Seeyouagain.2016-10-2816:20 WhenIh

叶生游 2024-10-28 20:23:38

See you again. 2016-10-28 16:20 When I have finish my morning work, the quiet said to me little apple would come superstore buy something. Then I go into the store to search her, but I have no wear glasses, also not take new mobile phone. Fortunately, my colleague said she is there. When her have finish buy something, she have look at me and smile. That let me so happy, also I cannot take a photo, I will remember the moment forever… QQ空间说说的那年今日。2016年10月28日下午随笔,中式英语。 配图为2016年在四川省成都市金牛区万达广场华润万家超市工作时的随拍,同事名字里带有“萍”字,音同苹果的苹。 以前的流行歌曲为《小苹果》,现在最近流行的歌曲好像是《苹果香》,为啥歌曲名字如此喜欢苹果呢?

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