, Beijing is my favorite city. When I was young, I also wanted to be transferred to Beijing through work. After retirement, I have no worries, even if I want to live in Beijing for a while. However, without a work unit, relatives, and nowhere to live, it was impossible to go. As a result, the wish of the northbound trip was postponed. I don't know why, but a painting friend in Beijing learned about it. He wrote a letter and said, 'Come on, there's a house available, you can go and live.'This painter is also a new acquaintance, how can i rashly move in? I said to pay his rent, but he flatly refused. In this way, I arrived in Beijing and lived there for several years. I visited many Beijing hutongs and bought some fun things at Panjiayuan. Finally, my trip to Beijing was successful.

It's my job to achieve my wish, and it's the painter who helped me achieve it. He's from Beijing, and only Beijing people can do this, which shows that Beijing people are authentic. Beijingers tend to view real estate houses that are highly valued by people in other cities as a trivial matter, and can be accommodated by whoever comes. Through this incident, I have gained a deeper understanding of Beijing people. Whenever I think of Beijing people, the word "authentic" comes to mind. Cui Qi is a native of Beijing, and she is an authentic Beijing native. If she is a Beijing native, she cannot lack this "authentic" identity. A few days ago, she also told me that she wanted to vacate a room at home for me to stay in.

鬈(局部)Curl (Part)



Painting is the voice of the heart, no, where does painting come from? Painting is silent, painting only has form. Therefore, painting is heart-shaped. Cui Qi's paintings are atmospheric, unlike those of women, like men's, like those of Western giants walking in the desert with camels.

It is the character of the large man, there is a large man style, In the student days, dare to send their own works to the exhibition, this is unprecedented, this is courage. The grandeur of a person is what makes the atmosphere of a painting great, this is the person as its painting, painting as its person.

粲  综合材料  2015BrightMixed media160×90cm



Alright, Cui Qi's three "Is" have been completed, so this article should be the end. However, there is still more to be desired, and there is an additional "Is" that has not been expressed. This is quite important, and it's really not enough not to say it. That's it, Cui Qi also has a name - Qi Er.

The word "Qi" is an inherent proprietary noun that was used very early on, while the word "Er" was added later, perfectly fitting and extremely appropriate, playing a role of coming from behind. Speaking of meaning, the meaning of this character is also quite diverse. Children are both sons and daughters, in short, they are all children, slightly older than dolls and slightly younger than young and mature teenagers, yet still immature. It is this that is not yet mature to be praised. Its advantage is that it has great plasticity, can do whatever you want, can encounter anything, can become anything, and the future is in your own requirements, can be low or high, can be small or large.

焱  综合材料  2015FlameMixed media160x90cm



Maturity is actually not a good thing. If a painter matures early, thinks she is right, feels good about herself, and all the good things from others are invisible. This is cocooning and crusting, stubborn. Is there still a way ahead for her? Can she still move forward? Will her future still be broad?

On the contrary, without maturity, there is no shaping, and there is plasticity. If it never matures, what is its plasticity? I can't estimate, infinity. Immature is childish, immature is childish forever, Childish is unique to children, childish is the golden age of children, childhood is called the golden age, all in the golden age, childish may be more precious than gold.

玺  综合材料  2015SealMixed media160×90cm


文/丁立人  2019年

A painter always wants to paint her work differently, and she also wants to paint her work differently from herself. Different is strange, strange is immature, immature is childish. Well, Cui Qi became Qi Er, only become Qi Er, is childish, immature, will draw a picture of both different others and different themselves, A painting of one's own appearance every day.

Text / Ding Liren, 2019

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