
访天评文化 2024-07-29 23:03:52

由于压载舱严重泄漏,货轮MV KUM JIN在马来西亚丹戎鲁海岸沉没。



尽管天气条件恶劣,MMEA还是迅速派遣救援船Perkasa 36前往该地区。

当他们到达时,他们发现MV KUM JIN处于危险的位置,来自印度尼西亚和缅甸的所有10名船员都试图安全撤离。

据MMEA雪兰莪分公司董事Abdul Muhaimin Muhammad Salleh船长称,船员们发现左前方压载舱有一条大裂缝,因此采取了紧急疏散措施。

船长Abdul Muhaimin说,该小组的首要任务是确保船上所有船员的安全。

包括53岁的印尼船长在内的所有船员都安全撤离到“Perkasa 36”号上。


不幸的是,尽管进行了这些尝试,但由于受损严重,MV KUM JIN最终沉没。

根据行业数据显示,该船由马来西亚AR Shipping公司所有,在灾难发生前曾参与沿海贸易活动。


▲Image Credits: Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency/Facebook

▲Image Credits: Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency/Facebook


The cargo ship MV KUM JIN sank off the coast of Tanjung Rhu in Malaysia due to a significant leak in its ballast tank.

The vessel, which was conducting coastal cargo operations in Malaysian seas, succumbed to the damage despite efforts by its crew, including the captain, to contain the situation.

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) responded to distress calls at about 3:35 a.m.(local time).

Despite adverse weather conditions, the MMEA dispatched its rescue vessel, Perkasa 36, to the area quickly.

When they arrived, they discovered the MV KUM JIN in a dangerous position, with all ten crew members from Indonesia and Myanmar attempting to evacuate safely.

According to Captain Abdul Muhaimin Muhammad Salleh, Director of MMEA’s Selangor branch, the crew discovered a major crack in the front left ballast tank, prompting urgent evacuation measures.

Captain Abdul Muhaimin stated that the team’s priority was to ensure the safety of all the crew members on board the vessel.

All crew members, including the 53-year-old Indonesian skipper, were safely evacuated aboard the Perkasa 36.

They were then transferred to the Pulau Indah Marine Police Base Jetty for further health examinations and procedures.

Unfortunately, despite these attempts, the MV KUM JIN finally sank due to the severity of the damage sustained.

According to industry data, the vessel, owned by Malaysian company AR Shipping, was involved in coastal trade operations before the catastrophe.

Maritime Malaysia has issued a cautionary advisory urging the public to stay updated on adverse weather changes and maritime safety practices.

免责申明:本文根据Container News, Free Malaysia Today等内容整理,如有误差,以英文为准;仅代表作者观点,不代表中国海员之家立场。其真实性及原创性未能得到中国海员之家证实,在此感谢原作者的辛苦创作,如转载涉及版权等问题,请作者与我们联系,我们将在第一时间处理,谢谢!联系邮箱:cnisu@54seaman.com

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