
叶生游 2024-10-30 12:20:18

There are no two identical leaves in the world. “世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶。” That’s true. 确实如此。 Mountains have their own height, 山有山的高度, water has its own depth, 水有水的深度, there is no need to compare. 没必要攀比。 The wind has its own freedom, 风有风的自由, and the clouds have their own tenderness, 云有云的温柔, there is no need to imitate. 没必要模仿。 If you think it's happy, 你认为快乐的, go find it. 就去寻找。 What you think is worth it, 你认为值得的, go and wait for it. 就去守候。 What you think is happy, cherish it. 你认为幸福的,就去珍惜。 There is nothing that is not criticized, 没有不被评说的事, and there is no one who is not speculated. 没有不被猜测的人。 Don't care too much about others' opinions, 别太在乎别人的看法, be true and simple yourself, 做真实朴实的自己, follow your heart, 依心而行, and you will have no regrets in this life. 才能无憾今生。 There are always a gentle breeze or two in this world, 总有人间一两风, filling my myriad dreams. 填我十万八千梦。 Strive to be a lovely person. 努力做一个可爱的人。 Don't blame anyone, 不埋怨谁, don't mock anyone, 不嘲笑谁, don't envy anyone, 也不羡慕谁, shine in the sunshine, 阳光下灿烂, run in the wind and rain, 风雨中奔跑, dream your own dreams, 做自己的梦, and walk your own path. 走自己的路。 每日英语|“世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶。”……走自己的路。 There are no two identical leaves in the world. That's true. Mountains have their own height, water has its own depth, there is no need to compare. The wind has its own freedom, and the clouds have their own tenderness, there is no need to imitate. If you think it's happy, go find it. What you think is worth it, go and wait for it. What you think is happy, cherish it. There is nothing that is not criticized, and there is no one who is not speculated. Don't care too much about others' opinions, be true and simple yourself, follow your heart, and you will have no regrets in this life. There are always a gentle breeze or two in this world, filling my myriad dreams. Strive to be a lovely person. Don't blame anyone, don't mock anyone, don't envy anyone, shine in the sunshine, run in the wind and rain, dream your own dreams, and walk your own path. 来源:视频号,璠心素语。图文无关

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